Three Clawed Toes
A set of three clawed toes, and fairly small to boot. It reminds you of something almost draconic, but it also seems to belong to a creature that walks on two feet. Dragon’s this small and that walk on two feet? Does such a creature exist?
Well, something similar to it exists, and it nearly takes your head off lunging down at you from a nearby counter. If it hadn’t bumped into a pot and blew its attempted sneak attack, it could have done some serious damage to you; as is you’re barely able to react and spring back away from the crude looking knife it was aiming at you with. Nilana leaps atop the counter with the cash register while Sylvaia moves in front of you in a protective position, both of your companion’s letting out deep feline growls at your attacker.
The small scaly humanoid responds with some sort of gibberish that must pass as speech, though its words mean nothing to you. The reptilian creature can’t be anymore than three feet tall, yellowish scales covering the slim chest and belly on its otherwise brick red hide. Its clothing, such as it is, is little more than a scrap of dirty cloth held together by a belt around its waist. Glowing red eyes glare menacingly at the three of you, and judging by the sounds coming from the back it’s not alone.
<Kobolds.> Nilana identifies the creature as it retreats toward the back of the store. <They often accidently dig into portals that bridge worlds during their reckless mining operations. Most of the time they’re peaceful and just looking to find a way home. This breed seems a bit more hostile.>
She could say that again; that kobold left a nasty gash on your foreleg when you tried to get out of the way of its attack. It’s bleeding slightly, but it doesn’t seem life threatening on its own. It does sting like hell, though. Better heal it before the pain makes you flinch at a bad time…
…Wait, why does it hurt? This is just a game, isn’t it? Should you be feeling real pain in a game? Sure, the technology must be pretty advanced, but should everything feel this real? This is all really happening, isn’t it?!
Nilana and Sylvaia seem oblivious to your panic and make their way into the back. A part of you wants to run, to stop the world and get some answers, but your companions need you right now. Freaking out won’t do anybody any good, or get you any kind of answers. Keeping your fear in check, you quickly slide out a dark green glowing claw and place it over your injured arm on the opposite foreleg; after a brief, calming warmth you pull your paw away to reveal your wound has been healed just in time to hear more crashing coming from the back.
Sylvaia and Nilana are locked in battle as you run into the back. Sylvaia is slashing out at a pair of kobolds, keeping the two of them at bay as they try to circle around her. Nilana has another pinned beneath her, one paw holding it down while he brings the other claw adorned hand down for a strike. Said strike is interrupted by a fourth kobold(how many of these things are there?!) leaping onto her back. This one is wielding a cleaver that must have been pilfered from somewhere in the deli. That blade will do some serious damage once it can steady itself long enough to land a blow; you better do something quick!
Written by LunaMoonstone on 24 March 2018