Follow Him
You feel him stir awake, and get up. Keeping your eyes closed and your breathing heavy, you pretend to be asleep. When you're sure he has left the cave, you follow his footsteps out. He walks for a few hours, and you follow him patiently, used to the long walks by now, before he stops. He looks around and frowns when he sees nothing. In the distance you can see where he's been going. A small village is ahead of you, along with countless sheep. You watch him from a distance as he runs after the sheep, chasing them much like a wolf would. One particular one seems to catch his eye and he chases that one away from the flock. You watch, fascinated, as he lunges at it, and tears it's throat with his teeth. His satisfied grin is enough to make you smile. Then a shot can be heard, a loud bang, along with the yelling of multiple people. You watch the half wolf clutch his side. Had he been shot? You can only watch as he runs, people chasing behind him. You can't do anything but listen to your heart thunder in your chest as he changes into a full on wolf. Breath catching in your throat, you watch as he instead of running, turns to the people and charges at them. Loud growls, yells, and screams eco, and you watch, scared for your new friend's life. You hear the shot before you see it happen, it hits his side, and you cry out. The big wolf turns back into a young man and you watch the villagers carry the body to the village. The still breathing body. Your legs start running before your brain can even register it. You have to save him.
The village gets closer and closer, your legs are carrying you as fast as they can go. The snow crunches beneath your feet. You can't think. You need to save him. The wind rushes past you, and you try to speed up. You don't know what they they're gonna do, he could die. They could execute him, or worse, they could leave him to bleed out. Don't they get that he's human too? You're getting dizzy with worry and the town seems to stay in place, like you can't get closer. That's when you look down and realise you've frozen in place, your fear making you unable to move. Your heart is in your throat, you feel like you're about to throw it up. You have to keep moving. You close your eyes, force a long deep breath and begin running again.
Written by AnxiousRomeo on 18 October 2017