It was oddly peaceful, being able to do as you please without a care in the world. There was something so serene about the forest that made you feel at home. But... this wasn't your home, and you couldn't stay here forever. Despite growing to enjoy your time here and no longer being in a constant state of woe you still missed your human body.
You missed your home and your nice, warm bed. You shook your head. You didn't want to think about home right know, it only made it harder to wait. You are still a bit on edge. You couldn't stop thinking about the group of wolves you saw a couple of days ago. You were nervous about going into the woods, never hunting more than a few feet from the clearing.
You sat with the kits wondering if they'd be alright. One of the wolves saw you. They wouldn't go looking for any of the foxes, would they? Did wolves eat fox? You felt guilty. You doubted any of the other foxes ever went that deep into the woods to hunt, what if the wolves came to the clearing to hunt the foxes now that you had alerted them to their presence?
You looked down at the kits as they rolled around in the grass and nipped at each other. You watched as the vixen came from the woods and delivered the daily carcass for her kits. You scanned the woods and saw birds flying to branches on the trees.
Written by Vixerlen on 28 March 2018
The end (for now)