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You stop talking to her, you avoid her, you barely even look at her. You sit beside someone else when you eat. You sleep at the other side of the tent. When she tries to confront you, you flee. You see that her smile fades a bit, the cheer in her voice sounds more forced, but you keep doing it. It's for the best you tell yourself.


One day, you're by the lake, getting water and out of nowhere you feel hands on your back, a shove, and you're surrounded by water. Panicked you turn around to see who shoved you into the water and you're met by the ice blue eyes of your roommate. Enja.


"You've been avoiding me. I demand to know why," there's a teasing glint in her eye, but something serious in them let's you know she's not playing.


"I'm not avoiding you."

Written by AnxiousRomeo on 23 September 2017

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