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Search until water is found emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

where you're going, you're just hoping to find a lake somewhere, a stream, or just a water puddle. So far there's been nothing. Your wound is throbbing, and the pain in your wing is almost unbearable. You need to get it rinsed thoroughly. The moss is soft, giving your feet a nice break from the hard rock they've become accustomed to.


Hours feel like days, and you don't know how long you've been walking when a lake appears in the distance. You don't hesitate to run and jump into the lake. The cold water is refreshing, and cleans the sweat off your feathers and skin. You drink greedily, having gone without water for an entire long day of walking. You gently rinse the wound and bandage it up using the reed from all around the lake. You try to make a sling, but it's hard and you get frustrated, throwing the reed on the ground. Instead you lay beside the lake, feeling clean for the first time in days. The sun is caressing your face and drying your feathers. You fall asleep like this.


A loud growl by your ear wakes you up. It's dark, very dark, the only source of light being the full moon above you. You can sense a presence near you, feel a breath close to your neck. Slowly you turn your head and your golden eyes meet the yellow of a big wolf. It lets out a loud growl the second your eyes meet, and you try your best to keep still. A howl startles you into backing away from the giant grey wolf. You grab a rock. The wolf gets closer again, sniffing your leg before snarling, showing its sharp teeth. Your heart stops for a second, how're you supposed to fight a big wolf? It gets closer, slowly, and carefully you raise your rock a bit. Then out of nowhere the beast jumps at you- the last thing you remember is the sickening crunch when your stone hits the side of the wolf's head, and then you black out.

Written by AnxiousRomeo on 10 October 2017

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