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Parting way emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

"Glad to hear it, partner. I owe you everything, but this is where we part. I'm gonna try to pick all the brains I can and find a way to go back to my old life. When I find out, you'll be the FIRST person I tell, got it?"


Percy was leaving to chase her own dreams, and now that you were 'free' you would have to find something for yourself. Could you start a new life here? Did you want to life as a female sabertooth hybrid? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to try it out.


Miss Toucan kept you in the doctor's office for a few more days to monitor your condition, and you were released when your brainwaves were stable. It didn't take you long to assimilate into the family that was the Beastfolk Hideout--you felt more welcomed here than you ever did in your own life. Everyone here looked out for each other and had a good time together; no one ever seemed to be left out.


It was like a utopia, maybe. Maybe it was because everyone here knew what true suffering was. For now, at least, you wanted to relax with your newfound 'kin' and give your mind and body a long, well-deserved rest.

Written by Merieth on 19 June 2018

Both A Secret

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