New name:Serena
You think for a second; you legitimately do not remember your name. It is somewhat surprising that it doesn't seem to matter as you are starting to have more of a life here than you did at home. You think for a second, your eyes darting to the grass beneath you before you reply, "I don't remember my name… But I guess you can call me Serena. If I remember my real name, I'll tell it to you then." You give Lowtar and his brother a smile.
Mordant smiles back at you and says, "That's a nice name, Serena… I will leave you and my brother to it. May the spirits guide your heads and your hearts tonight,” he says as he bows. He turns to leave, but you grab his tail before he leaves and say hurriedly, "No, no stay with us. It's not going to hurt to have some friendly conversation… especially since you said, the party didn't start till later tonight anyway. It already looks like some of the guys are having their fun," you say with a little chuckle as you try to be friendly with Mordant.
Mordant slightly awkward as he looks at you and then looks to his brother. Lowtar gives Mordant a look that says it is all right. Mordant looks to you and says, "I'd be more than honored." You, Lowtar and Mordant go to a corner away from the other. Seconds of casual conversation turns into minutes and then minutes turn into hours. You all have a very good time together. Mordant gives you some foraging tips and tells you about some of the flowers lionestaurs gather for different medicinal remedies. He tells you that they really could use another herb bologist in their tribe. A role which you thought you could easily fill. You certainly aren't one for combat and when you tried to hunt you did catch the creature, but then someone caught you. Obviously, you aren't very aware of your surroundings.
After this conversation, you feel you this is a life that you can easily slip into. After cycling through a few more topics of conversation Mordant goes over to the barrels and gets the three of you some of the drink that was housed within them. He hands you and his brother the drink housed in simple wooden containers. You look at it for a second taking a small sniff. To your surprise it smells sweet, almost like some form of fruit punch. You stare at the drink for a few more seconds before taking a swig. A nice sensation would run through your body; it was a sweet sensation but also a warm one.
The taste is something you can only describe as a mix between some kind of grape and strawberry mixture. You hold the cup tighter in your paw and drink the whole thing in one go because you really really like it. Once you put your cup down from your face, you were panting quite heavily, making you look like an overjoyed animal. This causes both the brothers to laugh and Lowtar to put on hand over your paw and say, "I think Serena here would like another shot, my brother. She seems to enjoy it enough. "
Mordant chuckles and gets everyone another round. You have a few (more like 6) cups and you feel all nice and relaxed.
Later that night some lionesestaurs start singing some sort of tribal song as they dance around the fire. Seconds later a pair of males, adorned from top to tail with some kind of white body tattoos, join the the group song. A few other lionstaurs throw some chemicals or plants or something into the fire causing the flames to rise up and the very tips of the flames turn a slight pink color as everyone chants.
It was sometime during this song that you feel Lowtar grab your face and give you a passionate kiss. You let out a gasp as he kisses you, feeling his tongue invade your mouth. You hadn't thought about this; at least not since suggestive conversation earlier in the day. You feel his passion and of course the heat between your legs starts building again. You began purring lovingly as you start to kiss Lowtar back. After a few seconds of kissing him, the entire world falls away and all you feel is the movements of your tongues intertwining together. After a few seconds you pull away and started panting. He looked at you and put his fore paws on your shoulders pressing you down.
You fall onto your back and land with a soft thud. You feel very relaxed and instead of growling you chuckle and bring your mouth up to his then giving his cheek a lick. This causes him to start purring as well he as he nuzzles your cheek before he gives your lips a lick with his own tongue.
You know where this was going, and you like it. Tonight things actually feel right. Lowtar pulls his head away from you and gives you a goofy smile before saying in a sultry voice, "Where would you… I mean… Would you like to… have that fun now?”
You smile back at him but you don't know if you should just rush into things you. You only just met the lionestaur a few hours ago. Do you really want to do that you think to yourself. He could also reject you if you simply turned him down? This weighed heavily on your mind as you conjure up the courage to answer.
[What will you do, will you give into your passions and mate with Lowtar, or will you make him play the game and wait for you potentially turning him off?]
Written by kamenriderfire on 24 November 2017