Partial Accommodations
You start to focus on this foreign reflection in the mirror. Before your very eyes your body begins to shift and change once more, winding up as a very familiar human form. You sigh in relief, rubbing your smooth, hairless face in disbelief. This is your body, no feline features, no womanly curves or body parts, just your average body. Some small sliver of your mind believes that this means the whole strange ordeal is over, but the rational part of your mind knows better than that. Bast has possessed you, there’s nothing you can do about that. But right now you can try to cling to some of the comfort this body offers.Your relief and relative enjoyment are quickly cut off as that woman’s voice escapes from your mouth once again.
"I see..." Bast remarks, "It's certainly... a body."
"H-hey, it's my body! It certainly beats..." You quickly trail off, not wanting to anger Bast any more than she may already be with you. Whatever this weird cat goddess is or whatever she wants, she means business. "Nevermind," you grumble, hanging your head in resignation.
"You are already learning your place as a host, excellent. Now then, as an initial test of my power we shall-," Bast begins to say.
"Wait, wait, wait... you're jumping into doing stuff already?" You frown at the idea of jumping right into some godly action. "You're in a human body now, you should probably relax for a bit! Let both of us uh... recharge?"
"What he says does make sense my Goddess," adds the man who had summoned Bast. Despite being called a high priest by Bast he looks like a fairly average man in his late forties or early fifties."Your endurance and stamina outmatch any human's, but your power isn't limitless, it may be best to allow your host body to rest before exerting yourself."
"...Very well," Bast sighs, "we shall rest up and then demonstrate my power at our earliest convenience.” You feel your face twist into a coy grin as Bast speaks, “see? You cannot say I am cruel or ruthless goddess~!”
You begrudgingly exchanges contact info with this "High Priest of Bast". In truth, his name is Carter, a dropout former anthropology major who became fascinated with depictions of the goddess Bast. He seems nice enough if you can ignore the fact that he forced you to become the vehicle of a goddess’s will. Other than that, he’s just swell.
“I must say My Goddess, you looked absolutely radiant in that first form. I do hope you will wear it again soon,” High Priest Carter exclaims as he looks you over.
“Um… thanks, but I still really don’t like the idea of parading around as a feline all day. Your fault for picking an unwilling male to be the host,” you huff as you cross your arms.
“Ah, I see she’s still letting you speak at the moment,” Carter sighs, “very well, if it is her will for you to speak, then you shall speak…”
You can tell he’s more than a little crestfallen about the fact he’s talking to you and not his goddess. It’s not hard to see why he’s upset, but you really can’t bring yourself to care all that much. Bast takes over your voice for a brief moment to say her goodbyes to her High Priest before allowing you to walk back to your home. At first Bast seemed adamant on staying here with her priest, but you managed to sway her enough to convince her that staying away from her priest would keep suspicions about her returns to a minimum. For being an all powerful ancient goddess, Bast certainly does seem to buy into what people say fairly quickly. Perhaps it’s not her being gullible, but rather her just… going with the flow? It’s hard to say really.
Written by Kolaghan on 04 August 2018