Follow Her
She returned to a cave where she had been working on something--an old ray gun that she was trying to repair. There was scrap metal littered all around the cave, and upon closer inspection you spotted many tools that had been crafted from it.
You stalked inside the cave, like a predator cunningly following its prey, trying to determine if this Persian was friend or foe. However, she noticed you when you tried to hide behind a nearby boulder.
"YOU! Who are you? You with Tanya?"
You came out of hiding and explained everything to her. You wanted to leave, you begged to leave. Your voice frightened you; it was not the voice you remembered, but the voice of a strong alpha female.
"Really now? Well then. My name's Priscilla, like to be called Percy. Jerks here call me Purse... and those idiot scientists thought it'd be FUNNY to make me a Persian. HA! ...Got captured too. Was a slave before that...and then those psychos found me, and made me into THIS! But I'm not staying here. I don't know what I'm gonna do with this screwy cat-body, but I sure as hell ain't rotting here! The others you probably met... the drugs fried their brain. Most of the 'ascended ones' lose their marbles when they...change. But some of us remember, some of us know WHO are ARE... This ain't a new life. This is hell."
You spent a long time talking to Percy, and she explained her plan to escape. She said that the 'big shots' from The Arcadia Facility rarely ever came to these Fields, but when they did it was usually to leave some food. The 'kiss-ups' as she called them sometimes were let out of the facility to do work for them, like lure in potential candidates for ascension.
Percy had found out that there was a garbage dump well-hidden in the Fields, and that was where she found all that scrap metal and even the broken ray gun. She was close to repairing it though, and that's how she hatched a plan. "Before I got captured by a slave driver, I was a tinkerer. Knew a lot about science and gadgets, but it didn't do me no good once I was in chains. Once I found THIS baby," she flashed the ray gun. "I knew I could get out eventually."
"Almost got it repaired. It'll be done within the week, but I can't run. You see how my legs are," Percy pointed to her legs. "I need help, so that's why I was askin' the others. They're kiss-ups, but they ain't bad people. They're sad. Their brains got fried." You weren't sure how to feel about Tanya--she was another victim, just like you.
"The plan is this: when they come to release prey into the Fields, we storm the exit with this ray gun. They are never armed other than maybe a tranq gun, but by the size of you...they'll need at least three to take you down. I'm tiny and slow, so I'm just an easy target. I'll make us some armor out of this metal, and..." She went on explaining.
Written by Merieth on 13 May 2018