You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
A lamp
You take a lamp. Now what are you going to do with it?
Written by catprog on 05 March 2004
Transformation Genie
Just then, a huge puff of green smoke appears.
The smoke forms the shape of a humanoid, then finally materializes into a turquoise-skinned man who appears to be about 25 years old. You quiver with fear, staring at him (after all, you're not used to seeing turquoise-skinned men appear out of lamps).
"Who has rubbed the lamp of the Genie of Transformation?", the man asks in a light, yet stern voice.
"I-I did", you answer softly.
He steps closer to you and bows. "Thank You, Master, Thank You!", he says as he kneels to you.
He stands. "Yes", he says. "You have released me from the Lamp, and now you may have three wishes.
The wishes carry certain limitations, however..."
"Yes, like what?", you ask again, almost bursting with excitement (having your own genie and all).
"First, there are only three wishes, no more and no less, and this may not be changed by any wishes made. Second, all wishes made by the master should be precisely worded. If the wish is too vague, then I shall choose the remaining factors of the wish. And third, all wishes must be related to the change of the master, or of someone else that the master chooses. In other words, all wishes must be transformative."
Well what are you going to wish for?
Written by on 11 March 2004
I don't need a **** Transformation
"I don't need a transformation thank you very much," you say. "I am perfectly happy as a human". "You can take your conditional wishes elsewhere, you ****".
The genie's eyes widen. "You are going to regret mocking me". " You don't want a transformation, too bad you're getting one.
Written by on 18 May 2004
"You are going to my animal park and help with the breeding programs" booms the genie.
All of a sudden a portal appears and sucks you in.As you go through you get knocked out.
When you awake your in...
Written by on 22 May 2004
You find yourself in the middle of a plain.
All you can see is the plain.
You notice that you are transforming but to what?
Written by on 02 June 2004
reddish fur
A wave of red fur, with white on the belly and black on the hands and feet, sweeps up your new body. Your ankles twist into a digitigrade shape, your ears become pointed and migrate to the top of your head, your face elongates into a pointed muzzle, and a tail with a white tip ripples off the end of your spine.
No further changes happen.
You are now a half-fox half-human creature with approximately human proportions.
Written by on 06 November 2005
4 legged
Your nose was now a pointed snout with long whiskers sprouting from it and your ears had become triangular and upright. Your now pointed ears twitch and turn in the direction of every sound you hear. Noises you never would have noticed before are within your improved hearing range. The rustling of the tree branches over yonder.
The distant pitter-patter of tiny animals scurrying across the forest floor around you. You fall to the ground in a quick motion with a loud thud, no longer able to support yourself on your hind legs as well as you could with your human body.
You whimper in self-pity, already tired of these games. Finally deciding that you can't just mope around all day, you stand and stretch out your thin, furry legs.
You crane your neck as you try to glance back at your new slim body, and prance in a small circle, following your fluffy tail drifting and flowing behind you. Testing out your new structure and the drastic difference in anatomy, you walk forward with a larger stride. The soft pads on the bottom of your round paws gives a slight bounce to each step you take, making it feel almost like you're hopping around.
You can see farther than ever before, and much better too. You can make out each of the individual leaves on the trees in front of you. Everything looks crisp and sharp now and you wonder if you were in need of glasses before, or of a fox's eyes were really just this much better than a humans. A gentle breeze courses over you and ruffles your red fur. A sudden smell you had not noticed before wafts through the air. Your cold, wet nose twitches as you inhale the delicious scent.
Written by Vixerlen on 02 January 2018
Follow the trail
You continue snuffling the air and wonder around in search of the mouthwatering aroma. It was meat, but you could not identify what kind or the animal it came from. All you knew was that it smelled amazing and you wanted some of it. Your sharp claws tap lightly against the ground as you stalk around. Your paws dig into the dirt slightly when you crouch down low in the tall grass.
The scent is stronger here. You crawl closer and closer to where the wonderful aroma is and twist through the trees. Slinking underneath a large log you stop suddenly and and quickly sink to the ground. Lying flat on your stomach you hear yipping in the distance. Hiding in the grass you carefully move closer and strain your ears. You listen intently to the crunching and snapping sounds as they bounce around the forest. You hear something moving ahead, but you can't make anything out. Your eyes widen and your ears fall back against your head.
Your breath comes out in quick puffs. What could be making those strange sounds? You wonder fearfully. More things move and then the crunching is louder. Whatever it is, it's just sitting there, munching on something that smells wonderful.
Wait... are there more of them!? Why are they just staying there?
Written by Vixerlen on 07 January 2018
Your head snaps to the side and you bash your head against a bulky rock. Ignoring the pain that's coursing through your snout, your eyes dart around wildly for what had just been so close to you.
Despite not blinking, or breathing for that matter, you can't seem to find a trace of what had made the noise. You decide that whatever had been there was gone now. You still remain stiff and unmoving, but feel less tense.
You realize then that that the rock near you smelled... odd. You couldn't really understand it, but you felt like it was a bad sign. Feeling anxious again you look towards where the chomping noises had died down. Now all you could hear was some high pitched growling. Swallowing your fear you edge forward until you can clearly see the strange things ahead of you.
There, in the now unobstructed small clearing, were other fox. One was larger than the rest and sat eerily still, as if he was surveying the other fox and the woods around them. The fur around his mouth was matted and looked brown. Dried blood, possibly? Perhaps he had finished eating? You thought. You were starting to feel anxious again.
Written by Vixerlen on 10 January 2018
he other canine around him were much smaller. You suspected they were his children.Two of the tiny cubs were yipping at each other and fighting over the body, or what's left of one, of what looked like a squirrel. The kits both had part of the squirrel's body in their mouths. They each tried to pull it away from the other. Their heads twisted around awkwardly and banged together violently in the struggle.
There appeared to be what looked like small pieces of broken bones in a pile of bits of red in the grass below them. The other two pups, who were slightly bigger, were playing together. The pups were standing on their hind legs and pushing against each other's chests with their forelegs. One of them fell over and ran away from the other who was chasing him and tried to nip at his tail. Other pups around were also chasing each other while some were trying to chase mice as other adult kitsune simply watched.
Through the rustling of a bush came a slim vixen. She strolled through the cleaning with a plump bird hanging from her mouth. Some of the kits rushed over to her excitedly. One kit was whining and rubbing against the vixen while the other two were low to the ground. They were waging their tails in the air and making a sort of keking sound.
The vixen dropped the bird and nudged it towards the three pups who swarmed the carcass and started tugging it in the three different direction. The vixen walked over to the *tod with her long tail swishing behind her. She brushed against the kitsune and he nipped her neck playfully in response. You watch as yet another cub comes out from the bush behind the vixen.
He was bigger than all the other kits and appeared to have hunted his own food. He ha this snout aimed upward and strutted around with a dead rabbit swinging limply from his mouth. He lied down in between tow of the adult kitsune and started ripping the hare apart as the adults groomed him.
Written by Vixerlen on 15 January 2018
By now the sun was starting to set, the sky now a bright, fiery orange color. You watched the *skulk as they ate and played together. Once again you caught a whiff of all the carcasses. It made your stomach clench. You were disgusted at the thought of eating an uncooked, dead woodland animal, but you couldn't remember the last time you had eaten anything. You whimpered and pondered what you should do.
You considered the fact that you couldn't keep going without eating anything at all, but you didn't want to eat a poor rabbit. As you question what to do, something above you shakes. Leaves shook from the movement and fell gently from the tree to the ground below as a fat squirrel jumped from branch to branch and climbed down the truck of another tree. It hopped around through the grass.
You followed its every move, not even noticing that the leaf that had fallen on your head. Your eyes were transfixed on the critter. You had unconsciously started shimmying over to it slowly. All previous guilty thoughts of eating the squirrel had vanished. The fox costume had done more than just turn you into a fox, it had made you think like a fox too.
Written by Vixerlen on 19 January 2018
Instinct took over as you stretched doubt your claws and stalked the squirrel as carefully and as quietly as you could. You could feel your heartbeat pulse throughout your body. To you, it felt like the whole forest had gone silent in anticipation for your dinner. Ypu exhaled quick tuffs of air though your nose.
With your mouth hanging wide open and your sharp fangs ready to snap shut you leaped up from where you had been hiding and bound towards the squirrel at speeds you never would have been able to before as a human. The squirrel sees your giant form nearing it and attempts to run away from you back to the safety of the treetops. It isn't fast enough though, and you reach it before it can even get to the base of a tree.
You stretch your neck out oddly and open your mouth even wider, straining your jaws. Your mouth snaps shut, piercing the squirrel's fur and skin with a sickening crunch. Your teeth puncture its gut and you feel the gush of its blood flow into your mouth and slid down your throat. Gulping, you hungrily devour the paltry creature, unaware of the large shadow being cast over you.
It isn't until you finish practically swallowing it whole that you notice the tod behind you, snarling and ready to pounce. He moves before you can even blink and bites your hind leg viciously and draws blood. You yip and kick away from him. Spinning around you see him ready to attack you again.
Your mind is racing. You can't fight a fox! You have never even been in a fight with another human before, how would you even attempt to fight a wild fox? Your heart felt like it would burst from your chest. Your legs were shaking and every time you tried to edge farther away from the tod your hind leg would pulse from where he had bitten you. Pain shot through your entire leg each time you applied the briefest pressure to it. You didn't know what else to do.
Written by Vixen on 22 January 2018
You flung your body to the ground and stuck your nose in the dirt, hoping the tod would see it as a submissive gesture. What else could you have done? You had no idea how to fight a wild fox before you had been bitten, how would you do so with your leg stinging with pain every time you moved it?
You whimpered as the fox bore his eyes into you. He was still growling quietly and his stance said he wasn't convinced you weren't a threat. He seemed to enjoy filling you with dismay as he drew closer to you. What to do, what to do!? You thought frantically. You had a passing thought of just running away, but the tod would surely just follow you. It wasn't as if you could walk with your leg as it is now, let alone run.
So, you did the only other thing you could think of. You brought your time in the air and wiggled it like you had seen puppies so to their siblings when they wanted to play. The tod seemed less distrustful, but he was still wiry.
You whined and lied your head flat on the grass. You looked up at the tod and watched with fearful eyes as he stepped closer to you. He bent down and sniffed you. You flinched away, but he continued. He circled around you, sniffing and growling in union. He stopped abruptly and licked at your leg before looking you in the eye. He turned and walked away, back to the skulk. You remained as you were, lying on the hard ground, wondering what to do now. He had left you there, did that mean he no longer thought of you as a threat? Taking a chance, you stood shakily and limped over to the clearing. The other adult fox watched you with curiosity. Was that a good sign? You don't know much about foxes or their behavior. You had no idea how to proceed from here.
Written by Vixerlen on 25 January 2018
Get Closer
You would be stuck like this, a fox, for a while. It has only been what, a day since you were changed? It felt like it had already been a whole year! How were you going to survive this? You thought that maybe if you stuck close to these fox you would have an easier time.
You keep your head down and step closer to the others hesitantly. They didn't seem to really care about you so you continued limping closer. Your throat felt tight when the tod looked over to you form where he sat, but he didn't get up. You didn't want to push your luck and lied in the grass where you were.
Lounging around here was wonderful. You had been so unnerved by becoming a fox and wondering what to do next that simply resting made you realize how exhausted you were. Your limbs were heavy and your eyelids were droopy. You were starting to fall asleep. Would you be alright here though?
You reluctantly opened your eyes again and looked towards the other foxes. They weren't paying you any mind at all. Some of the adults were napping as you were trying to do, as the others were playing with their kits.
Seeing as how they didn't mind having you near them, you fell into a peaceful sleep.
Written by Vixerlen on 30 January 2018
Wake up
When you awoke hours later, you were surprised to see you were alone with some of the kits. The sky was once again blue now. The kits were huddled around you, lying on their sides and biting at each other. You struggled to stand, your leg still hurting from the bite. You glance around the area, but see no sign of the other adult fox. Where had they all gone?
One of the pups was looking up at you. You bend your neck down towards him. He yips and the cheeky little bastard bites you right on your nose. You jump back and run at your snout. All of the pups seemed to be snickering at you. Angry, you lunge at the pup who had bitten you. The other cubs parted away from him and watched as he ran away from you.
Satisfied that he won't do it again, you sat back down and watch as the other cubs play with each other. You are startled when the same pup returns and bites at your tail. You act as if you were going to bite him as well to scare him off.
For a while he left you alone and you relaxed under the shade of the trees. Eventually though, he came back and nipped at your heels. When you stood and glared at the pup he just yipped and ran away from you again. This time her looked back at you when you remained where you were. He walked over to you and pawed at you coyly.
Written by Vixerlen on 04 February 2018