“I want to check this out, I’m intrigued.” You say aloud, deciding for the both of you.
You both pivot over, leaving the edge of the path and stepping instead onto the brush and bramble of the woods themselves. Each step now starts to crunch and rustle beneath your boots as you head towards the source of the noise.
Each step brings you closer and closer to the sound of the roaring and rushing water until finally the waterfall comes entirely into your view, pouring off the edge of a cliff high above and crashing into a rather small pool before continuing into a pit where the water disappeared into a spray of glittering white.
“Hmm...” You peer around, searching for some sign that will tell you where to go next, but the longer you look the more you realize that you’re not quite sure what direction you even came from. You wander to the edge of the clearing, seeing only trees piling on trees to the very edge of your vision where you can only see darkness of the clusters trunks filling up the edge of your sight.
You swivel to Baal, staring at him with widening eyes. “Which way did we come from?”
He glanced around, giving a shrug. “I just followed you.”
You get a sinking feeling in your gut, spinning once more. All you hear is the sound of the roaring water. All you see is the clustered trees.
“I think we’re lost...” You admit, staring into the water as it disappears into the pit. You stare at where it fades into the rocks, hidden behind its own spray.
You stare even longer, wondering how you’re going to get back to the path.
You keep staring, wondering where the water is going.
You keep staring, thinking nothing, just listening to the rush of the water starting to swallow you up.
You stare.
The water’s soothing sound swallows you up entirely, filling your mind with the sound of nothing. You keep staring, feeling your eyes start to dry out. You think about blinking, but you’re not sure you do it.
You just hear the water.
You see the white spray.
You never move again. You forget that you can move. You forget to even think. Instead, you just stare into the water into a frozen game glitch, never to escape.
Never to even realize that you can’t escape.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 02 July 2017
The end (for now)