Take him out
You stand in one of the pathways between the weaving station and Lowtar's home, digging your claws into the dirt trying to think of what to do. Never in 1 million years did you think you could get pregnant. That is the problem; you didn't think or didn't want to think of this possibility. You close your eyes, let out a sigh and take a minute to adjust center yourself trying to keep your emotions intact.
After thinking about this for some time, you realize that something this big and life-changing needs to be treated very specially. You walk back to Lowtar's home skipping just a bit as your excitement overwhelms you. You have your hands on your belly, your fingertips gently stroking along it as you reinforce in your brain that new life is growing inside of you.
You push your way into Lowtar's home; the big wooden door lets out a slight squeak. You jump because you are afraid the noise will wake Lowtar. You quickly look at the sleeping figure and relax just a bit as you see he is asleep. "My mate," you repeat to yourself in your head. You look at his sleeping form for a second before you lay down next to him and begin purring. You gently try and wrap your tail around his waist. You lay there thinking about what you want to do. You want to make your announcement an event. Obviously, you would always know when you got pregnant, but you also want Lowtar to be able to remember it always as well. You close your eyes and try to sleep, though as you drift in and out of consciousness, you think of your plan to surprise your mate. You think you would take him back to spot where the festival was held. You would pack a huge basket filled with a variety of edible treats. You smile to yourself before you fall asleep.
You wake up the next morning, the sun coaxing you to wake up by shining almost directly upon you. You lift your head up, and let out a groan and then begin to rub the sleeping sand out of your eyes when you remember what you are planning to do today. You push yourself up and look around wondering if your mate is still asleep. You spy his form and smile. You move around his home and begin to pull things together in one of his baskets. You take a few of Lowtar's dried meats and even some of his fruits and stuff them into the basket. You think of other things Lowtar might like and make a sizable spread for the meal. Since this was is such a special occasion you aren't against using some of your earnings to buy some nice warm bread for your event. You close the basket and make sure to lock the locks before you even attempt to pick it up. You feel the weight of the basket pull you down just a little bit I let out a puff of air before gripping the handle tighter.
You walk towards the door to leave when you pause and glance at Lowtar one more time. You smile before lightly pulling the door closed with your tail. Once outside you take a deep breath and close your eyes. After you take a moment to center yourself and head towards the bakers. You take a few minutes to find the perfect bread for the picnic. You decide to go with a nice slightly sweet filled crust thinking that Lowtar might enjoy the slight sweetness as a form of dessert.
You pay the baker, take your filled bread and put it in your basket. As you start to turn, you feel a hand touching your shoulder. You turn abruptly and smile as you see Lowtar's brother, Mordant, smiling back at you. He bows his head and says. "Good morning Serena, I see you are buying sweetbread, what's the occasion?" He says cheerfully with just a hint of something spicy on his breath. You bow your head back respectfully and say. "Lowtar and I are going on a date tonight; I'm getting him something special."
Mordant looks at you happily but raises a brow and looks away remembering something. "You two are going on a date tonight? I just saw him, and he was going out to the hunting grounds," Mordant says with a bit of question in his voice. You look at Mordant, and your happy expression falls away. You are both saddened and annoyed that your mate is going hunting. As good as Lowtar is he generally is gone several hours when hunting. You let out a sigh, close your eyes to disguise the sadness, you are sure Mordant would see in them.You then casually say "Well… We were supposed to do something together so if you see your brother… Let him know that I'm waiting for him okay?" you say before turning away from Mordant. Mordant nods his head and says, "Sure Serena… I can do that; I hope the two of you enjoy your date."
You give Mordant another polite nod and head back to Lowtar's home. As you walk towards his home, you feel more and more sadness hanging over you weighing you down. Of course, Lowtar didn't know that you were planning this, of course, he didn't know your big news, but you still felt sad all the same. It wasn't the coin you spent to get him something nice; it was that you might not be able to tell him until tonight or maybe even tomorrow it depending on how long it took him to hunt.
You look into my basket as you walk to Lowtar's home. You realize that once you got it home, you would need to warp up to try and keep it warm for him. Even if it were just lukewarm, it wouldn't be coin thrown away.
Then an idea hit you; you could go find your mate. You could go into the hunting lands and tell him to stop hunting and then maybe you could go on your date. You know it would be dangerous, but you could tell him right away instead of staying at home and waiting for him and hoping to keep everything warm.
Written by kamenriderfire on 28 November 2017