City Patrol, Daytime
“Interested in getting to know the civilians better?” Your trainer asks as you pick this job. “You’ll be taking a patrol around the city. This job’s less about enforcing the laws of the kingdom and more about public relations, though. There’s always a few people who think that the Knights are part of some conspiracy to ultimately dominate the kingdom, and try to turn our professional manner into a lack of empathy for the common man. This patrol is one way for us to make sure people realize we’re here to help them and not ourselves.”
The trainer explains it basically boils down to this; after picking a district to take a patrol through, you’ll simply walk it and look for those in need of help while getting to know some of the locals. There’s not too many rules or regulations involved with it, other than if you think someone needs help, offer them a hand. Chatting up some of the citizens and showing that the kingdom really does care about them won’t hurt ,either. Lending an ear can be just as important as lending a hand.
“One thing you need to keep in mind; do not accept money or anything else of substantial monastery value.” Your trainer warns you. “The last thing we want is to have our knights doing anything that looks like they could be taking a bribe in exchange for something. A piece of fruit or a free drink for your help is one thing, but anything beyond that is off limits. Be suspicious of anybody offering you money for your help, and on the off chance you find a big pouch of coins, get civilian law enforcement involved immediately and have them secure it.”
You nod in understanding, and she pulls out a map of the city. There’s three areas you can choose from for your patrol route. After considering all the options, you choose the…
Written by LunaMoonstone on 12 October 2017
The end (for now)