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“That dummy wasn’t abuse enough for you, I see.” The trainer notices your attention on the jousting match as the victor pauses for a moment to get some water and catch her breath. “We find a little friendly competition is good between the knights; it helps keeps their drive up to keep doing better against each other while also building comradery. The sword and shield are the typical choice of the Knights, but it doesn’t hurt to have some experience with some other weapons.”


“The joust goal is pretty simple; first one to get a clean headshot wins. No striking with anything other the pugilist stick, but anything else is fair game once the battle begins.” She calls for one of the spare helmets and puts it on you after another recruit tosses her one. Your field of vision is drastically cut as it slips over your head, which will probably hurt your ability to read your opponent’s moves. At least she’ll have to overcome the same handicap, a small measure of comfort.


“Take a couple of minutes to practice and think how you’re going to want to go once the battle starts. Do you want to be aggressive and try to overwhelm her with attacks? Do you want to play defensive and pick your moment for a clean hit? Or do you want to try and balance both offense and defense equally?”

Written by LunaMoonstone on 09 October 2017

The end (for now)

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