You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
Into the shop
You decide to go into the shop to look around.
Inside it is very dusty and is crammed with shelves. There is lots of products that overflow from the shelves and are lying on the floor.
You notice the counter and the old man in a bathrobe behind it. "Welcome <<your name here>>" he says. "How do you know my name?" you ask the old man "Simple, I am a wizard" he responds "Have a look around too see if there is anything you would like to buy".
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
You see a small statue on one of the shelves, it appears to be a small golden cat.
Picking it up, you feel a slight tingle run through your body. Shrugging it off, you put the statue back. Soon, though, you feel you legs start to cramp up.
You sit down and pull your shoes off to see them cover in short golden fur as they slowly shift. Soon both legs are unrecognizable as your own, and look like those of a large cat, almost the same colour as the statue.
The gold fur spreads it's way up your body to your waist, and a sharp pain marks the arrival of your tail, which rapidly grows from the base of you spine. You swish it from side to side, and marvel at the feeling. The fur continues to spread across your chest and back, and soon travels down your arms.
With some relief you notice your hands aren't changing into paws, but do notice as claws push their way painfully out of your fingertips. Only your head is left, but it too is covered in fur. Your notice your ears begin to grow larger pointy, and grow to the top of your head through your hair, which has turned a slightly darker than your skin. You notice your vision get distorted as your nose and mouth push out into a short cat-like muzzle, with your tongue lengthening to match. The change is nearly complete as your old teeth fall out to be replaced with a much sharper set, and you feel whiskers grow and twitch on the sides of your face.
You look at yourself in a mirror, and notice you look like many depictions of the Egyptian goddess Bast, although your clothing doesn't suit your new form...
Written by Vanghar on 18 October 2006
Oh Me Goddess
You find a mirror and look closer at you new form. Bast in jeans. Terrific.
The wizard appears beside you. "Well met, my goddess," he says. "Is the new avatar to your liking?"
A soft voice purrs. "Indeed it is. You have served me well, high priest."
You realize to your horror that the voice is coming from your own throat. It's like something (a goddess?) has taken over your body and controls it. (A GODDESS??)
"Get out of my head you maniac!" you scream, or try to. What comes out your mouth is a calm "The avatar seems quite upset though. Did you inform her properly before the summoning?"
"Well, no," the old man admits. "She just came in here and accidentally started it on her own."
Bast crosses your arms and looks sternly at her servant. "How many times must I tell you to be careful about storing the artifacts?" she asks rhetorically.
Without moving, the goddess somehow manages to indicate that she turns her attention to you. During her little speech you notice that the wizard does not seem to hear her, and realize that she is talking directly to your mind.
"Well then, Miss Avatar. We shall call you that as we do not know your real name and it is of little consequence anyway. Are you ready for a delayed orienteering, or are you going to keep fighting me?"
"I'll be good!" you whimper. "Please don't hurt me! I just want my life back."
"Will you serve me then?"
"What if I don't?"
"Then you die."
"But I won't tell a living soul! Or the dead..."
"This is not about the information (Who would believe you anyway?), it's the way things are. I can only leave an avatar when it dies or my need for it expires."
"I see. Hobson's choice, then? What is this all about anyway?"
"As you may have perceived, I am the goddess Bast..."
"Well duh!"
"DO you have a death wish?"
"Sorry. Go on. I'm a captive audience."
"I shall pretend I did not hear that. That, however, is my last act of good will. Getting down to the matter at paw, I have things to do on this plane. Goddess business. I need a physical form for this, an avatar. By accident, you are it. The business will take about a week. I shall require full control for about thirty hours. If you have acquired the needed skills by then, you can take over and act on my behalf. Questions?"
"What skills?"
"Not ones you currently possess. They will be taught you. I shall try anyway."
"What about my body?"
"I will do my best to keep it from getting injured. Any damage suffered will be repaired."
"Swell, but I meant will I be like before?"
As the goddess turns to face the mirror you realize the wizard has left on some business or other. She starts pulling at your clothes, and you realize she wants to undress, so you give her some hints before she resorts to claws. You have a feeling that the promise to avoid and repair damage does not extend to your attire.
Within a minute you stand gazing at Bast's furry reflection together, crumpled clothes at your feet.
Naked cat goddess. Now there's something you don't see every day!
"Do you like this body?" she asks.
You try to be diplomatic. "Well, you know what they say - it's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there."
She bristles. "Would you turn down this gift?"
"No, no! It's just, you know..."
"Obviously I don't."
"It... ah... it would not be appropriate for my lifestyle. I mean, could you see this body doing dishes or taking out the garbage?"
Bast stands quiet for a while, her tail swishing ominously. Then you realize she's purring. "Sly," she remarks. "Keep that up and I shall have to make you a fox. Anyway, you can have this form or your own back. Which of us makes the choice and what my choice will be, depends on how well you serve me. If you are good, I will give you a choice of any form you want. If you are very good,you can have a choice of any two forms and the ability to change at will."
She pauses. "That is all I can tell you before you choose. What will it be then?"
While you stand pondering, the wizard reappears carrying a stack of clothes and other paraphernalia. Of course. Bast does not want to wear your clothes any more than she wants to wear your body. Or you hers... in everyday life, that is.
What will it be then...?
Written by Won-Tolla on 31 May 2007
Partial Accommodations
You start to focus on this foreign reflection in the mirror. Before your very eyes your body begins to shift and change once more, winding up as a very familiar human form. You sigh in relief, rubbing your smooth, hairless face in disbelief. This is your body, no feline features, no womanly curves or body parts, just your average body. Some small sliver of your mind believes that this means the whole strange ordeal is over, but the rational part of your mind knows better than that. Bast has possessed you, there’s nothing you can do about that. But right now you can try to cling to some of the comfort this body offers.Your relief and relative enjoyment are quickly cut off as that woman’s voice escapes from your mouth once again.
"I see..." Bast remarks, "It's certainly... a body."
"H-hey, it's my body! It certainly beats..." You quickly trail off, not wanting to anger Bast any more than she may already be with you. Whatever this weird cat goddess is or whatever she wants, she means business. "Nevermind," you grumble, hanging your head in resignation.
"You are already learning your place as a host, excellent. Now then, as an initial test of my power we shall-," Bast begins to say.
"Wait, wait, wait... you're jumping into doing stuff already?" You frown at the idea of jumping right into some godly action. "You're in a human body now, you should probably relax for a bit! Let both of us uh... recharge?"
"What he says does make sense my Goddess," adds the man who had summoned Bast. Despite being called a high priest by Bast he looks like a fairly average man in his late forties or early fifties."Your endurance and stamina outmatch any human's, but your power isn't limitless, it may be best to allow your host body to rest before exerting yourself."
"...Very well," Bast sighs, "we shall rest up and then demonstrate my power at our earliest convenience.” You feel your face twist into a coy grin as Bast speaks, “see? You cannot say I am cruel or ruthless goddess~!”
You begrudgingly exchanges contact info with this "High Priest of Bast". In truth, his name is Carter, a dropout former anthropology major who became fascinated with depictions of the goddess Bast. He seems nice enough if you can ignore the fact that he forced you to become the vehicle of a goddess’s will. Other than that, he’s just swell.
“I must say My Goddess, you looked absolutely radiant in that first form. I do hope you will wear it again soon,” High Priest Carter exclaims as he looks you over.
“Um… thanks, but I still really don’t like the idea of parading around as a feline all day. Your fault for picking an unwilling male to be the host,” you huff as you cross your arms.
“Ah, I see she’s still letting you speak at the moment,” Carter sighs, “very well, if it is her will for you to speak, then you shall speak…”
You can tell he’s more than a little crestfallen about the fact he’s talking to you and not his goddess. It’s not hard to see why he’s upset, but you really can’t bring yourself to care all that much. Bast takes over your voice for a brief moment to say her goodbyes to her High Priest before allowing you to walk back to your home. At first Bast seemed adamant on staying here with her priest, but you managed to sway her enough to convince her that staying away from her priest would keep suspicions about her returns to a minimum. For being an all powerful ancient goddess, Bast certainly does seem to buy into what people say fairly quickly. Perhaps it’s not her being gullible, but rather her just… going with the flow? It’s hard to say really.
Written by Kolaghan on 04 August 2018
Back Home
Once back at your place it doesn’t take long for Bast to begin reprimanding you. Every little detail that is not exactly to her liking is nitpicked without remorse. She nags both internally and externally as you flop onto the couch to try and escape this nightmare for a while. Once she finds that you’re not going to egg her on by arguing or grovel and beg for forgiveness she simply drops the matter all together and goes quiet.
From there she does ask you a few questions, mostly about the world and its state of being. Questions like “How is the Roman Empire doing?” and “Have horses become obsolete yet?” There’s almost a cuteness to her curiosity, a strange disconnect that makes you forget she’s an immortal goddess wearing your body like a Halloween costume. You answer her questions to the best of your ability and appease her wonder for the most part.
“You know what they say about cats and curiosity,” you joke casually after she begins to ask yet another question.
“...Yes! Of course I do!” Bast reaffirms in as unaffirmative a way imaginable.
“It’s that curiosity killed the cat,” you respond with a roll of your eyes.
“Blasphemy! No feelings of curiosity would ever kill me! I am eternal! I am-”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s called a figure of speech! Lighten up…”
“Are you calling me heavy?! I’ll have you know this is your body so if it’s out of shape that’s all on you!” You feel your arms cross as Bast huffs indignantly in your head. Is this really a goddess or some kid?
“Another figure of speech. We’ll have to work on those, you obviously don’t have the nuances of the English language hammered out,” you take a deep breath and shut your eyes for a moment. That moment stretches on for a while though, your eyes refuse to open as the warm embrace of sleep begins to creep over you.
“...What’s English?” Bast’s question almost pierces the veil of sleep, but not quite. You drift off, carting her active mind with you to dreamland as you forget about all your worries and simply sleep.
Written by Kolaghan on 07 August 2018
When you wake up things just aren’t right. First things first: you’re lying on the ground, and not just the carpeted floor of your apartment. No, you’re lying in a grassy outdoors area, one that definitely doesn’t look like anywhere near home. If you had to venture a guess as to where you are you’d have to say Africa. From the sprawling grasslands, to the warmth around you, to the antelope bounding in the distance… it’s a fairly safe bet you’re in the continent of Africa. You’d assume this is some insane dream or something, but after everything you’ve been through so far, you’re not even phased by this.
The next thing you notice is your body. You’re not you anymore, you’re in that body from before again. It feels strangely warm, your tail flicks behind you lazily as you come to your senses. That sensitive nose of yours takes in the scents and smells of the world around you. Maybe if you weren’t stuck as a female cat you’d enjoy the sensory and strength enhancements, but this is all still a little too much for you to deal with right now.
This time Bast hasn’t even done you the favor of letting you keep your own, if a bit ill fitting clothes. Instead you’re dressed like you’re straight from a hieroglyph. Your shapely body is clad in a soft white dress of Egyptian cotton, necklaces adorn your neck as bracelets do your wrists. Even your feline ears are pierced, each one having a small golden ankh dangling from it. It’s a fitting look for your body but definitely nothing you’d ever want to be caught dead wearing.
“So, Bast,” you managed to say after several minutes, “why am I in your body again and, maybe more importantly, why the hell are we in Africa?!”
“Ah, so you recognize Africa, good, an educated host.” Bast replies, seemingly ignoring your questions.
“Yes, good for me, now give me some kind of an explanation!”
“Very well, do not lose your temper my host,” Bast retorts as she stands the two of you up. It seems like Bast is going to be in the driver’s seat for a while, given how she didn’t even ask to take control of motor functions. “This is merely a test of our combined power.”
“So what, you just wanted to test if you can teleport?”
“That’s a part of it, yes,” says Bast, “but the real test is right over that ridge…”
Written by Kolaghan on 10 August 2018
Bast leads you over to the ridge in question. As the two of you peer over, it becomes clear what she’s referring to. There’s a group of men, five to be exact, sitting around and drinking as they clean their rifles. Four of the men are obviously tourists. They’re middle aged white guys dressed up in khaki clothes and pith helmets. The fifth man seems to be a guide of sorts, a younger looking African man leaning against the party’s jeep.
“Who are they?” You ask. For a split second you worry about giving away your position but it seems like Bast controls the vocal cords too, for your question only echoes in your thoughts.
“Poachers, humans who paid gross amounts of money to illegally hunt. And do you know what creature it is they aim to hunt this day?” Bast asks, her words also internalized. It’s like a telepathic conversation almost.
“No… And honestly I have no idea how you’d know either…” You reply.
“Lions,” she says in a flat, bitter tone. “Their aim is to slaughter a pride of lions and take their carcasses as trophies!”
“Oh… Do you have like, some psychic connection with lions or something? I still don’t know how you found these guys.”
“It doesn’t matter!” Bast exclaims, “these foolish men will be the perfect practice for our powers. I will not force you to to do the act yourself, you may simply use this time as a chance to observe and learn. Now then, let us begin!”
Written by Kolaghan on 14 August 2018
Without a moment’s hesitation Bast leaps from the ridge and down to the small camp. Fear fills your heart as you feel your body fall at a rapid speed from a height of several feet. Much to your relief however Bast lands gracefully on her paws, not even shaken by her jump. She tilts her head upwards and takes a deep breath before looking at the stunned poachers.
“H-how did you do that?!” you ask.
“Simple, my dear host, a cat always lands on her feet.”
You groan internally as Bast steps towards the poachers. The youngest of the four tourists grabs his rifle and aims it at you. Although you’re reasonably afraid of having a hunting rifle pointed at your torso, Bast does not seem phased in the slightest. She simply takes another step forward, hands on her hips.
“Wh-what do you want? And what’s with that costume?!” Asks the young man, his hands shaking as he points the gun.
“I wish to end your disgraceful poaching once and for all. This shall be the last day you ever hold a gun.” Bast remarks in a stern, threatening tone.
The young man wastes no time trying to fire his gun at Bast. However it jams up almost instantly, not letting a single shot go off. He nervously tries to unjam his gun but to no avail, it simply will not work. The others, sensing their hunting companion is having trouble, try to fire a warning shot with their guns, not as directly violent as his actions but with similar intentions. However even their shots fail to fire.
“Pitiful, absolutely pitiful,” Bast chides as her eyes begin to glow. “I hope your last actions with human hands were worthwhile, for you shall have them no longer.”
Written by Kolaghan on 17 August 2018
All at once the poachers’ and their guide’s hands seize up in pain. They watch helplessly as their fingers shrink and widen. Soft tawny fur grows on the backs of their hands as their fingernails shrink and sharpen into retractable black claws. Their palms get rough as paw pads grow out. Within seconds the men have lost their opposable thumbs, leaving them completely incapable of picking up the guns that they had dropped.
“How the hell?!” Asks one of the poachers, staring down at his paws in disbelief. “This can’t be real…”
You almost can emphasize with his disbelief. You can’t help but wonder how long it will take until things like this are going to feel normal for you, like men growing paws or you wearing Ancient Egyptian cosplay. Bast notices your mind wandering and claps her hands together, snapping you back to reality as you watch Bast continue her show.
“And now to make your feet match those lovely paws of yours…” Bast coos softly.
The youngest of the group loses his balance instantly. He falls backwards, his thick boots slipping off his feet as sharp claws begin to poke through his socks. The young man awkwardly tries to remove his socks, thankfully having figured out how to retract his claws by now. By the time he manages to take a sock off his foot and his paws look almost one and the same.
As the poacher tries to stand back up, he finds that his feet just can’t support his weight for long. Even though his leg muscles are shifting and changing, he just can’t manage to stand properly, let alone walk around. Each attempt would only succeed in the young man falling right back onto his back. He grumbles weakly, getting frustrated very quickly, tears stinging his eyes as he keeps up the futile attempts. The young man is so caught up in the moment he doesn’t notice that not only his, but all of his companions’ clothes have vanished into thin air.
“You lot are not worthy of standing on your hind legs. But do not worry, your bodies will catch up to your legs in no time.” Bast remarks, crossing her arms.
Written by Kolaghan on 20 August 2018
One by one each of the men feel their backs snap into place. They wince, feeling their spine realign to stand on all fours. The small consolation of being able to stand comfortably does not come close to making up for the fact that fur is slowly growing over their arms and legs. The guide starts to slowly slink away, his steps uneasy and off balance. Bast, noticing this, uses her magic to drag him back over to join the others.
“None shall escape Bast’s judgement! Now let us strip you of that manhood you seem oh so proud of!” Bast cries.
In a split second every single one of these ‘men’ recognize what is missing. A few of them reach down to feel the much more smooth, flat surface down there, while the others are too shocked and scared to confirm it. Their torsos heat up ever so slightly as feline teats grow in, small rows of flesh primed to deliver milk to the young of a pride. Because that is what Bast intends to create out of these pitiful poachers: a proper pride.
Their faces also begin to shift and change as well. Their rough, masculine features begin to soften and smooth out, their eyes grow larger, their eyelashes longer, and their lips far more luscious. The tourists also notice as the parts of their body not covered by fur begin to darken. Once all pale white, save for the unfortunate fellow with a sunburn, all of the former tourists are now a similar skin tone as their guide. They look at each other in disbelief, seeing not a group of men but what looks more like young African women.
“J-Jim? Is that you?” Asks one of the newfound women. She recoils at the sound of her own voice, it’s so soft and reserved now!
“Uh-huh, what the hell is this bitch doing to us?! This can’t be real!” Replies the once and former Jim. She winces, feeling her tail grow in slowly but surely, moving back and forth like a snake being charmed.
“I am giving your sad lot purpose and a chance to absolve yourself of your crimes,” remarks Bast. “You all should thank me for being so merciful.”
Written by Kolaghan on 24 August 2018
“Merciful?!” Yowls the former guide, “you’ve turned us into monsters, freaks!”
“Ah, you say that now, but you all have yet to see the extent of the gift I’ve given you.” Bast retorts with a knowing grin. “You all are now members of a special pride of lions, modeled after similar creations I made back in my time. I believe humans took to calling you all… sphinxes?”
Sure enough, each of the former poachers do indeed look like sphinxes. Their bodies are all lionlike with strong paws and sleek lion fur. Yet their heads are distinctly those of human females, save for their bright feline eyes and their lion ears atop their heads. The group look each other over, coming to terms with their bodies. You’re mesmerized by how easily she did this to them, you remember how minutes ago this was just a group of average humans. It makes sense given how your body changed so easily with her influence, but watching it happen to a group of people is something else all together.
“Wh-what do you have in store for us next?” Asks the one who used to be Jim, the youngest of the poachers.
“I’m glad you asked,” Bast remarks, clapping her hands together once more.
A lioness suddenly is lying in front of the former poachers. They recoil in shock, clambering to get away as far as their still foreign bodies can take them. However they quickly learn that the lioness has no interest in giving chase. Bast uses her magic to push the sphinxes closer as she begins to change the lioness as well.
The magnificent beast is slowly stretched and reshaped, her strong hind legs straightening out more and more into a digitigrade structure. Her torso grows broad and strong, almost human like in shape, her forelegs reshaping into arms. Within mere moments there is no longer a simple lioness standing before them, but an anthropomorphic lion! It looks around, confused for a moment, before its eyes widen. Bast has just gifted the lioness with intelligence on par with a human. It reaches up and rubs its head, looking down at its body in mystified wonder.
Written by Kolaghan on 27 August 2018
A new leader
“How did… What in the…?” The lioness looks at Bast for answers.
“It can talk?!” Squeals one of the sphinxes who quiets up the moment Bast shoots him a glare.
“Do not worry my child,” Bast retorts, placing a hand on the lioness’s shoulder. “These sphinxes were once humans who aimed to slaughter you and many other lions. So I have intervened to punish them accordingly. I have chosen you to lead their pride, if you choose to do so.”
You can’t help but notice that Bast regards this lion with more respect and tact than any human she has spoken with thus far. It’s probably favoritism, or maybe just a general disdain for humans in general. Either way you do feel perhaps a tad bit jealous of this preferential treatment she’s giving a random cat.
“But,” the lion responds, “only a male can lead a pride…”
Bast smirks, holding the lioness’s chin as a thick, luscious mane grows around her face. “That is just one of many things I am able to fix.”
The lioness smiles, feeling her new mane. Without another word she simply nods, taking this gracious Gift from bast with a grin on her face. Womanhood melts into manhood. Thick muscles ripple across the lion’s flesh, he grows taller and stronger and more dominant. He feels instincts of leadership course through him, this innate ability to make choices and command others. And he knows exactly who it is he shall command. His sphinxes, a group of lovely lionesses repaying for their sins. He’ll rehabilitate them, start families with them, make them into proper lions like the ones they once aimed to slaughter.
“Thank you Bast,” remarks the lion as he steps towards his uneasy pride. “I will treat them with grace and compassion, showing them more than they ever thought to show me.”
One of them flinches as he reaches down to pet her. Her worries to quickly fade as that sweet sensation of being pet washes over. A soft, eager purr escapes her throat as he closes her eyes, just loving the whole feeling. She doesn’t even hear her sisters berate her, she just feels his strong, gentle paws and feels safe.
“It is no problem my child, and if poachers ever threaten your new pride, well, I’ll be sure to protect you as best I can.” Bast smiles warmly as the two of you vanish from Africa, landing back on your couch with a soft thud.
Written by Kolaghan on 30 August 2018
Back home
“Well, I hope you learned from that!” Bast remarks, stretching out on the couch.
“I uh, I think I did? Can we turn back to normal now?” You ask bashfully.
“What do you mean, my host? We are- ah! Your chosen form. Of course…” Bast sighs, slowly reverting your shared body back to that of a human. You instantly feel far more comfortable, back in your loose shirt and jeans.
“Thank you,” you remark, at least trying to be amicable despite the situation.
“But of course, a promise is a promise. It simply slipped my mind you are uncomfortable in my more proper form.”
“It’s not that I’m uncomfortable it’s just… this body gives me some sort of normality, something I can hold on to. If that makes any sense.”
“It does not,” Bast replies dryly, “but I do not pretend to understand the inner workings of humans, so I’ll play along for the time being.”
“Thanks…” you sigh, “So… are those poachers just stuck like that forever now? What about their family and friends? The flights they probably had scheduled? People are going to notice they’re gone, let alone the pride of sphinxes in the Serengeti!”
“Of course people will notice! I do not aim to hide my actions. The gods and goddesses of old are returning, and we do not aim to keep our actions secrets. We were worshiped and revered in the past, why not now?”
“Well, the world has changed a lot… It’s not as simple as it was back in the ancient times.”
“Are you implying being a deity was ever simple? Humans are infuriatingly confusing things, not anything like my lovely felines. Managing a position as a goddess is absolutely draining, things will be difficult like they always have been.” Bast retorts. “But you’ll get to have a front row seat to that, won’t you my host?”
“Yeah, I guess I will…”
Written by Kolaghan on 02 September 2018