The rain is pouring down and the wind is getting stronger. It pushes you back down every time you try to stand. You have to find a way down or the wind will blow you down on it's own. It's already grabbing onto your wings, you have to stand your ground to not fall backwards. An idea strikes you- you could use the strong wind to your advantage, you could be able to glide through the air to the ground. Either way, you don't really have any other options. You can't stay here, and the wind is getting too strong for you.
You walk to the edge of the cliff, take a deep breath, and close your eyes. Your heart is hammering in your throat. You hold your breath and spread your wings, and let yourself fall forward down from the cliff. You brace yourself for the impact of the ground, even as you find yourself being carried by the strong wind. It's blowing across your feathers, and caresses your hair. The air moves under your body, blowing at your wings, holding your body weight. You feel like you're sliding through the air, riding it. You close your eyes and let yourself get lost in the magical way the wind carries you. Experimentally you flap your wings, once, twice, and you're flying. You're actually flying.
You can't help but scream out in excitement. You're flying. You move your wings and fly faster through the air, riding the waves of the wind. With each flap of your wings you feel yourself being lifted up in the air, nothing you've ever experienced compares to this. You're flying through the air, screaming out happily, and you've never felt this free in your entire life.
Eventually your arms grow tired, and you have to land somewhere. You land on the hard ground. When your feet hit the ground the reality of situation comes crashing down. You have no idea where you are. You're alone, and hungry, you're tired, you're cold, and you're surrounded by nothing but rock. You wanna go back to the village, to Enja. Or home to your real home, the one where you're completely human. A sob threatens to spill out from your lips and you fall onto the cold, hard, wet ground. This is no life. You don't even know where to start finding a shelter, let alone food. Laying down on the rock you feel your eyes start to slip shut, despite the uncomfortable bed, you fall asleep in no time.
You wake up to the sound of thunder. You're shivering, and every muscle in your body feels frozen stiff. When you feel snot running from your nose you realise you have to find somewhere dry you can stay. If you don't, you could catch a cold, or worse, and with no medical supplies or anything, you're scared it could kill you. Your body is reluctant to work with you, but with a lot of willpower you eventually get your aching muscles to cooperate. You stand up, and slowly start walking. You don't know where you're going, but you're hoping you might find civilisation, or just a cave, or maybe just a covered place that'll keep you dry.
Written by AnxiousRomeo on 29 September 2017