You end up walking for hours, your feet are bloody and bruised, your legs are aching. What you find isn't much, it's more of an indent in the mountain than a cave. But it's dry and relatively warm, and it'll do. When the rain stops you can build a fire, but for now you can't do anything. All wood you could possibly find would be soaked, and soaked wood can't make a fire. The ground is dry, and it's more than enough to lull you to sleep. The last thing you hear is the rain slapping against the wet ground.
The loud growling of your stomach wakes you up. You're starving. Blood rushes from your head as you sit up, making you lightheaded and you breathe out tiredly. Today is gonna be a rough day. You have to find something to eat.
The trip is tough, your feet are destroyed from yesterday’s walking and your muscles are screaming, but you keep pressing on. You feel like you're walking in circles, but it's probably just because of the repetitive landscape. After what seems like hours of walking you see a small stream ahead of you.
Written by AnxiousRomeo on 30 September 2017