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Take An Assignment emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You’re sure the knight will get it eventually, and you were already humiliated enough by a non-living opponent. Besides, how hard of a task could they possibly give you for your very first assignment?


“Alright then.” The wolfess trainer leads you over to a wooden board. There’s two sides, one labeled day and the other night, with various fliers posted in a variety of colors on either side. Despite being a fantasy world, all the jobs are written in plain English text. The trainer points to a few written on white paper.


“As a recruit, you’re limited to the basic jobs. Once you get some experience under your belt you’ll be considered for more difficult assignments, but we need to make sure you can handle the smaller jobs first.” Nodding your understanding, you locate two assignments on each side of the board that are labeled as basic assignments. After looking them all over for a while, your hand settles on the one that reads…

Written by LunaMoonstone on 10 October 2017

City Patrol, Daytime
Guard the King And Queen, Daytime
Assist the City Watch: Nighttime
Guard The Royal Reception

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