In terms of clothing, the only thing this class seems to offer is a simple hooded tunic and some comfortable if boring looking brown pants that you slip on. That’s not terribly fascinating, but what’s a bit more interesting is the inclusion of two weapons as opposed to the one offered with each of the other classes. Technically three, if you count each of the two daggers as a separate weapon, as well as a bow and quiver full of arrows.
You are a hunter. Shadows and stealth are your allies. Whether it be in the forest, a crowded city street, or in the darkest of dungeons, you will find your quarry, strike, and be gone before they even realize that you are there.
You nod as you twirl the daggers between your fingers, manipulating them with a deftness and skill you’re certain you didn’t possess before putting on these clothes but now can’t imagine ever being without. Said agility isn’t limited to your weapon handling as you sheath the daggers and regard the nearby tree for a moment before beginning to climb. Your hands use branches, knots, and sometimes just your claws to help you ascend to the highest reaches of the tree, and it comes as easily to you as walking on the ground.
Finding a particularly long and strong branch that can fully support your weight, you walk out to its furthest edge. Even with only a few inches of wood to walk across, you’re as steady and sure of your balance as you’ve ever been. It easy to see how this kind of sure footed-ness and climbing ability could be used to help track whatever target you’re after unnoticed. Getting down quickly to reach them might be another story, unless there’s a pile of leaves or a bale of hay strategically placed nearby that you could leap off into.
Perhaps leaving your perch to strike won’t even be necessary, though. A nearby leaf rustles as a stray wind blows, causing it to break free from its branch and flutter through the dark sky. In an instant, you’ve drawn your bow and nocked an arrow, sending it shooting toward the tiny target. The leaf is pierced and splits in two as the arrow whistles through the sky. You are an accomplished hunter, no question.
Now, time to go find something to hunt.
Written by LunaMoonstone on 29 October 2017
The end (for now)