When Fall Rolls Around
With the coming of fall your kits have grown strong. It is growing later in the season, starting to get colder, son soon you’ll be worrying about making the next generation of foxes. Your mate has luckily pulled through with his wound, bearing a scar to tell the tale. But at least he is alive, and so are you. For almost a full year you’ve lived your life as a vixen. Your way of life has changed completely but there is nothing within you that remember the life you once had. So, in that respect, you don’t miss what was lost. Not your gender, nor your species. You are happy as you are.
Golden gaze shifts over your kits as they leave the den, possibly for what might be the last time. Your son seems to have shown signs of wanting to go off and start his own life... You figure it is only a matter of time before he does so. Your daughter however is more of a mystery as to what she will do... Though you won’t mind if she sticks close by. In the end she could help with the next litter of kits that you and your mate produce.
As you leave the den yourself you feel the warmth of the sun, your gaze shifting over the territory you’d claimed. You’d survived your first year. You’d lived your first year to the fullest... And the only thing left to do was keep on living.
Written by ShatteredBeginnings on 24 March 2017
The end (for now)