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Falling emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Without a moment’s hesitation Bast leaps from the ridge and down to the small camp. Fear fills your heart as you feel your body fall at a rapid speed from a height of several feet. Much to your relief however Bast lands gracefully on her paws, not even shaken by her jump. She tilts her head upwards and takes a deep breath before looking at the stunned poachers.


“H-how did you do that?!” you ask.


“Simple, my dear host, a cat always lands on her feet.”


You groan internally as Bast steps towards the poachers. The youngest of the four tourists grabs his rifle and aims it at you. Although you’re reasonably afraid of having a hunting rifle pointed at your torso, Bast does not seem phased in the slightest. She simply takes another step forward, hands on her hips.


“Wh-what do you want? And what’s with that costume?!” Asks the young man, his hands shaking as he points the gun.


“I wish to end your disgraceful poaching once and for all. This shall be the last day you ever hold a gun.” Bast remarks in a stern, threatening tone.


The young man wastes no time trying to fire his gun at Bast. However it jams up almost instantly, not letting a single shot go off. He nervously tries to unjam his gun but to no avail, it simply will not work. The others, sensing their hunting companion is having trouble, try to fire a warning shot with their guns, not as directly violent as his actions but with similar intentions. However even their shots fail to fire.


“Pitiful, absolutely pitiful,” Bast chides as her eyes begin to glow. “I hope your last actions with human hands were worthwhile, for you shall have them no longer.”


Written by Kolaghan on 17 August 2018


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