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Fly emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Your body is shaking ever-so-slightly, your breaths coming quick and fast. You cough a bit, the dust from the collapsed walls still settling down around you. How…how could this have happened? You just wanted to try a costume on, and now this! You weren’t human anymore…you’d even lost your malehood!


Shouts cause you to turn your head towards the entrance of the store. Several people have started forming a crowd there, staring at you. You can’t help but think that their attention is focused decidedly below your face, down where your brand new bust is hanging out for all to see. You blush, turning away and looking for some method of escape.


Part of the ceiling has collapsed above you. Maybe if you struggle, you can widen the gap enough to fly out of here. As you move your body to prepare for a jump, you feel something soft crunch beneath your left front paw. You glance down to see the costume box that had started this whole mess crushed flat beneath your incredible weight. Strangely, there seems to be a piece of paper sticking out of the bent cardboard. Some kind of instructions for the costume, perhaps? Maybe even a way to undo the changes! You quickly grip the tiny scrap in your paw as best you can.


You hear the curious crowd getting larger and closer. No more time to stall! Tensing your monstrous muscles, you push off the ground with your hind legs, sending yourself soaring into the small window of sky above you. The stone of the building, already weakened by the collapse of the changing room beneath it, folds around you just like the cardboard. With a loud rumble and a streak of plaster-dust, you soar out into the open air.


Flying isn’t exactly something that you’ve tried before, but your wings feel like a natural extension of your brain. You just let your mind handle moving through the air the same way that it keeps balance or takes breaths when you’re distracted. In no time at all, you’ve shot upwards at a steep angle, the ground and all of the problems going along with it getting smaller beneath you. The air up here is chilly, but your fur coat dulls its pang to a manageable level.


Once you feel high enough to be out of sight, you twist your wings to change from ascension to maintaining height. You take in a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. Being in a new body is…jarring, to say the least! The fact that its most prominent features emphasize the traits of a busty woman, a black eagle, and a powerful lion isn’t exactly helping either. You need to figure out how to get this costume off and return to normal.


Your front paw is still gripping the sheet of paper from the costume box, and you bring it up to your face for a closer inspection. It’s hard to get a good look without fingers to move the sheet around, especially since it’s basically been turned into a ball from how hard you were clutching it. Still, with a little effort you manage to make our more or less what the scribbled words on the paper say.

Written by Kinky Chameleon on 15 May 2018

Both Riddle Cure

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