You finally catch up when the land on a small forest clearing. This is it. The herd of pegasi wordlessly greets you with their striking glare.
There wasn’t much need for anything else. They knew that was where you belonged, and you knew that yourself better than anybody.
The first few weeks were probably the hardest. Grazing is an acquired taste, to put lightly, but the pegasi were great company and the freedom of flying through the skies simply dashed any grievances you might have had before they even started. With some great looking stallions and even the occasional treats from the genie whenever you and the herd put on a good show, what more could a young pegasus mare like yourself could ask for out of this life. Every other day, visitors would even come to pet you and hand feed you treats. Truly, the life of a princess.
Five years later, you’re still very much one of the most popular attractions, or at least that’s what the nice genie says. Of course, by now it’s hard to remember what that means, but it makes him happy, and when he’s happy, you get the treats, so you’re happy! Not as happy as you are watching young foals take flight for the first time, but just as happy as when your favorite young boy comes to visit with some delicious carrots. What a lucky pegasus you are, to be able to live in such wholesome peace and freedom of spirit.
Just as things always were.
Written by Diethyl on 30 December 2016
The end (for now)