chase after the creature
You decide to chase after the creature; it's noise too attractive to your ears. You quickly turn, and your back paws dig into the soft grass beneath your feet. You lock your eyes forward, concentrating on the bush you thought you heard the noise coming from. The muscles in your legs begin to firm up and tighten, you feel your heart beating, adrenaline coursing through your veins. You hold your breath for just a little bit before you press your hind legs up sending you into a four-legged Sprint, Your claws coming out of the earth pulling patches of grass beneath them. .As you charge you feel the wind rushing through your coat and to your surprise as you continue running, your legs feel gradually like they are growing stronger. You end up right in front of the bush and poke your head in; your snout effortlessly starts parting the leaves. You look around trying to find the creature you heard, to your surprise, you soon lay your eyes upon the creature. It would be what you would consider a bunny except instead of a regular white or black coat that you would associate a bunny with, this creature had a soft brown coat, with what looked to be red streaks running across its body. You look at it and tilt your head, confused by its strange appearance, but your stomach would soon growl reminding you of why you even started chasing the creature in the first place.
You look at the animal, your eyes shifting away from it in hesitance. However, as you look at it, your hand quickly snaps to catch it.Your claws would wrap tightly around its throat, and you lift it into the air looking at it with a small smirk. You then begin to shake as something in you had just instinctually grabbed a little creature, who was now wiggling around as it dangled from your hand. Screeching in scared anxiety and fear. You could feel the tiny bones in its neck shift as you held it, you could almost feel each shift as it wiggled from left to right trying to get away from your hand. You were barely able to feel it's soft coat against your own, an unfortunate side effect of one furred creature touching another. You look at it watching it writhe and squirm, you then let out a long sigh closing your eyes for a second before you bring your other hand up to its small neck and twist. A series of loud snaps occur as you turn the bunnies neck. After a few seconds, it hangs limply in your grasp. You would open your eyes and look at it, taking in its now lifeless body even in its eyes would be drained of the life you only got a quick glimpse of, now as black as a pair of marbles. You would look at it sadly before letting out another sigh. [It was dead after all, what could you do? Even if you wanted to bring back the creature now, you would have no way of achieving that. Better just to cut your losses and begin to dig in.]
You gently place the creature between your teeth just like creatures you would have encountered in your original home world. You look around trying to figure out where you should take the corpse of your fresh kill. As you look forward you would see a small grouping of trees clumped together, it is then you realize you need to collect some firewood or something to cook the creature. You obviously couldn't eat it raw, as the village across from you was apparently cooking there kills. You let out a sigh and begin to lightly jaunt into the forest, not sensing any danger.
You walk for a bit before finding a nice sunny spot somewhere in the middle of what you're going to dub a forest or at least a small clearing.The sunlight was seeming almost to be a spotlight for the place, as its light gently pushes its way past the tree tops. It appeared to be the perfect place for you to lie down, make a fire and enjoy your first kill. You then began to wonder as you move towards the almost picturesque spot, why you have started to normalize your more animalistic behavior. [Could it be possible that the genie's transformation would start turning rewiring your brain, letting you start to think like the species you were now? Who knows…]
You shake your head and try and clear your thoughts as right now they were not important, what was important was finding food for yourself before your stomach was so loud you could not hear yourself think. You gently walk over to the sunlit spot and drop the bunny's corpse out of your teeth; it falls to the ground with a loud thump. Your tail would flick back behind you excitedly, something about that sound would just make your heart flutter with happiness.you gently roll your neck ready to go further into the woods; you search the woods for a while looking for twigs or other pieces of bark that you can use to make a fire. As you venture further into the woods the smell of the cooking animals from the village would disappear thankfully, not egging your stomach on as hard anymore. You take your time and collect a few pieces of firewood, just enough to create good enough fire to cook the rabbit. You hold the wood close to yourself, occasionally feeling more sharp bits of the broken off wood dig into your chest.
As you walk back to your kill, you feel something gently tug at your foot, before you realize it you are being flown up into the air by some kind of pulley system. It would only be a few short seconds before you was hanging upside down, dropping your wood unintentionally all over the ground below. You look at it both annoyed and scared as you knew you would have to pick it up again if you reach the ground, however, you also knew you were in a trap, indicating that something or someone would soon be coming to collect you.
It would not be too much longer before you would hear a collection of growls and this distinct sound of a group or something quickly charging towards your current position. Pretty soon after a group of three male Liontaurs would move underneath your hanging body. They all looked pretty much the same; all had the same quadruped lower bodies, and golden colored upper half's, the only real distinguishing feature between them would be there warpaint that was present around their face and their upper half. One would have white paint, the other red, and the other a shade of purple or light blue. They would look at each other, the one in blue warpaint saying. "It is a female, not great prey. What shall we do Lowtar?" The Liontaur said both for puffing, his chest inflating a bit before he let out some air, it almost visibly coming out his nostrils. He then looked to the male in red face paint waiting for his response.
That Liontaur had a slightly more square face; he had dark green eyes, and he looked up at you with interest, sizing you up." We cut her down, then we take things from there," Lowtaur said smirking.
The other with white face paint went over behind you to one of the trees, and swiftly cut the rope that was leaving you hanging. You quickly plummeted to the ground hitting it with a loud crash. You then would look up at the three, each one of them you could see more clearly now, they all had big muscles and chiseled bodies as they looked like warriors. Your heart would begin to race as you felt like you was in danger. Each one of them held a spear at their side, the spear was tipped with a silver point looking razor-sharp. Ready to skewer you at any moment.
Now do you try to run, hoping that you would be able to escape them with luck, or who do you try and bargain with them talk it through and save yourself from getting skewered?
Written by kamenriderfire on 07 November 2017