Wake Up
"HEY! Hey you, WAKE UP!" A voice shook you from your sleep, and in your blurred vision, you saw a pair of blue cat eyes staring at you in the darkness. In an instant, you were jolted back to reality and you realized what had happened. You were having a nightmare about what had been done to you in ARCADIA. The memories themselves were fuzzy and vague, but your brain was happy enough to fill in the blanks with horrible images. "You were screaming like a hyena in your dream! Keep it down, will ya?"
You blinked slowly, your heart-rate gradually slowing down as you looked around. You were in the familiar marsh; the rain had stopped and Percy built a makeshift shelter out of logs and giant leaves overhead. You could barely hear the pitter patter of raindrops drizzling against the roof of your new 'home'. A dream...it was a dream.
Only a dream.
You sighed as your body shook. The adrenaline rush you felt from the nightmare was taking a long time to subside, and when it did, your stomach growled. Percy sat quietly in the darkness, though you could sometimes hear her shallow breaths--she was exhausted, too. "We'll have to get food when it's light out. Who knows what kinda creepy critters crawl around in this muck at night... But we should be safe. I got the ray gun, and I'll shoot anything that tries to harass us. My trigger finger's real twitchy after gettin' out of ARCADIA..." she sighed, tired.
It wasn't long before Percy nodded off, but you couldn't sleep. Not after that nightmare.
And you were hungry. So hungry that your thoughts were hazy. When was the last time you had eaten anything? You barely remembered eating a bowl of slop sometime during your imprisonment in ARCADIA, but that was days ago. You wanted to eat.
Hungry. Hungry. Hungry.
Written by Merieth on 27 May 2018