Modern Day World
…a jungle, specifically a concrete jungle. The stench of the nearby dumpster makes your nose burn as you try to deduce exactly where you are. You seem to have emerged into a back alley in the middle of a large city, though what city specifically is hard to say from here. Your two companions seem more confused than anything else as they also try to get their bearings.
<Such smells, and the number of people here… are you familiar with this world?> Nilana asks. When you nod, she looks relieved. <Perhaps it is best you lead, then. At the very least, you know what belongs in this world and what does not. And do not worry about causing a panic. While I can not make the same promise once we encounter whatever is causing the disturbance, for now we are invisible to those of this world.>
Relieved there isn’t going to be a panic about wild animals loose in the city, you slowly step outside the alleyway and into the nearby street. If you had to guess you were in some sort of residential area of the city. Most of the buildings are only a few stories tall and made primarily of brick, with a variety of family cars lining the streets. A couple of kids are kicking a soccer ball around in the road, while others walk along the sidewalk or sit on the steps to their apartments either chatting or doing something with their phones.
<Such strange creatures these are. Walking on two legs instead of four, almost totally furless and no obvious means of defending themselves…> Silvaya sounds equal parts amazed and confused as she looks over a nearby mother walking by, her little baby fast asleep in the stroller she pushes in front of her. <And these are the dominant species of this world? It terrifies me to think how such a defenseless race of beings may have come into power.>
You decide to save the history of the human race for another time and instead focus on what bought you to this world. Since going into the Plane, you haven’t received any more messages or in game prompts about where you’re supposed to go, and even now you can’t summon up anything to give you guidance. Couldn’t they have at least have given you a mini map?
Your low to the ground view(at least compared to a human) isn’t doing you any favors in determining points of interest, so you decide to get some higher ground. Your powerful feline legs easily allow you to climb atop a nearby car as you seek a better vantage point. A couple of nearby people look alarmed as the car shifts noisily under your furry bulk; invisible doesn’t apparently mean unnoticeable.
Before anyone can investigate the moving car too closely, though, the sound of wailing police sirens fills the air. A patrol car comes flying down the road, lights and sirens running as it zooms past you. Your sensitive ears make you cringe a little at the loud noise, the dull pain worsening when the police car’s loudspeaker broadcasts a message.
“Everyone, please remain in your homes for your safety! There’s a currently unknown emergency developing; please remain in your homes until it is resolved! We will inform you when the situation is under control or if further action will be needed! Again, please return to your homes!...”
An unknown emergency that requires a police response? That sounds like something that’s worth investigating. Luckily the wailing police siren makes it easy to track with your hearing as the three of you chase after the vehicle, eventually finding the parked police car outside…
Written by LunaMoonstone on 03 March 2018