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Run emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You run... and fly... and hide. You don't know how to handle this. It is all so so fast. You're a dragon! A dragoness! You decide to hide from everyone, going to seclusion in the woods, thinking and recalling that that was what dragons in the stories did. They all had some sort of lair and you don't want to hurt anyone but... well you're a dragon... and no one would believe it unless they see it and if they did... who knows how they would react. They might think of you as a threat and attack you... or report you to the media and you would become either an experiment or.... You don't want to think about it as your curl yourself around a tree, instinctively looking for warmth as you sob in sadness. Its not that this form is ugly or anything but still.


"What am I going to do?" you sob and whisper silently to yourself as your mind races once more. You honestly rather like your new form, it was incredible flying for the first time and soaring the skies, not to mention your new sharp senses, but still, you grab your scaly head, your fingers and thumbs covering most of it as you sit back, your tears dripping down your snout. This is simply too much to process. Is there no one you can turn to? Sure, all you have to do is to fly to someone with the hopes of not being detected by anyone, or call someone with your clawed scaly fingers.


"ah...." You gasp as you get on your hind legs. You have walked on all fours easily so far as you try to master walking on two feet once more. Its clumsy but you think you can make it as you explore your new body, your neck stretching out as you scan the area for enemies. Seeing none you stretch out and test your capabilities, seeing just how far you can push this new body of yours. Turns out quite far! You are much more firm and thick but at the same time you possess greater agility. Then you realize just how hungry you are! The transformation had almost eaten you whole and now you begin surveying the area for a fresh meal. Somehow, with your new senses you spot a rabbit. Small game but your instincts take over and you get on all fours, crushing a few smaller saplings as you ready yourself to pounce.

Written by Luksinatriks on 15 December 2017

Both Pounce

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