Anthro Vixen
You nod and go back to the tree.
He takes a brush and with a stroke of the brush puts the paint onto the canvas. This is followed by you feeling a new sensation from behind you. Looking back you discover a fox tail.
“Wonderful” the artist says “You are an excellent subject.”.
He turns the canvas around. On the canvas is a almost real looking picture of you, even the new fox tail behind you. Every movement you make is reflected on the canvas. You try to move away from him and the moment the image would go of the canvas you stop as if hitting a invisible wall.
The next stroke is the more worrying one for you. As he paints over your clothes you notice he is adding a bulge to your chest. Looking down you notice that yes, he is giving you a decent sized pair of breasts.
Despite your best effects he is soon finished. He bows “Thank you miss. You made a wonderful subject.”
As you look over yourself you look up and find that he is gone
Written by catprog on 04 April 2018
The end (for now)