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You grumble, but you feel a wash of guilt hit you. “I’ve gotta help him!” You groan, spinning away from the two goblins hobbling towards you with guttural groans and clucks. As you move, you spot another path veering back towards the front of the cave just opposite where Baal is trapped, right where you came in.


“The paths both came this way! Damn!” You curse, thrusting your swords towards the goblins attacking Baal, but all four of the goblins turn to attack you now, except for one who continues to spare back and forth with your companion.


The sudden swing of two axes down towards you is overwhelming.


You try to dodge the whistling blade to your right, but as soon as you move you feel the sweaty shape of the goblin to your left hunching in to attack.


“Tuuc ghuugec tuun A shac mech o!!” The goblin shouted, shoving you with the butt of the axe so that you thunked back into the hard stone wall. The air shoots out from your chest, making you heave forward to try and find your breath.


Just as you bend over, the third goblin meets your eyes. You see him staring, hefting his spear up with a devilish grin. His yellowed teeth stick out at you, “Kaarthec duun draal tokhel her?”


Then, with a jab, he stabbed his spear right into your stuck, drowning your throat with regurgitated blood for your final, coppery breath.


Written by Picklessauce69 on 19 July 2017

Both Reborn
Both "You have died"

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