You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
Play the VR Game
You find a pair of vr googles.
You put them on and you find yourself in a game, but which one?
Written by on 06 August 2005
Adventure Game
For a moment, you sit staring at the computer screen. The game loaded so quickly, that now you’re waiting in of an opening screen. The pixels quickly formulate themselves into the backdrop of an open field on all sides of you. The faintest motion of wind rustling the thick landscape of grasses ripples across your vision, but even as the distant landscape formats with the loading page, nothing but the field is there. You shift your head, turning your gaze within the virtual reality of the game to check to your sides, but find only more of the same rippling landscape there as well. The same, golden shade of grass sprouted up from the Earth on all four sides of your body.
Eyebrows knitting together, you try to figure out what is supposed to be happening. “There’s nothing here” you mutter, considering trying to remove the goggles you’d placed on until you notice a selection screen. “Choose your character” flashed as fading white letters in the distant backdrop of blue sky. You read it, though you’re not sure what character to select or even how to do that.
You eyes scanned over everything again, noticing that a sign had been added to the game off to the left, font sketched into its surface: “Random.”
Written by Picklessauce69 on 08 December 2015
You still can't believe the quality of this virtual reality game, from how real the world looks to the sounds of rippling grass around yourself, gently swaying strands that rustles in a digital breeze.
You look back to the small sign in front of you, a small frown on your face at the sight of the word 'Random'. In your experience, anything that was up to chance could only end poorly, and you begin to look for another sign.
Much to your surprise, before you can fully turn, the sign before you flickers, the letters twisting and morphing into a different word entirely: 'Custom'. You smile at that, a faint chuckle escaping your throat. "Now this is what I'm talking about."
You head to the sign and tap it, marveling at how the game was somehow able to give you a sense of tactile immersion. As you press the sign, it glows gently; and several new options pop up, far more than you'd expected. There's the expected race and gender menus, but also a series of odd menus, like 'stance' and 'species'.
The only question is... Which button do you press next?
Written by SketchySeraph on 09 March 2016
Gender (Female)
Never one to beat around the bush, you go straight for the gender option, arching an eyebrow as a few more options than you had expected appear. Male and female are there, of course; but there's also categories for hermaphrodites and gender-neutral settings. You ignore the last two for now, focused on the first two selections instead.
While it would be nice to play this game in your natural male gender, you can't help but remember how all of your characters in roleplaying games are female. It's a dilemma, but one that only lasts a few seconds. Old habits beat natural instincts, and you press the 'female' button with a grin on your face.
The effects of your action are immediate, a strange sensation flowing through your form, like you've just been dipped into a warm pool. You look down and find that for form is beginning to change, your arms and legs becoming slimmer; your hips beginning to round.
Your scalp tingles as though someone's massaging it, and you watch as your hair grows longer and longer; until it hangs in your peripheral vision and rests against your neck.
You've never grown your hair out this long before, so this is quite a novel sensation, and you brush the strands that tickle your cheeks to a spot behind your ears. Of course, the most prominent change is the one to your chest, as a pair of supple breasts slowly stretch out your shirt, held tight against the fabric. You can't help but let out a small moan at the feeling of how tightly your clothing is hugging you in some places, and you hurriedly undo the top two buttons of your shirt.
You know that you should probably be more modest, given that you're apparently now a woman; but you also realize that you're in a videogame. The judgment of a few pixels doesn't bother you in the least, and you look down to find yourself staring at a modest pair of breasts.
Naturally, you let your hands wander to them, squeezing each gently only to moan as a spike of sensation shoots through your form. That was unexpected; somehow that really felt... Real, for lack of a better term. You grin and make a mental note to explore your form later, letting your hands fall back to your curvy hips as you look back to the screen.
Written by SketchySeraph on 10 March 2016
Species (Anthro Skunk)
Hitting this panel hides the old menus and brings up a new one. In the top left corner is a checkbox labeled 'Anthro', one which you quickly hit. You don't want to risk losing your ability to interact with your in-game menus, and though you've never been a part of the furry fandom, you figure it couldn't hurt to find out what that's about.
To your surprise, hitting the checkbox brings up another three: 'Domestic (25%), 'Civilized (50%)', and 'Feral (75%)'. Unsure of what these boxes really mean, you settle for the middle one, curious as to what will come of this choice.
As it turns out, a whole lot of nothing happens, and you chuckle as you realize that the screen's waiting on you to choose a species to blend with. Of course it would; you shouldn't have expected any changes to come simply from being an 'Anthro Female Human', as the progress meter atop the main menu proclaims.
You look down to the species selector, seeing quite a few options, from real to mythical creatures. There's even a create-your-own panel, though you don't really want to try tapping that. Instead, you return your attention to the real -world animal tab, hitting it and flicking through the pages.
Every species on God's green Earth from ants to zebras seems to have been logged in here, and you find yourself a little overwhelmed. Maybe it would be a good idea to stick with something you know... You look to the screen, finger wavering slightly before finally settling on the word 'Skunk'.
It might seem odd to some people, but you've always found the little furry animals to be cute; and you've heard they make for good pets. Moreover, if this is an adventure game, you're sure that this body will come in handy. It has its own defense mechanisms and a good set of senses, and boosting your passive perception is never a bad thing.
You press the button without further ado, only to yelp as you immediately sprout a long and fluffy tail. Its long, white hairs sway behind you as you look to your backside, gawping openly in shock. This game letting you feel what it was like to be in a woman's body was one thing; but to think that it would also really give you a tail, too? Whoever programmed this deserved to be a billionaire!
You can't focus on your new tail for too long; however, as another change makes itself apparent along your body. Your scalp begins to tingle once more, though this time it's less of a massage and more of an itch. This itch spreads down your entire body, and you look down to your hands and arms to watch as you grow a luscious coat of soft black fur, the thick hairs matting themselves down under your clothes.
An almost electric sensation races along your back, and you realize with a smile that you've just gained your skunky stripe. At least, that's the only explanation you can come up with for why some of the itching should feel so different to the rest.
Before you can mull this over any longer, your hands and feet begin to ache. Your mind changes gears as you go from admiring your fur to watching another change, and a smile spreads across your face as your hands get a little larger, pads forming along your palms.
You have no doubt that a similar thing is happening to your soles, and you kneel down to undo your shoes, your tail lifting behind you to keep your body balanced. As your fingers touch your laces, they begin to ache; and you watch as they shrink slightly, your nails growing over them to form long claws instead.
It's not uncomfortable; nor is it a hindrance to your everyday life. Rather, each of your digits from the first knuckle to the tip is a long claw, perfect for foraging. Or, in this case, undoing a pair of shoelaces.
You hook your claws into the knots and undo them with ease, only for a strange ache to come from your face. This must be the last of your changes, you realize; and you flex your jaw as it begins to stretch out from your face, becoming a skunk's tapered muzzle.
This change comes a little faster than you'd expected, almost like your head is a ball of clay and some master artisan is kneading and reshaping it. In seconds, your snout is complete, your nose having flattened out on its tip while your teeth have grown a little sharper in your mouth.
Your vision is slightly worse, but the wealth of scents that you can pick up from your new nose more than makes up for it. Moreover, as your ears change, you begin to hear more and more of the area around you. You twitch one of your rounding ears as it rises up your head, a smile on your face as you think of how difficult it will be to ambush you in this game.
The happy thought makes your tail wag gently, and you rise to stand once more, kicking off your loosened shoes and feeling the soft grass beneath your feet. Going barefoot worked for hobbits, so it should certainly work for an anthro skunk.
You look back to the character selection screen, finding only one remaining option that appeals to you: 'Stance'.
Written by SketchySeraph on 11 March 2016
Change Stance (Taur)
Naturally, you press this button too; finding a few new options spring up to greet your eyes.
You can choose to remain bipedal, fall to all fours aturally, or... Or you could become a 'Taur'. The idea of having a couple extra legs is bizarre at first, though you soon reevaluate your decision.
After all, that posture would surely make it easier to carry things, and you could let your escorts ride on your back should you ever need to do an escort mission. And there's always an escort mission. That in mind, you press the Taur button, looking down expectantly, only for your lips to quirk in a small frown.
"Oh wait. Shoot." You say, a surprisingly musical female voice escaping your mouth as your legs begin to expand, muscles and bones beginning to increase in size. Your pants grow far too tight on your skunky legs to remove them, and you sigh as they split at the seams, freeing your legs but also exposing your nude lower half to the world.
Well, it's not exactly nude anymore... You look down at the fur and chuckle, remembering that your body now has an effective natural way of protecting your modesty. Then you
wobble a little, as your legs continue to swell, a strange pinching sensation coming from their centroids.
This is soon accompanied by your legs stretching out more, your skin stretching as the limbs undergo what could only be described as mitosis. You watch in shock as you can now recognize a distinctive second set of legs, a membrane of furry skin the only thing keeping the two together.
Then your second set of legs fluidly slips out from the first, making you stagger and lift your tail to try and balance yourself. Your arms fly out to a spread eagle, and you take a few ungainly steps forward like a drunken tightrope walker.
All the while, your new legs begin to pull your backside with them, giving you an almost equine trunk. On the bright side, you can now see the white stripe along your back, a thought that promotes a snicker from you as the changes work their way to an end.
At least, you think that the changes are working their way to an end… But lo and behold, the tingling of transformation that seemed so content in your legs moves to sweep up to your chest, and you let out a small groan as you experience the same sensation you did when you grew breasts, albeit lower. You look down, but can’t see over your first pair of breasts, modest though they may be; so you instead bring your clawed hands up to feel what’s happening. Much as you expected, there’s a second, smaller pair of breasts just under your first, and as they each grow a small nipple, the feeling of change finally leaves your body.
You don't feel any more agile, but you certainly feel lighter; no doubt thanks to your strong extra legs. A glance back to what you recognize as the character creation screen confirms that you are now a 'Female Anthro Skunk Taur', and you reach one of your clawed fingers to the screen, debating on whether or not you should change anything else about yourself.
Written by SketchySeraph on 13 March 2016
Finalize Changes And Begin Game
The debate is a quick one, and you decide that this is enough of a change for one game. After all, you've changed your very gender and species, not to mention the fact that you'll have to get used to walking on four legs.
You tap the 'Finalize' button and watch as the sign begins to sink, its flat surface rotating until it rests parallel to the ground. It's become something of a small stool, and before you can so much as ask why, the air shimmers before it and a large pack drops onto the stool's surface.
"Huh. 'It's dangerous to go alone'." You quip, opening the pack to find that it seems to be a fairly standard adventurer's kit. You have light sources, bedding, rations, and even a couple of light daggers at the bottom of the pack. You pull the daggers out and remove the pack from the stool, only to watch as it shimmers once more, this time conjuring for you what looks to be a set of leather armor.
It's all pretty standard for a game, and you gratefully ake the rest of your starting gear, waving a farewell to the stool as it disappears. Then you blink in surprise, realizing that that stool was your sole way of affecting this game; leaving you with no idea on how to quit.
"Well, shoot."
Written by SketchySeraph on 14 March 2016
Try and Remove the Virtual Reality Headset
As cool as it is to explore a new body, you think that you've had enough of one demonstration. You bring your hands up to the sides of your head to try and remove the headset, only for your clawed fingers to brush against soft fur.
You try again a second later, the beginning onset of worry settling in your heart. This certainly isn't normal; how are you supposed to logout of the game if you can't take off the headset?
Thoughts of starving to death while your mind plays a videogame flood your imagination, only for a more chilling through to emerge. You feel dumb for not realizing it before, but what if this isn't a game anymore? What if you're really a skunk taur?
You try to dismiss the thought, but you can't deny that this seems a little too real to be that game you started just a little bit ago. After all, back when it was visual only, it made sense,but now...
You try and think back to the moment the game became something more than what a headset could convey, and you immediately think of the sign. The first time you'd pressed that, you'd begun to feel this virtual world as if it was real. What if somehow pressing that had sent you into this strange and virtual world; if you were now in a game made real?
The thought is a little surprising to you, and also a little terrifying. "Okay..." You speak slowly, trying to rationalize what's happening. Thankfully, your mouth is still capable of English-at least, if English is what they speak around here.
"So, I'm now... This. And this world is real. Which means that this boils down to two options. I could live, or I could die." Your nose crinkles at the last word, and you look down to the adventurer's kit and armor.
"Which... I suppose means I'm going to live."
That in mind, you grab the leather chestplate, slipping it on over your shirt and sighing with relief as you find it’s been sculpted to hold all four of your breasts. It doesn't feel very thick, but it should at least protect you from taking some damage... Not to mention, just wearing this alone makes you feel a little more confident about your chances. You tie your new jerkin tightly-albeit with a little difficulty, thanks to your claws-then look down to the armor for your lower half.
Instead of leggings like you'd half-expected, your other armor looks like a union of saddle and belt armor. Long strips of leather plate hang from the belt, protecting your front, while the thick saddle on your back covers your broad trunk.
Unfortunately, it's also far more difficult to put on than you'd anticipated, and a pout settles across your skunky lips as you begin to try-and fail to get it on. It's not something you can simply slip into, and the belt doesn't seem to fasten right...
You pull the belt up to your eye level to glare at it only to groan at the sight of a pair of clasps you hadn't seen. That might work... You look down to your legs and realize that the loops you'd thought were for weapons are actually for your front thighs, and you slip them through, holding the saddle component of your armor in one arm as you do.
Then you fasten your belt, which pulls the saddle snugly onto your lower half, and with a few tugs on straps later, you're good to go.
The only question is... Where should you go?
Written by SketchySeraph on 15 March 2016
The local town
You spot a town nearby and head off. On your way you run into a sabre-toothed tiger. They bow to you "Are you a new arrival?"
Nodding in answer "Yeah I have just arrived. Do you know what happened?"
The tiger smiles "Not really. Can you tell me what date you think it is and what you were before arriving here?"
You say the date before saying "What do you mean? I was a female skunk taur."
As what you said hits you the tiger smiles "I am guessing you are wondering why you said that. There is something here that makes us stay in character. And for your other question. That was the same date I entered here despite being here for I think six years"
"How are we even here?" you finally ask
"That is one very good question. The dragons have been here for hundreds of years and have not found out anything"
"They have been here for hundreds of years? When did they arrive?"
The tiger smiles "Apparently the same date as both you and I."
Written by catprog on 23 March 2016
Ask His Name
You nod pensively at the sabre-toothed tiger-man's words, wondering what kind of creatures these 'dragons' are, and if you'll ever meet one. Perhaps more of note is the fact that they've apparently arrived to this place on the same date that you had... Does time travel differently here?
Your train of thought screeches to a halt as you realize two things: first, that you've been staring at the tiger's chest for a few seconds too long to be comfortable; and second, you don't know his name.
A blush creeps across your cheeks as you shift in place, your skunk's tail swaying beside you from side to side as you wonder how to possibly atone for such a lapse.
"Something the matter?" He asks, chuckling. Apparently he's the direct sort, which makes this a good deal easier.
"Y-yes." You respond, a little hesitantly. "It's just... I don't quite know your name, do I?"
"It's Duncan." The tiger speaks with a grin, nodding to you. "And in return, may I ask yours?"
Written by SketchySeraph on 20 May 2016
"Oh!" You blink, not really having given thought to it. "I'm..." You draw a blank for a second, enough time for your feline companion's eyes to widen.
"Wait, don't-" He begins, only for a name to pop into your head.
"It's Mephiti, but my friends call me Mephy." You say earnestly, only to blink in surprise as he groans. "Is something the matter?"
Duncan shakes his head, looking to you with a wry grin. "Sorry, but that's just the way that our world works. If you can't think of a name, you get assigned one; usually based on your species. At least it's not as bad as the barmaid's." He grins, turning on his heel and beginning to walk towards what looks to be a small town.
"H-hey!" You call, eyes wide. "Where are you going? We're not done talking!"
"I know we're not! But, since you're a new player, that means you should probably head with me to the town; right?" Duncan grins, jerking a thumb towards his chest. "After all, it's my job as the Guide to get you off on your adventure!"
You're struck mildly speechless by his words, a little unsure of what to do. You'll need to run to catch up with him, but is it better to follow him or stick it out on your own?
Written by SketchySeraph on 21 May 2016
Follow him
Of course, if this is still a game then you definitely don't want to skip the tutorial; not when your life is at stake, after all. You trot forward on all four legs, still impressed at how natural the movement is to you, and catch up to Duncan in no time.
"Ha! Not bad!" He calls, his tail swishing behind himself. "So anyways, as I was saying earlier... I think that the dragons arrived the same date we did."
You blink and almost stumble over your forepaws at the sudden change in pace. "Wait, what?" You ask, a little louder than you'd intended.
"This is just a thought, but... I think that all of us players were sent here on the same date... Only some of us were awakened at different times. The dragons are the oldest race I've encountered, and of course that makes them the most elitist."
"Huh?" You ask, tilting your head to the side as you pad after him.
"Something or other about griefing new players, I suppose? The fact that they haven't found out why we're here bothers me just as much as it does you, you know... But since time seems to flow at an arbitrary state here, I think it's safe to say that our souls are fine."
He chuckles ruefully at his words, and you can't help but ask: "Souls?"
"It's what we call... You know, our selves that we can't talk about here." He grins, patting you on the back. "You'll find out soon."
You look up to him to find him looking dead-ahead. Following his gaze rewards you the sight of the town's walls, a pair of guards opening the gates for you.
"Another looker, huh?" One of the guards, a cow-woman with a hammer, snorts. "She's a
looker; I'll give her that." Her hooved hands clench a little around the leather that binds the weapon as she stands a little taller; no doubt trying to look more impressive for your benefit.
The other guard, a lion with an axe, remains silent. Instead of greeting you with words, he nods his head towards you, and you return the gesture with a nod of your own. It's hardly the oddest thing you've seen today.
"So, Mephy." Duncan begins, calling your attention back to himself. "Where to?"
You blink as you realize he's put the attention on yourself, and you can't help but feel a little awkward. "Um... I mean... I hadn't thought about it?" You ask, shifting on all four of your feet and subbing your furry arms gently. "This is all a little new..."
As expected, his gaze is soft; and he smiles comfortingly. "Well, how about we start with a better question... What do you want to be in this world? Pick a job, any job."
Your mind races at the thought, as you realize that this might be one of the most pivotal decisions of your life. "Um..." You begin, furrowing your brow. You're an omnivore with a nimble body and a pair of daggers... It's not much to go on, but if your starting gear is any indication..
Written by SketchySeraph on 22 May 2016
"I think I'd like to be a huntress." You look up to Duncan with a smile. "I mean, I'm certainly built for it, right?"
He laughs, shaking his head. "In case you couldn't tell, we tend to defy our species' expectations here. If you really want to be something else, you can feel free..." He trails off, seeing that your resolution hasn't swayed in the slightest.
"Well, a Skunk Huntress it is, then!" He laughs, setting off at a brisk pace again. "I think you'll need to meet your partners-in-crime if that's the case, then. Let's take you to the Armorer; then to the Tavern."
Written by SketchySeraph on 23 May 2016
You nod and pad after him quietly, now adjusted to your body's pace. You reach your first destination rather quickly, and are greeted by the sight of a large reptilian man, who stands tall before a burning anvil.
"Is he a dragon?" You whisper to Duncan, trying to keep your voice down.
Despite a lack of ears, the reptile seems to have no issue hearing you. He hisses and replies in the tiger's stead, extending a hand. "Komodo, actually. I've been here a mere decade, unlike those winged snobs. You can call me Kaito. And you are?
You look to him with a small smile, taking his hand in yours. "Mephy to you, and Mephiti to strangers." You speak warmly, only for your words to draw a peal of hissing laughter from the man.
"Did I say something funny?" You ask, a little hurt.
Kaito smirks and leans against the counter, eyes twinkling. "Just the fact that you trust me so openly... Why, what reassurances have you that I'm to be trusted, other than Duncan's word?"
You blink, at a loss for words. "I... I don't... I mean..."
"You can relax." Duncan says, shooting the armorer a sharp glare. "Didn't I tell you not to scare the new blood?"
Kaito lifts his hands apologetically, shaking his head. "Hey; I want her to be ready for what's to come. She's not the hero here; none of us are. She's just another player, and I don't want to see her get played like Sam."
At that, a sharp glare enters Duncan's eyes, and you wonder if you should press him on Kaito's words. The tiger turns to leave, and you know you don't have long to ask.
Written by SketchySeraph on 24 May 2016
Let it go
You dismiss the idea, instead deciding to let him lead you to your other new partner. On your way out, Kaito calls to you.
"Hey, nice meeting you! Be careful, and get back to me safe; I need some more leather!"
You wave to him shyly, trotting after Duncan and looking up to him worriedly. The anger that had entered his gaze has passed, and you breathe a sigh of relief at that. You don't
know why, but the sight of him so angry was... Unsettling.
It's almost a relief as you head into the bar, only to be greeted by a zoo of animals. It's a little like a cantina scene from another world's movie, and you feel a little taken aback by it all. Then Duncan loudly roars, turning all heads to you.
"New blood! Get your ass out here!"
To your surprise, a donkey-centaur clops out to greet you. She's less furry than the others here, and her upper half could almost pass for a woman were it not for her donkey ears.
"You know, these things ain't just for show." She calls, pointing up to the twitching appendages.
"And you know I never get tired of using the a-word around you." Duncan growls contentedly, looking down to you. "Mephy, I'd like you to meet Assy."
You blink in surprise, looking from him to the centauress to see if he's joking. Her arms remain folded and she openly glowers at him, snorting with disdain.
"Like I said, not the most fortunate of names." Duncan laughs, only to yowl as she rears onto her back hooves, kicking him square in the chest with her forehooves. The hit sends him staggering back, and you notice that her hooves have left a definite imprint on his leather armor.
"Oh, look. I found the new girl a quest. Ain't I a good barkeep?" Assy drawls, looking to you with a frown."Though judging from your name, I take it you're also shorted by the system?"
You wonder if you should be friendly to her or not for a moment. After all, she did just attack your Guide. Then again, she's also supposed to be your new partner...
Written by SketchySeraph on 25 May 2016
Play Nice
"You got it." You chuckle, still sparing a glance back to Duncan despite your attempts to get on Assy's good side.
"Don't worry about him, he'll be back up for the next newbie after a bit of R&R. Speaking of, you should get some grub!" She points you to a table that seems to have been designed for taurs, complete with a large plush cushion atop a bench instead of a traditional chair.
You sit and wait for a moment as she clops to the kitchen, only to return with a plate of vegetables and a couple things that look like scallops.
Curious, you try the latter first, chomping down only for your eyes to widen. It's good! You hurriedly spear a few more with your fork, popping them into your mouth and chewing contentedly. You didn't really feel hungry before, but that doesn't change the fact that the food tastes good.
It's a warm, moist nugget of meat held within a crunchy shell that would almost seem fried on were it not so thick. Instead, it's like biting into something candied, complete with a neatly juicy reward. You gulp them down along with your salad, licking your lips clean with a happy smile.
"That was incredible! What was it?" You ask, tilting your head slightly as you ask the question.
"Sliced millipede larvae. And a side of salad." Assy grins as you blanch.
"Wait, are you serious?" You gulp, not feeling nauseous, but also not feeling entirely healthy either. "This is... Bugs?"
"Well, you are a skunk now. Mostly." The centauress leans towards you conspiratorially, her eyes twinkling. "And that means you need to eat like one."
"N-not exactly." A wheezed male voice sounds from your left, and you turn to find Duncan staggering back in. "You don't need to eat; though it certainly improves how effective you are in a day..." He pulls up a chair and falls into it, groaning.
Assy slaps him on the back, hard enough to elicit another groan. "Plus it also heals you right up! Which is why this lug here's gonna get a nice salmon filet... Though good food isn't cheap."
"Does that include mine?" You can't help but ask, gulping anxiously as the donkey-girl turns to you with a grin.
"You, actually, get to eat free... As long as you do some work for me, after all." She beams, reaching into her cleavage to pull out a map. As she hands it to you, you see that it's not only of the local area, but there's even a bunch of clearly marked out animals on the page.
"Far as we can tell, none of the players here are wildlife. Which means it's fine for you to get to work, right?"
"Um... Work?" You ask, a little anxious. "Don't I need a little more of a briefing?" You look to Duncan for help, but he's solidly unconscious at the moment.
"That's if you want to be boring. After all, you can either talk all day, or you can find me some meat! How about that?"
Written by SketchySeraph on 26 May 2016
Call it a plan!
You agree heartily, and before you know what you're doing, you're venturing back out into the wild. Assy reassured you there would be more time to meet the other townsfolk when you returned; and that meeting them now would only take too much time.
You can't help but see the wisdom in her words, even if it strikes you as a little rushed that you be forced into the wild like this. Still, you were never one to complain; not even before becoming an anthro skunk taur.
Following the map she gave you has led you to a small stream, a glade that's supposed to be a grazing ground for various deer. Though you only have daggers, you feel that you might be able to get a good hit on a deer... At least, if you can find one.
Thankfully, luck is in your favor, and the bushes to your right rustle loudly as a figure begins to approach the glade. You grip your daggers a little tighter, only to blanch at the sight of a large grizzly thumping to the water, lapping from it gently.
It's a little more than a deer... You gulp, worried that this might be too much to handle.
Written by SketchySeraph on 27 May 2016
But screw it; this is a game, and you've got weapons and armor. You launch from your cover at a lightning pace, a dagger in each hand.
You've never fought before in your life, but your body seems to know how to do it. The bear turns to face you, and you bring your knives to a defensive stance.
Then the battle is met, and your world erupts into motion. The bear attacks first, launching a heavy swipe to your head that would surely decapitate you... If it could connect.
Luckily, you're a bit more nimble than that, and you duck beneath its arms and reward its efforts with a series of gashes that render its right forearm useless. The stink of blood fills the air, but your body seems used to it.
Another swipe from the bear is easily dodged, this time a more clumsy attack inspired by pain and fear alike. You're astonished at how fluidly you move, and you melt around its attack to slash a dagger through the meat of its upper arm.
While your arm meets resistance, your attack is strong enough to deliver a clean cut, and the bear wobbles slightly, both of its arms dangling at its sides. It bares its fangs and lurches towards you, no doubt intending to try one last futile attack.
This time instead of dodging, you strike first. The proper attack flies into your head, and you snap an arm forward, hurling your dagger deep into its skull. The beast dies without so much as another sound, and it falls to a heap at your feet.
The world returns to normal around you, and you can't help but feel oddly shaky. You just fought a bear... And won! Is that normal? Did you always have such a calm mind under pressure? How did you start so adept with knives?
Only one thing is sure in your mind, and that's that this bear will certainly be well-received by Assy and perhaps by Kaito as well.
Written by SketchySeraph on 28 May 2016
A rescue
You stand there admiring your first success in this world when you hear a voice "it is safe now?"
You look around and see a rabbit climbing out of a hole in the ground "That bear has been keeping me trapped for days" it says.
"My name is fluffy butt" it says "yours?"
"Mephiti" you say "Did you come to this land the same way I did"
"If you are saying what I think you are saying then yes. Stupid speech restrictions. I was a male rabbit before. You?"
"Female skunk taur." you respond with
"I see" he says "Are we the only two people here?"
"No their is a town full of people like us. Do you want me to take you their?"
He nods and as you pick him up you here a ding and a notification box pops up.
Achievement earned:
Players rescued: 1
Next level: 10
Reward: none.
Written by catprog on 29 May 2016
Back to Town
“So...” For a second, your mind is blank as you hold onto the smaller rabbit, staring at the final moments of the notification box with a pursed expression.
“Hmm... so, we’re meant to rescue people?” You ask, still finding it strange when your voice comes out in a lilting, feminine tone. “I guess, you’re my first rescue!”
“Oh so you have been in our land long?” Instantly, the rabbit scowls.
You give a nod, realizing they must be frustrated because of something restricted form their statement. “I understand your greeting-” You mumble, struggling to find the words that will come out of her mouth within the limitations of the MMO game everyone here is trapped within.
Heading to the town, working from your memory, you find your feet stay on the path easily and clop forward at the same steady pace no matter how much you feel like you’ve slowed down to a wandering pace.
You still find it strange, walking along, to find no weight between your thighs of your typical, male experience as instead each step has the bounce of breasts atop your chest, bobbing in the bottom line of your eye site along the entire way.
Suddenly, with a final step forward, text flashes across your vision with the name of the town. The bunny leaps off from your arms, “Thank you so much for the rescue! Good luck getting the journey that you want!” The same flitting look of annoyance showed before the bunny gave a final nod and headed off, assumingly the game ushering it off since its role in your ‘game’ had been complete.
“Now what?” You asked aloud, thinking to yourself; but before you can really think too long you feel the urge to head further into town to the tavern.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 02 June 2017
“I think I’ll head to the tavern-” You find yourself saying, though you never really formed the thought, then moments later you’re off at a brisk pace initially, then at your natural walking pace once the ‘push’ from the game had faded out.
Ahead of you, the tavern stretches out. The walls are a mismatched hodgepodge of sturdy brick on the very bottom and thick, wooden planks covering up to the the thatched and wood roof. Bulky, wooden letters run across the top of the door, right above a tattered and worn awning in faded green.
You squint, spying some lanterns attached to the outside walls with dim flames flickering inside of them. Beneath, an assortment of wooden signs hang on the brick and lean back on wooden pegs to advertize ale and “Find Adventure Here!”
“Well, what the heck, right?” You give a shrug, feeling that jostle of your breasts atop your chest before you roll your eyes and try to shove on. Meeting the door, you struggle to get your tail, the thick mass of fluff, into the door with you, but finally you stumble into the room.
“Aye! Adventurer!” Shouted out a lizard leaning into the wooden surface of one table with an ale in one hand. A second later, he looked down scowling. “Why did I say that?” He muttered, looking into the surface of the golden beer with a sour, distant expression.
“So, everyone here is struggling with the game mechanics...” You realize, thinking to yourself that everyone must be somehow motivating each other’s plots. “Or maybe, some people are just there to move along other plots, like NPCs?”
Written by Picklessauce69 on 08 June 2017
A male
At you think, you keep mumbling to yourself until you suddenly find yourself bumping into the bar.
“Hey there, traveler! Care for an ale?”
“Oh, no thank you.” You mumbled back, shifting over to the nearest table to find another skunk-taur leaning against the sturdy surface. You blink, studying him carefully for a moment before you felt a sudden urge to thrust forward so your chest spilled graciously against the fabric of your top, as though threatening to come right out. Though your hands twitched with the instinct to adjust your shirt to fully cover yourself, you found that the full motion would go no matter how hard you tried to do it, yet you were free to slide you hand up and twirl a loose piece of hair around your face.
“Gah! What!?” You wanted to scream, but you couldn’t stop your body from doing that little tip that pushed your tits out into the very edges of your shirt and grazed over the top of the table. As to be expected, the male’s eyes instantly locked onto the fur-covered mounds with wide, studying eyes.
“Oh come on! This is just silly!” You thought, but you found that now that the staring had started, you couldn’t do anything but smile coyly and give slight, writhing motions against the edge of the thick, wooden table. “See anything you need for your journey, traveler?” You found yourself saying, the words tumbling right out of your mouth in a raspy purr before you even knew what you were saying.
“Oh I sure do... I think those might be imbued with healing, eh?” His grin spread out, revealing a row of teeth including the front bucked pair that contrasted against the black fur around his skunk face.
“Ugh, gross. That’s not even clever....” You think, but what comes out of your mouth instead was “It’s impossible to know the qualities of an item until you’ve done ‘inspect.’”
“Well, why don’t we go across the road, hm? Hit the old Haybail Inn?” He drawled back, setting a chill down your spine. “No way! The game can’t force me to do that, can it?”
Instead, his words triggered another character to step in, looking confused. “Did ‘ye say Haybail Inn? Didn’t ya hear? The Inn Keeper’s offering a big reward for someone to go find a family heirloom that was stolen. Enough gold for a month’s stay!”
Written by Picklessauce69 on 14 June 2017
“Oh? Hear that? We might have to earn our stay in the Inn first, yeah?” The male grinned, looking over your ample chest again, but you were happy to go on a life-risking adventure if it meant this interaction would end.
“I’d love an adventure!” You blurt instead, eager to risk your life. “Where did you say the heirloom was taken?”
“Why don’t I mark yar map with where it’s rumored the bandits went off to? Once you’re closer, I bet you can find Kuthuler to talk to! He can fill you in more!” The stranger explained, generously marking an X on the map constantly in your back pocket, no matter how many times you’d attempted to throw it away. You gave a nod, accepting this fact finally after realizing the game simply would not let you break certain mechanics- like always having a map on the traveler.
“Shall we rest a night before traveling?” The male asks, still sneaking glances down at the crease of her bosom.
“No! No! I feel fine!” You assure him, pulling back from the table and starting towards the door. “In fact, I’m going to head out now!”
With each step, you hear your boots click slightly on the wood floor followed by the hearty clunk of the male following you, closely.
“I can take care of myself!” You shout back at him over one shoulder, not wanting to put up with him ogling your strange, feminine bits the whole time at you, but his footsteps don’t even falter.
Clunk! Clunk! Clunk!
“I would never let an adventurer as pretty as yourself charge into battle alone!”
“Of course not!” You think to yourself, scowling and giving a shake of your head, which makes the fur that covers your face rustle, strangely. You’re still not used to the fur coating what used to be skin, but in the scheme of this entire situation it’s just another fraction of the overall weirdness.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 20 June 2017
Then, you began the long walk to the location marked on the map. Unlike in a game, usually, when you’re merely a player connected into the magical world because your eyes are watching the screen and your hands hold a controller, now you’re constantly in the world.
So, with every step, you cannot plunk a finger on the forward button or tell the movement to follow the trail magically, instead you have to take every single step. You have to physically watch each step swing your foot out in front of you.
You watch the landscape slowly change around you as you walk, constantly hearing your companion trying to make banter with you- which you can never refuse.
As you reach the border of town, and the crumbling sign bids you to “Come right back and buy a sword from Gutak’s Swords- or else yu’ll die!”
You squint in the distance, hoping perhaps you’ll see something fascinating there, but you see only the fade of the details until it looks like nothing but the line of the horizon swallowing up the sliver of the very path you walk on.
“This is going to be a long journey...” You muttered, scowling slightly while the male taur shuffles up closer to you.
“I guess this is a chance for us to get to know one and another, hmm?” He drawls, grinning over at you over one of his furry, black shoulders. You want to roll your eyes, but instead you feel your lashes flutter. “Oh, you’re very right about that, handsome traveler. Starting with your name so I know how to refer to that rugged face when I describe it to the bards?”
Your lashes give another little flutter, you contemplate if the game would let you vomit on the male skunk taur.
“Call me Baal.” He shot back with a flirtatious wink.
You scowl.
“You mean ‘ball’?”
“No, no. Baal.” He corrects you sweetly, nudging his armored shoulder against your own.
Once more, you wonder if it’s possible to vomit. Though, when you try to gag, it doesn’t do anything. “Guess not-”
“Scared about what’s ahead?” He asked, this time his voice falling out in a typical, serious discussion.
You shrug slightly, staring forward as the edge of town starts to fade into the wooded forest region you saw marked on the map with small, bottomless triangles. The thick trunks jut up from the ground, mostly bare with sparse foliage until the very top, leaving the view of the trail’s slight curve up ahead visible. You try to stomp ahead faster to reach the curve, but instead your feet just keep plodding along at the same pace.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 25 June 2017
For nearly a minute, it’s almost peaceful listening to the same repeating clunk, clunk, clunk of his boots hitting the ground, but then there’s a sudden chiming music ominously in the air.
“Oh no! What was that?” He blurted, spinning around on his heels as a massive wolf with raggedly black fur shoots out from the woods, white fangs glinting in the air towards him.
“Can I just let him die?” You ask yourself, but instead your body lunges forward and unsheathes the short, stubby sword you’ve been toting around. You see it glint once in the sunshine before you give in and fully push yourself into the action. Your feet stumble slightly, still finding the mechanics of your body strange even as you wield the slicing weapon.
You thrust it forward, connecting with the side of the wolf’s leg with a piercing yelp. “Good hit!” Baal shouts out, encouraging you just before a second wave of two more of the pack flood onto the path.
“Arggh!!” You holler out a war cry, throwing your sword in a two-handed swing down on one attacker while Baal zeroes in on the second. Together, you throw the furred beasts off of you until they crumple onto the path, wounded and bleeding.
“You’re intense,” Baal interjected as you stood over one of the wolves, huffing to catch your breath. “I like it!”
“Oh yeah? Think you can handle it?” You reply, much to your own horror. Baal winks and chuckles and the banter fades out for a second, letting you fall silent to grumble to yourself as the journey continues.
Now, the path leads into thicker trees. The foliage of green all around starts to engulf the pair of you walking side by side. With each step, you start to hear the rising volume of the sound of rushing water in the distance.
You stop once it reaching a full roaring distinctly to the right.
“Do you hear that?”
“Yeah, sounds like water.”
“Maybe a waterfall?” You logic. “Should we check it out?”
“I don’t know, it’s not on the map.”
“But it would make sense for a thief to take camp beside a waterfall for a water source and for the noise to cover any conversation.” You turn towards the path once more, inspecting the fair horizon before you peer into the woods the direction of the sound.
Which to take?
Written by Picklessauce69 on 29 June 2017
Continue on the Path
“No, it’d be dangerous to leave the path...” You realize, turning back towards that endless stretch of path with a long sigh. “We’d better just keep on.”
Once more, you start walking. Your boots start to echo again, thunking alongside Baal in silence for another several minutes until the landscape begins to change around you once more.
The trees fade out while the path starts to get rougher, changing into a graveled line alongside the rocky crags of a mountainous texture. In the distance, you can see the path leading up onto a slope of dark, gray crags of rock. “I think we’re nearing the location-” Baal murmured, glancing over at you. “Ready for the challenge ahead?”
You glance over at him, feeling the game taking control again as your eye convulses into a wink. “With you? Anything!”
You give a shake, disgusted at the banter, but you turn your focus to the upcoming mountain edge. Checking the map, you see your current location clearly at the base of the mountain while the X sketched on is just slightly up the side where the path begins to wind up into the piled edges of rock.
“We are getting close-” You start to feel jittering nerves rock your knees on every step. Your hand drops to the hilt of your sword, prepared for the first sign of battle. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this place...” You think aloud, looking once at Baal. For the first time, you’re rather glad for him being there since this place does not seem as minor as the wolf attack. Instead, with each new step up, you see you’re nearing the opening of a cave.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 08 July 2017
Into the cave
“Oh good... I’ve always learned to just go into caves when I find them!” You think bitterly, gripping the hilt harder. “They must be hiding in there, huh?”
Baal shuffles behind you, following right behind. “Lead the way!”
You both head forward, lunging into the dim light of the cave initially is unsettling as the sunshine’s light from above is entirely cut off, save for the slightest fade of light from the mouth of the cave. Yet, even that light starts to fade with every step deeper into the beckoning darkness.
“Why are we even doing this?” You think to yourself, picturing the tavern once more. “I bet that ale was good. I bet I could have been entirely comfortable just sitting there, enjoying myself. What happens if I die, huh?”
You mind flashes once more to that man from the bar, the one just staring into his ale as though he didn’t want to see anything else. You realize he probably thought exactly how you were moments before, except he actually did it and where did it put him? Exactly there, staring into nothing for eternity.
“God...” The mere thought of you existence fizzing out still trapped in this game sends chill down your spine, but then you realize that could be from the cave which is getting colder with each step further inside.
“Brrr!” Baal blurts appropriately, glancing over at you.
For the first time, you’re a bit glad for the fur covering your body because without it your skimpy, female armor would leave the cold air of the underground biting at all of your bare skin.
Finally, you spot a torch on the wall, left flickering. You grab it down, glad to be able to see in the five foot circle around where you walk, but quickly you realize that won’t be enough as you arrive to a fork in the cave’s path.
To the right, the path has several more torches spaced down the length of wall that you can see before it curves out of your line of vision. You squint, trying to see a clue about what lays beyond, but all you can see is those streaking circles of light on the dirt path for some 300 feet before it arches and the wall blocks you.
The other path, to the left, is much darker. A single torch is visibly, barely illuminating its own stand, yet you already do hold a torch, so you would have something.
“Which way to go?” Baal asked, looking to you for guidance now. You stare at him for a second, wishing that he wasn’t such a typical companion with nothing helpful to actually say.
“What do you think?” You ask him, thinking that maybe he’ll break the mold of uselessness.
“Well, perhaps we should take the road less traveled,” he joked, cracking a half smile with a hopeful glimmer in his eye.
You just sputter out a sigh.
“I gave him too much faith...” You grumble, shifting from foot to foot as you consider the choices. The left or the right? The bright or the dark?
Written by Picklessauce69 on 12 July 2017
The dark path is just too foreboding, and it’s be stupid to go where your visibility would be so reduced. You pivot over towards the path that's lit with lanterns.
“This way, come on. Let’s hope we find something soon so we can get out of here!”
Baal clunks on right behind you as you curl around the cave, following closely to the wall to get the maximum assistance from the sparse lighting. As you come around the bend, the path leads into a large clearing, but as soon as you round into the room, you come face to face with four gnarling goblins.
“Mat! Dhuuch! Daan shuuch taan or tarthuul!” The creature gave a guttural sound, almost like laughter as he heaved a heavy battle axe up above his shoulder, preparing to lunge into an attack.
At the same time, the other raised a spear with a squeaking gnarl, “Kaar't mech daan tokhel dar ac or daal dhuur tokhaar!” The one beside him responded by rubbing his stomach and bobbing his head enthusiastically.
“How rude-” Baal muttered, shrinking back into the tunnel slightly as he drew his weapon.
“What?!” You blurt back at him, yanking out your sword. Before he could respond, the goblins all attack at once, an axe and spear each thrusting towards the two skunk taurs.
You dodge out of the way of the axe, seeing the silver of it glint past your face in slow motion close enough that some of the dried blood on its edge flaked off onto your bottom lip before your shoulder dropped out from its path and you scooted to the side.
You skittered into the main room, trying to give yourself more space to dodge within, but Baal isn’t able to get out from around his two attackers. You stare back at him, contemplating whether you should help.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 15 July 2017
You grumble, but you feel a wash of guilt hit you. “I’ve gotta help him!” You groan, spinning away from the two goblins hobbling towards you with guttural groans and clucks. As you move, you spot another path veering back towards the front of the cave just opposite where Baal is trapped, right where you came in.
“The paths both came this way! Damn!” You curse, thrusting your swords towards the goblins attacking Baal, but all four of the goblins turn to attack you now, except for one who continues to spare back and forth with your companion.
The sudden swing of two axes down towards you is overwhelming.
You try to dodge the whistling blade to your right, but as soon as you move you feel the sweaty shape of the goblin to your left hunching in to attack.
“Tuuc ghuugec tuun A shac mech o!!” The goblin shouted, shoving you with the butt of the axe so that you thunked back into the hard stone wall. The air shoots out from your chest, making you heave forward to try and find your breath.
Just as you bend over, the third goblin meets your eyes. You see him staring, hefting his spear up with a devilish grin. His yellowed teeth stick out at you, “Kaarthec duun draal tokhel her?”
Then, with a jab, he stabbed his spear right into your stuck, drowning your throat with regurgitated blood for your final, coppery breath.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 19 July 2017
"You have died"
The screen of the glasses has words written on it. "You have died"
You take the glasses off and freeze. While you are no longer in the game, your body is still the skunk taur.
The store keeper comes over to you "I thought I had fixed that problem. Well you can take them, if you can get to the end, you will be able to get your old body back. "
Written by catprog on 13 January 2018
To the car
Before you can say anything the store keeper heads back into the store leaving you speechless.
You head back to your car and as you approach it a dialog box pops up:
Alter car to fit new form?
Cost :50/100
Written by catprog on 29 January 2018
Well it is not like you can get home without changing it. The moment you make the decision, the car starts to change, the back door reversing , the seat lengthening, the backrest folding back to allow you to get in.
Once you get in and figure out how to set everything up you head home. There is another dialog
Alter house to fit new form?
Cost 50/50
Written by catprog on 22 February 2018
The house rumbles and the upper floor flows out turning the house into a single story. A ramp also forms up to the now flat roof.
Inside the rooms are bigger with the hallways removed. It is definitely much easier to move your new body around rather than trying to maneuver around the corners.
Written by catprog on 01 March 2018