When you wake up things just aren’t right. First things first: you’re lying on the ground, and not just the carpeted floor of your apartment. No, you’re lying in a grassy outdoors area, one that definitely doesn’t look like anywhere near home. If you had to venture a guess as to where you are you’d have to say Africa. From the sprawling grasslands, to the warmth around you, to the antelope bounding in the distance… it’s a fairly safe bet you’re in the continent of Africa. You’d assume this is some insane dream or something, but after everything you’ve been through so far, you’re not even phased by this.
The next thing you notice is your body. You’re not you anymore, you’re in that body from before again. It feels strangely warm, your tail flicks behind you lazily as you come to your senses. That sensitive nose of yours takes in the scents and smells of the world around you. Maybe if you weren’t stuck as a female cat you’d enjoy the sensory and strength enhancements, but this is all still a little too much for you to deal with right now.
This time Bast hasn’t even done you the favor of letting you keep your own, if a bit ill fitting clothes. Instead you’re dressed like you’re straight from a hieroglyph. Your shapely body is clad in a soft white dress of Egyptian cotton, necklaces adorn your neck as bracelets do your wrists. Even your feline ears are pierced, each one having a small golden ankh dangling from it. It’s a fitting look for your body but definitely nothing you’d ever want to be caught dead wearing.
“So, Bast,” you managed to say after several minutes, “why am I in your body again and, maybe more importantly, why the hell are we in Africa?!”
“Ah, so you recognize Africa, good, an educated host.” Bast replies, seemingly ignoring your questions.
“Yes, good for me, now give me some kind of an explanation!”
“Very well, do not lose your temper my host,” Bast retorts as she stands the two of you up. It seems like Bast is going to be in the driver’s seat for a while, given how she didn’t even ask to take control of motor functions. “This is merely a test of our combined power.”
“So what, you just wanted to test if you can teleport?”
“That’s a part of it, yes,” says Bast, “but the real test is right over that ridge…”
Written by Kolaghan on 10 August 2018