Costume Removal
A shiver runs through your body. This is it, the final riddle! That means that the costume is coming off, which means that you’re going back to normal, right? But despite your hopes, you don’t feel the tingles coming to sweep away the rest of your inconsistencies.
Pulling his arms from around you, the man steps back with a grin on his face. “Well, it seems I’ve answered your riddle. I suppose getting a reward from your sexy self wouldn’t be a possibility?”
You gasp and cover up your chest again, blushing furiously.
“Ah, I thought not. Well, I hope our paths cross again someday, my beautiful sphinx.” With that, he walks away from you, continuing down the path he had been on. It might have been your imagination but…you could have sworn that you saw a glint in his eyes. Something more than satisfaction…almost…pride?
Not that you have time to worry about that now. You glance down at yourself…and see the same body you had last time you checked. A sexy sphinx in a partly human form. But…but getting the three riddles solved was supposed to remove the costume and return you back to normal.
Wait…no. The instructions had said that it would remove the costume…but that was it. A chill settles on your skin as you realize the truth. The costume was the connection between your old self and the new self. Removal of the costume didn’t mean going back to normal…it meant severing off any chance you had of changing back. By trying to get out of your transformation, you had merely sealed your fate.
Weakly flapping into the air, you float away, looking for more mortals to assail with riddles. You have very little choice in the matter now, after all.
Written by Kinky Chameleon on 03 July 2018
The end (for now)