Walking Stick Man.
There! On a thin, dust-covered road, you spot a man in a wide hat moving along with a walking stick. Not exactly sure why, you time your flight to pass as a mysterious shadow over his head, then slowly hover down on top of a nearby boulder, your weight resting on the smooth surface with a certain finality. The man’s legs begin to shake with fear, holding his walking stick out with one hand and shading his eyes with the other.
Well, you’ve got to start somewhere if you’re going to get out of here. You find words flowing rather easily from your melodious voice. You greet him pleasantly, telling him that he has trespassed into your territory. You explain that you will ask him a single riddle and the consequences of answering correctly or incorrectly.
The traveler quivers, but nods his head. Apparently, he knows how this works. “Ask me your riddle then, oh great Sphinx, and may the gods guide my answer!” He has a certain amount of flair himself.
You open your mouth, and the riddle falls out without any effort on your part. “What is it that gets smaller the more you put into it?”
Written by Kinky Chameleon on 30 May 2018