You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
Play the VR Game
You find a pair of vr googles.
You put them on and you find yourself in a game, but which one?
Written by on 06 August 2005
Adventure Game
For a moment, you sit staring at the computer screen. The game loaded so quickly, that now you’re waiting in of an opening screen. The pixels quickly formulate themselves into the backdrop of an open field on all sides of you. The faintest motion of wind rustling the thick landscape of grasses ripples across your vision, but even as the distant landscape formats with the loading page, nothing but the field is there. You shift your head, turning your gaze within the virtual reality of the game to check to your sides, but find only more of the same rippling landscape there as well. The same, golden shade of grass sprouted up from the Earth on all four sides of your body.
Eyebrows knitting together, you try to figure out what is supposed to be happening. “There’s nothing here” you mutter, considering trying to remove the goggles you’d placed on until you notice a selection screen. “Choose your character” flashed as fading white letters in the distant backdrop of blue sky. You read it, though you’re not sure what character to select or even how to do that.
You eyes scanned over everything again, noticing that a sign had been added to the game off to the left, font sketched into its surface: “Random.”
Written by Picklessauce69 on 08 December 2015
You look back to the choose a character sign.
Underneath is a list of characters. The most prominent one that interests you though is the sphinx one. Sphinxes as supposed to be intelligent right and their were male and female ones. If you selected random who know what could happen.
The sign flips around and disappears while you wait for your next choice to come up. Your feet tingle and to your shock they are changing already. Paws bursting out of your feet. The fur continuing up your legs, reshaping your ankles forcing you onto your toes.
When the fur reaches the top of your legs your waist reshapes, forcing you onto your front hands. They are also reshaping into paws now, with the fur moving up the legs much like your back legs.
The two waves of fur move together meeting in the middle of your body. A large pair of wings forming at the point of contact.
Now will the game let you play or are their more selections to make?
Written by catprog on 01 June 2016
Female and no more selections
The screen pops up again. This time their is only a single choice on it.
You wait around but nothing changes, gulping you press the button.
The change is swift. First your chest expands, leaving you a decent pair of breasts.
Your hair grows down to your shoulders. A golden color to match your fur.
From the sensations between your hind legs you are now female their as well.
The screen closes.
Looking around the setting has changed as well. You are now in the middle of a park. Luckily their is no one around to see you naked. Although for some reason you don't mind not having clothes, it is after all just a game.
You reach up to take the google off and find your paw moving instead. Does this mean you are stuck here and can't get out? Or is their a way out and you just have to find it?
Written by catprog on 02 June 2016
Your first Quest
You stand their looking around, getting used to the body. However it seems very suitable for you. Almost as if the game has given you a set of instincts to go along with it.
As you move around you hear a sound. In the corner of your eye is a message box.
Nakedness in the city is punishable.
Please find a set of clothes before leaving the park
You look up and realize you are about to step out of the park and into the city proper.
You step back and the message box clears.
Right so no moving out of the park until you find a set of clothes but where are you going to find a set of clothes in a park?
You wander around the park, strangely you seem to be the only creature around. That is until you find a beach heading into a river. On said beach are clothes and towels, and looking far out into the river are swimmers.
As you watch they slip under water as if they were under attack.
You have a decision to make, do you help them ,do you steal their clothes or do you do something else?
Written by catprog on 03 June 2016
Help Them
You quickly make the decision to help them.
Flying out you hover above and allow them to grab onto you.
Their weight pulls you down into the water but you are able to float/swim enough so they calm down and pull them back to shore.
"Thank you" the girl says, "If it was not for you we would of drowned. How can we repay you?"
"You look to the clothes on the beach and then back to them"
"Ah. New player with no clothes right?"
You nod.
She smiles "You would be surprised at how many players would of let us drown for the clothes. It has happened many times?"
You raise your eyebrows in surprise.
She notices and explains "We were setup as a test. Anyway you do not want our old clothes. You want new clothes. Let me get your measurements and I will have some delivered. "
"Are you a tailor or something?" you ask.
"So she can speak" she says laughing "No I just know some people who are. Anyway once you are clothed if you wish to, you can come visit me at my home. The carriage the clothes come in will take you their."
Written by catprog on 04 June 2016
Off to see The Queen
You wait or the carriage to arrive wondering just who the person is that you rescued.
When the carriage arrives, it stops at the sand. A person leaves the carriage and moves over to bow to you. "Thank you for saving her" she says "Now let us begin, we must find clothes that bring out your regal nature. After all lions are the symbol of the family"
You nods and get up allowing her to look over you.
"Yes, I see what I can do" she says taking out a measuring tape. She spends some time measuring as much as she can. Before moving back into the carriage to work.
Soon she returns with a simple sheet. Their are loops in it for your legs and another one for your head. She assists you in until you can get it on and off by yourself.
She indicates for you to get onto the carriage and it takes off into the city. The markets are interesting but the carriage passes by them. Before you know it you are in the middle of a castle. "The queen will see you in the throne room to thank you properly for saving her life. Even if she was not in any real danger" the clothes maker says before closing the door behind her.
Written by catprog on 05 June 2016
Throne Room
You find yourself in a large room. The most notable feature being the girl you saved in a queen outfit sitting in a throne.
You feel an overwhelming urge to bow and do so.
The queen nods before saying "Their is no need to bow Miss Sphinx, I should be the one bowing to you. Not only is your race more noble then mine but you personally saved my life when you could of done nothing."
"To thank you I give you access to my library. It should contain enough knowledge to satisfy even a sphinx."
A dialog box pops up
Access to the queen's library granted.
You notice an open doorway behind the throne "Just through here is the entrance. Only those who have proven themselves worth may enter."
You nod and bow again "Thank you Queen?"
"Queen Kimberly" she says.
"Thank you Queen Kimberly" you say.
"May I have the name of the sphinx who rescued me?" she asks.
Written by catprog on 07 June 2016
Hesisate and get one assigned
You hessisate and a name comes into your head "Annipe" you say.
The queen nods "Daughter of the Nile. Well Annipe I will leave you to my library. I know how much sphinxes love books."
She walks away and heads into a wall. Walking over you find no trace of a door or any hint as to where she might of gone.
You walk over to the entrance to the library. Inside for a brief period is blackness until the light turns on. The room is filled with shelves. The only walkway are on the floor a long way below. Your instincts pick up the updrafts coming from the floor.
You take off and float on them looking at all the books, each one seemingly big enough and sturdy enough that even your paws are able to grab them.
Each shelf seems to be on a certain subject. But which one do you look at first?
Written by catprog on 08 June 2016
You find the history section and pull out a book at random. Despite having paws it is easy enough for you to turn the pages. Then you remember, weren't you flying before?
You look down and find yourself on the ground, You look up and see where the book was. Flying up you replace the book and then take it out again, once again finding yourself on the floor.
Shrugging you read the book to get an idea about what is going on. The history of the world is very simple. Their was an ongoing war which lasted back into pre-recorded history, Then heroes of all sort of races entered the world from parts unknown. They battled and brought peace to the world.
Their were many more wars but the heroes appeared each time before they began and stopped them from escalating.
On the last page is a recording of the latest calling of heroes. To your shock the last name is Annipe
Written by catprog on 09 June 2016
Find others
You get the list of names and add it to your list of users. Somehow this part of the game is build into you know.
You still have to find the messaging feature but you know know most of the other 'players'
You fly up and return the book and leave the library. Now how hard can it be too find one of the hundred of players in this world.
A couple of hours later you have to admit defeat, while you have the names of people the NPCs do not. And they do not seem interested in listening to you rattle of names.
Next attempt. Where would players go to hang out in this world? The tavern sound like a good as place as any.
After asking for directions you soon find yourself sitting at at low bar-top. It appears that this tavern actually has given thoughts to some of the other races needs.
As you lap from your saucer of what ever drink they gave you, you hear from behind you "Haven't seen you around here before. Are you new in this game?"
Written by catprog on 10 June 2016
You nod before turning around to see a figure dressed in a cloak. "If you trust me follow me". The cloak obscuring all the details
He takes off and you follow him until you arrive at a building. "Now if you are really a player you will be able to enter. If not you never met me"
He goes up the stairs and into the building.
Following him you feel a tingle as you pass through. Inside you spot the figure, taking off his cloak. Turns out he is an anthropomorphic lion. "Welcome to our guild. Felines only but we are best placed to get you started."
You nod looking over the rest of the people. All of them are felines in various state of humanity. "Introductions later" the lion says "First we need to test you. What have you done and what do you know so far?".
"Well I " you stutter "I have access to the Queen's Library."
His eyes shoot up "How long have you been here? That takes months."
Written by catprog on 12 June 2016
Find out about each other
"well" you begin "Their was a drowning lady in the park. Turns out she was the queen."
"Oh" he says. "I think you are the first of us to have gotten that start. So how long total?"
"A couple of hours perhaps. I lost track of time in the library. It is very strange in their. What about you?"
"Years. Although I guess the date back home is ..." he says telling you the date you entered as well.
"But how? I have been here for hours and you have been here for years. That is not possible." you say,
"And being turned into feline creatures is possible. What is one more impossibility?" he says looking at you
"How do you live like this?" you ask.
"The guild helps you get on your feet. Then you help the guild out. We have a training course you can run through, and then a few dungeon runs. What do you know of the world so far?"
Written by catprog on 14 June 2016
Admit you know not a lot
You frown. "I don't know a lot. It seems like their are waves of heroes though"
He nods "Yeah. The guild does not know much info. I think that you are the first quadruped player. "
"What does that mean?" you ask.
"It means that we need to work on a training program for you. I think your fighting style will focus a lot on flying and your claws, I don't know how you will work in a dungeon. Do you have any magic?"
"I have not seen any magic. Do I have to discover it myself?" you ask.
"Some of us have discovered magic, some of us have not. That is one of the things we have to discover in your training."
Written by catprog on 24 June 2016
Try the course
"Anyway" he says "I think we need to see how you go on our course."
He opens a trapdoor. Down the stairs is where it is.
You head down and the door shuts immediately.
Despite the lack of light your eyes seem well suited for the low light.
The first obstacle you notice is a bunch of swinging logs, luckily your wings make short work of flying over them.
The second one is a wall of stone with a river flowing out from underneath it. The only way though being to swim underneath.
The moment you swim under the rock the current pulls you back, each stroke harder and harder. Your breath slowly going with each stroke until you give up and drift back.
Your head breaks the surface and you find him waiting their for you. "Well technically speaking you did not complete a single obstacle. Although you did bypass one."
"So I failed?" you ask.
"Very few people even get past the first one on their first go" he says "So you were quite ahead of most people's first runs. We will change the first run though to make it so you have to do it."
Written by catprog on 25 June 2016
Meeting the rest of the group
"Anyway" he says "I think it is now time for you to meet the rest of the guild"
He fumbles on the wall before opening a door. "The secret doors allow access to any part of the course. However they are really hard to find if you do not know the trick"
You nod and walk up the stairs, wings folded.
At the top of the stairs, it appears that every one has gathered. Or if not everyone a sizable portion of them.
The level of humanity ranges from a tiger with no outside traces of humanity, to a girl with just a cat tail and cat ears.
"Welcome Annipe" your guide says. "This is almost everyone. Everyone this is Annipe"
You nod as they welcome you before the guide continues. "She was able to find a bypass to the first obstacle, but could not get past the second. Also she has found the Queen's library."
You take questions ranging from how you got here, why did you pick this form until the sun sets and your guide approaches "Now we must find a room for you."
Written by catprog on 26 June 2016
Your room
You find yourself shuffled down a hallway, until you stop in front of a door.
"I think this one might be the best for you. Or more specifically you may be the best for this room. "
He opens the door and you find yourself on a balcony. The land is a couple of stories down. You walk around and find the balcony sitting by itself. Flying around you see it is just hovering.
"How does this even fit in the building?" you ask.
"We think it is a portal to a pocket dimension. None of us can fly and the ladders we have build are too dangerous. But I think out of all of us you are the best equipped."
You nod and he closes the door behind him.
Which immediately disappears.
After a brief moment of panic you feel the open air to find the solid door. And the doorknob.
You look down at your paws and suddenly realize just how different this body is. Doors are a lot harder for you now.
Written by catprog on 27 June 2016
Check out the menus
You bring up the menu hoping to find some way of contacting someone to let them out.
The first thing you notice however is the in game clock. It has stopped. Well slow, you correct yourself as after a few seconds the mili-seconds have increased by one.
So does this mean this entire room is faster then the rest of the game? Well after hearing about the rest of the time inconsistencies a little bit here is not completely out of line.
You beat your wings and fly off the balcony. If you are going to be in here for a while then it is probably best that you start looking for somewhere to live.
Food, water and shelter are the three main priorities. You soar above, looking for somewhere close by the door, it would not be very good for someone to open the door and then close it on you.
The ground around the balcony is pretty much the same as every where else you look. A short grass and no details other then that. If you are going to find something you may have to travel far.
Written by catprog on 28 June 2016