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Sane for a moment emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

A splash of ice cold water in your face woke you with a jolt. You looked around and then at your paws, extending your claws--there was blood. Old, dried blood.


Percy was glaring at you, but her expression was mixed. Confused. "I found it," she said, her voice shaking. "The hideout. We're close. But you... you killed a human."


The memories came rushing back and your buried your face in your paw-hands. You did not feel remorse, and that disturbed you. You were just eliminating a threat to the pack, weren't you?


You did a good job, didn't you?


Your claws weren't for killing, but for protecting. The human's screams would have alerted other humans, and surely...


...surely Percy would have been hurt, or worse.


You couldn't allow that.


"A-Are you... Are you still sane? Do you got all your screws back in?"


You looked at that cute little Persian face and nodded. She was your friend--your best friend, your only friend. But it wasn't just for her. You didn't want to lose yourself. You didn't want to become a savage beast.


But was there any way to return to your human self? Would you be able to accept this new form of yours?


Percy shook her head and let out a deep, exasperated sigh. "I dunno. Let's high-tail it to the hideout. We ain't safe here. I couldn't lug your heavy ass far from the stream, but I scouted ahead and FOUND it! Come on, come on! Let's go go go!"


She tried to run, but the best she could do was hobble at a brisk pace. You scooped her up and held her under your arm and darted off in the direction she was heading. She was annoyed, but then again she was too excited about reaching the hideout to care.


Percy's directions led you into a thicket, and she pointed you towards a particular willow tree. You set her down beside the tree and she dug up a well-hidden, mossy hovel and slipped inside. You followed after her after some difficulties--your breasts, hips and behind were much wider now as a female than before, but you managed to squeeze through. Percy covered the hovel again and gave you a toothy grin. "Found some more info on the radio. The language changed to Beastfolk--only we can understand it. I think."


"We're on our own from here," she said, stumbling ahead. "Let's go. I KNOW this is the place! I just know it's like a maze, so we'll have to use our senses to get there. Hate relying on what those bastards did, but if it means finding a way back to my old self, damn straight I'll act like a beast for a minute or two! You keep your head on straight on follow me, OK?" Percy's scolding was always endearing for some reason.

Written by Merieth on 16 June 2018

Both The Village

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