You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
A lamp
You take a lamp. Now what are you going to do with it?
Written by catprog on 05 March 2004
Transformation Genie
Just then, a huge puff of green smoke appears.
The smoke forms the shape of a humanoid, then finally materializes into a turquoise-skinned man who appears to be about 25 years old. You quiver with fear, staring at him (after all, you're not used to seeing turquoise-skinned men appear out of lamps).
"Who has rubbed the lamp of the Genie of Transformation?", the man asks in a light, yet stern voice.
"I-I did", you answer softly.
He steps closer to you and bows. "Thank You, Master, Thank You!", he says as he kneels to you.
He stands. "Yes", he says. "You have released me from the Lamp, and now you may have three wishes.
The wishes carry certain limitations, however..."
"Yes, like what?", you ask again, almost bursting with excitement (having your own genie and all).
"First, there are only three wishes, no more and no less, and this may not be changed by any wishes made. Second, all wishes made by the master should be precisely worded. If the wish is too vague, then I shall choose the remaining factors of the wish. And third, all wishes must be related to the change of the master, or of someone else that the master chooses. In other words, all wishes must be transformative."
Well what are you going to wish for?
Written by on 11 March 2004
I don't need a **** Transformation
"I don't need a transformation thank you very much," you say. "I am perfectly happy as a human". "You can take your conditional wishes elsewhere, you ****".
The genie's eyes widen. "You are going to regret mocking me". " You don't want a transformation, too bad you're getting one.
Written by on 18 May 2004
"You are going to my animal park and help with the breeding programs" booms the genie.
All of a sudden a portal appears and sucks you in.As you go through you get knocked out.
When you awake your in...
Written by on 22 May 2004
Myth Room
You awaken in a room with 3 doors.
Each door has a word inscribed on it.
And Water
Which one do you want?
Written by on 27 July 2004
You go through the door.
You step out into open air.
You try to get back to the door but to your horror it has gone.
You then notice you are growing wings but what kind?
Written by on 27 July 2004
You look back in a blind panic to see that your shoulderblades are rapidly extending, and you realize that it might not have been in your best interests to piss off that genie. Still, what's done is done, and now you have to pay the piper for your words.
You groan as the protrusions extend even more, growing longer and longer and making you fall to your hands and knees from the sheer alien sensation of having these two new appendages. You can feel them just as you can your arms and legs; and worse, you can move them.
It's like this change isn't just giving you bones, but also muscles to go with them, and you wonder for a moment if you're growing some sort of pair of extra arms.
This illusion is dispelled an instant later as a sensation not unlike the pricking of pins and needles spreads along the growths, making you shiver as sharp quills erupt from across them, rapidly lengthening into what can only be feathers, each of them a deep brown like your hair.
"Wings..." You mutter, the genie's talk of some sort of animal breeding program immediately coming to your mind. You shiver with dread at what that could possibly mean; then grunt as the pins and needles spread to your back.
Of course you should have expected the feeling of change to spread; why would the genie decide to let you look like some sort of angel? No, this change is going to be much more thorough than a mere set of wings, as you can tell from how your chest is beginning to tingle.
You look down in time to see a thick plumage of brown feathers come in from your belly almost to your collar. But as the feathers approach your neck, they lighten from that dark brown to a pale white, making you blink in surprise. Your first thought is that you must be becoming some sort of eagle; but what sort of eagle can stand like a man?
You immediately dash that thought from your head, deciding not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Instead, you're grateful for what humanity you're allowed to retain, even though your hands and feet are beginning to cramp.
A glance down confirms that they're starting to change, your nails growing over your fingers even as your skin becomes a mottled and hard golden yellow. You flex your new talons appreciatively as they come in, eyeing them with undisguised interest.
"Interesting." You say, the last words from your human mouth before your lips begin to ache. You let out a groan as they begin to numb, stretching out into what can only be an avian beak. Your nose goes with them, and you shudder at being able to see so much of your face in your peripheral vision.
Then the white feathers of your collar cloak your head, and with that your changes seem to come to a merciful end. You hurriedly look at yourself in a panic, making sure that all your important bits are where they should be, only to pause at the sound of familiar laughter.
"Well then, I see you're enjoying your new form." The genie from before materializes beside you, looking you up and down. "I wasn't sure than an anthro gryphon would suit you well, but I dare say that this is a tremendous improvement."
You gawp in shock at the creature; then steel your gaze, mind racing as how to respond to him...
Written by SketchySeraph on 25 January 2016
Insult him
"Really? You do? Because to me it looks like you just tore my humanity away, you sadistic magical jackxxx. Why don't you go xxx a lamp?" You curse at him, knowing this is probably the wrong call to make, but also too irritated to care. Who gave him the right to make you into some human-creature hybrid, anyways?
As you expected, his eyes narrow, and the genie looks at you much like how the average person would look at a cockroach. "My, my. It seems that you have quite the temper... I wonder if it's because of all of that testosterone..."
Heedless of the consequences, you continue to rail against him. "Testosterone? The heck with that! I'm mad because some power-mad halfwit just made me into some kind of freak! I demand that you change me back this instant!"
It seems that this was the wrong thing to say, as the genie's eyes darken, flickers of magical lightning coruscating across his irises. "You demand? Whelp, no mortal makes demands of me." He growls lowly, the sound like thunder across a desert plain.
Before you can so much as think of apologizing, he clicks his fingers. You shudder as that feeling of change begins to sweep across your body once more, staring at the genie in horror as he begins to speak once more. "Let's see if your tongue still holds as much bite after a few... Alterations."
"Alterations?" You stammer, caught off-guard by his words. Your pulse picks up at his words, and you look uneasily down to your chest as you begin to feel that strange sensation of change once more.
Just as you dreaded, you see your flesh beginning to ripple, your chest swelling in two places. With an audible gasp, you realize that you're growing breasts, and you reach your trembling clawed hands up to them in bewilderment.
"How?" You ask numbly, catching onto what the genie beant by altering your testosterone levels. You can't help but gulp uneasily as you feel a tingling between your legs, and you squeak loudly as you see that you're now undeniably female.
Worse, your voice seems to have changed too, judging from that squeak you just made. "Oh my God!" You explain, partly to ease your tension and partly to confirm that your voice had indeed changed. You have little success with the former, but at least you know that the latter is true now.
A shudder passes through your body as your hands fly to your beak, unable to believe that such a hard, clumsy thing is able to produce such a sultry sound. You feel your cheeks flushing beneath your feathers, and you instinctively wrap your wings around your feminine figure, shielding it from the genie's eyes.
You blush harder at the thought of how delicate you're acting, and you hug your wings a little tighter to your body, your talons flexing with unease. Your feathers ruffle as this latest change sweeps across even them, lightening their feathers from that deep brown to a much lighter hue.
Additionally, your every feather seems to be growing a good deal fluffier, making your sleek and predatory appearance look much softer; almost cuddly. So, is this what it means to be a female gryphon?
"And there we go... Tell me, did that have any effect on your mood?" The genie's words interrupt your thoughts, and you look to him with an unreadable expression on your face.
Well, since he asked you so kindly, it would be rude of you not to answer...
Written by SketchySeraph on 26 January 2016
Insult him more
And what better way to teach him that mere changes cannot tame you than another round of old-fashioned insultS? You open your beak angrily, eyes narrowed as your feathers ruffle. But before you can say so much as a single word, the genie scowls.
"I know that look." He cuts you off, waving his hand as if to preempt you.
"AWK!"" You retort, eyes widening with shock. Instead of a verbal tirade, only a harsh squawk comes past your lips, and you bring your taloned hands to your beak in surprise. "Awk?" You ask in bewilderment, realizing that you can no longer make anything close to human sounds.
"And if you wish to rant and yell at me like an animal," the genie continues, ignoring your squawking, "then you shall indeed become one."
You let out a loud and avian screech at that, glaring at the mystical creature angrily. You don't want to become a real gryphon! Your wings unfurl as you flex your talons, fully intending to tear the man a new one. But before you can so much as take a single step towards him, your hips and shoulders snap loudly.
You let out a loud and defiant scratch as you fall to all fours, muscles rippling beneath your body. Your arms and legs begin to gain more and more bulk as you let out another inhuman screech, your neck popping so that your head now faces forward.
Despite the immense horror you feel, you can't do much more but endure these changes, and you blink repeatedly to adjust yourself to your new vision. Your beak grows longer on your face, which slants slightly forward in an almost leonine fashion,.
Another screech passes your hard lips as you glare at the genie that's been changing you so much, and your wings ruffle with immense irritation as they grow longer and stronger yet. Though your new body is female, it seems like it's strangely stronger than the human form you used to call your own. This realization in turn makes you worry about the males of your new species, and what you'll do if you encounter any.
As if he's reading your thoughts, the genie booms with laughter, looking down to you as an owner does to a pet. "Of course, if you are just an animal, then you'll need to live as such... Which means that you'll be placed in a suitable habitat for those of your kind."
"AWK!?" You screech in confusion, eyes wide with horror. What does he mean by that? Another violent shudder quakes through your body as your animal muscles finish coming in, and you realize that you're now a fully-grown gryphon.
Then the floor opens up beneath you, and with a squawk you drop into a different world entirely.
Flashes of green, gray, and blue pass before your eyes as you tumble through the air, trying to determine what's up and what's down. Suddenly, it hits you that you're falling, and very quickly so. Your four animal limbs flail beneath you as you screech, wondering if this is how your changes end today: in death.
No matter how much you try to fight it, the weight of gravity proves too much for you. Even your wings are beaten back by the-wings! You have wings!
Hurriedly, you splay them wide, letting them beat forward with a massive flap. They catch the wind and arrest your fall as well as any parachute could, and just like that, you're flying.
It's your first real reprieve since finding that damnable genie, and you scan the surroundings below you, searching for a place to call a home. Your new habitat seems to be something of a mountainous region, with dense woodlands all around, divided only by streams. There's not a trace of anything human, which means that it's up to you to find shelter.
After a moment's more indecision, your eyes alight on a suitable den, and you fly towards...
Written by SketchySeraph on 27 January 2016
The mountains
A small cave in the mountains catches your eye, and you soar towards it with ease, your body responding to your every thought as if you were born to it. It's not exactly comforting that it's so easy to adapt to this alien body, but it's better that you can use it than the alternative.
The ground blurs below you as you swoop towards a cavern, beating your wings heavily to arrest the speed of your descent. With that, your talons meet the hard and rocky surface of the cavern you'll soon call home, and you quietly click your way in, easily padding on all fours.
It's not the first place that you'd like to call home, but compared to the outdoors, it's downright cozy. That said, it could use a few touches to make it really a home...
Written by SketchySeraph on 28 January 2016
Look for bedding
You decide that the first thing you need to do is make somewhere for you to sleep; to find a comfortable den to call your own. There's already a small divot in the rocks that you could nestle up in, but it's a little sparse for your tastes. With a nod to yourself, you click quietly out to the cavern's entrance, noticing the moss that lines the cliffs of your new home.
This will do quite nicely, you think to yourself. Your beak moves awkwardly as you try to approximate a grin with your new face. Naturally, you fail; and the botched attempt leaves you grimacing instead.
You distract yourself by focusing on the task at hand, clicking out from your cavern's mouth in search of a particularly soft bed of moss to call a bed. The first clump you find isn't large enough; and the second is too well-rooted to be easily dug up.
The third, on the other hand, is a patch that's positively huge. Even if you botch unearthing some of it, you'll still be able to salvage enough to make a decent bed for yourself. You croon instinctively with delight, padding up to it with delight.
Your delight soon fades as you realize that digging it up is going to be much harder than you first thought. Your front talons, which could have once been used as hands, are now clumsy and indelicate feet. You can try and pick up small clumps, but it's a much more arduous task than you'd first thought it to be.
On the other hand, you do know how to use your beak... You groan loudly, then dip your head towards the moss, biting it free of its home on the cliff's side. Though it takes much less time than you'd anticipated, you also can't get the the earthy taste from your mouth.
You scoop up the dislodged carpet with your talons and beat your wings hurriedly, returning to the cavern and dropping off the moss in that cozy divot. Then, you look back to the cave's mouth, wondering what to do next...
Written by SketchySeraph on 29 January 2016
You shake your head with amusement at the indecision that had passed through you, scoffing. As if there was any doubt in your mind; you had to get that awful taste out of your mouth!
You beat your wings and jump from the cavern's mouth, marvelling at how easy; how instinctive it is to fly. You can feel the wind rushing against your wings as you move, and you glide your way towards the one of the mountainside rivers with a loud screech to herald your arrival.
It's both satisfying and effective: several deer scatter in shock before your arrival, and even a nearby bear vacates the area in a hurry. It's good to be top of the food chain. You croon with delight at the thought and preen your feathers instinctively, looking down to the river's shimmering waters with delight.
Small fish dart to and fro just below the surface, and you drool at the sight of them. Your appetite isn't just yet up to eating deer, but a fish sounds just fine right now. You've always been a fan of sushi, after all...
You dart your beak below the surface and get a mouthful of water for your efforts, causing you to snort indelicately. A quick glare down to the water shows you that the fish are still swimming by you, as if to mock your attempts at catching them.
You snarl at that, and for a moment your mind goes blank, slipping into your body's instincts. Your beak spears down towards the water with confidence, and you chomp down on something with an easy grace that you didn't expect of yourself.
You gulp it down happily, enjoying its rich and fishy taste; then you beat your wings with pride. You caught one! You let out a jubilant chirp as well, and much to your surprise, a screech answers you, its tone authoritative and strong,
Just like that, you remember that you're not alone in this habitat, and you realize that your adventures as a gryphon have only just begun...
Written by SketchySeraph on 30 January 2016
Investigate the source of the screech
You can't help but feel a little curious as to what could have made such a strange sound, oddly familiar to your own gryphon call. Slowly, you begin to pad from the stream, tilting your head and tryng to ascertain where the call came from.
Unfortunately, it doesn't quite seem to work; you were never a tracker in your old life, and this gryphon's body is still unfamiliar enough to further distort the sound.
Not that that keeps you from trying.
You screech again, a little louder this time in hopes that your echo might reply once more.
It does, and it's a sound that tugs on your gryphon instincts, making you feel warm and oddly comforted by its presence. Your wings flutter behind yourself anxiously as it calls once more, this time a loud cawing that comes closer to you; to your right.
You turn to find a silhouette on the horizon, and your beak's nostrils can pick up a rich scent. It speaks of feathers and fur alike, and you realize that you weren't just calling to another avian; you were calling to a gryphon.
Unfortunately, it wasn't the only thing to hear your call. From behind you comes a loud rustling and a muted growl, something distinctly ursine in nature.
Your pulse picks up in your chest as you begin to turn, dreading what you might find but knowing that you must face it nonetheless.
Sure enough, it's a bear, and a large one at that. The big, furry being sniffs loudly at the air as it pads towards the stream; then when it catches sight of you it roars.
You can see how long its fangs are, watch its jowls ripple from the sheer volume of its cry. Your gryphon mind tells you to fight, but your human brain is caught up in thoughts of panic and fear alike.
Both of your selves wage a mental war against their base primal instincts; and it leaves you locked in horror as you watch the bear begin to charge towards you.
Then a brown blur intercedes it, and a visceral cracking fills the air.
The other gryphon has tackled the bear to the ground; and perhaps done a little more than just stun it.
Indeed, upon closer reflection, you can see that the life has gone out from the large bear's eyes, its neck hanging at an awkward angle. No doubt this is thanks to one of the other gryphon's talons being clamped hard around it.
Your heart still races as you take in the new arrival. It looks much like you, though you can tell it's a little broader of shoulder; larger in form. Its muscles are thicker and it has more predatory look to its face, as though nature itself has decreed that this specimen is an alpha.
No, it's not just an alpha... It's a male.
A caw of realization passes your lips as you look at the large feathered form, and you wonder what you should do...
Written by SketchySeraph on 23 June 2016
Try and introduce yourself
Well, even if you're not human, you still should demonstrate some human manners; right? You do your best to approximate clearing your throat, a sound which comes out more as a muffled screech.
Then you raise your right claw, looking to the gryphon and pointing to your chest with a talon.
"You do realize that I can understand you, right?"
The grpyhon speaks flatly, its voice gruff as it flutters its wings. As it speaks, it twists the talon that still clenches the bear's neck, and you wince at another wet crack.
You try to reply, but all that comes out of your mouth it another squawk. You don't know how to speak gryphon!
You can feel your wings ruffling behind your back as you shift in place, looking to the large creature anxiously and hoping it's not judging you. God, you feel so stupid!
"No, no. Don't try and let your beak make any human sounds... Just try and talk, your body will take care of the rest."
The male speaks again, and you look to him curiously. "But... I don't quite... Oh!" You blink, a feminine voice slipping past your beak. Well, it comes out more as muted coos and caws, but something in your brain is able to translate that.
"Perfect. Now that that's out of the way, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only gryphon here anymore." He scratches the ruff of feathers on his chest as he looks to you, wings swaying from side to side.
"Wait, you mean before me, there weren't any others?" You ask.
"Well, not that I know of. I've only been exploring this part of the mountainside, so I can't say for certain. But I do know that this side is just me, some fish, and a surprising number of bears. At least all of the other animals here are delicious."
The gryphon chuckles as it rests its head on its talons, looking to you curiously. "So, what brought you to my neck of the woods?" He asks, a look on his beak that you can only approximate as a grin.
For a moment, you wonder how you should respond to him...
Written by SketchySeraph on 24 June 2016
Tell the truth
Eventually, you decide that the best thing to do here is to be as honest and clear as possible. You tell him about the genie, and about how you insulted him a few more times than you should. You tell him about how you used to be a man; how you used to be human; how you don't want to live like this.
He listens to all of your complaints patiently, preening his feathers on occasion.
By the time your story has ended, you're almost in tears from the recollection; and a sympathetic look enters the male's eye.
"You know, something tells me we're not too different... After all, I used to be a woman."
You greet the male's statement with a stunned silence, a little unsure of how to react to that.
He mistakes it for judgment, and attempts to clarify, his feathers ruffling. "W-wait, but not an old woman! Like, I was still in my thirties, though I don't know how that translates into gryphon years..."
The sight of this strong beast panicking like a preteen makes you relax a little, and you laugh. Or screech, to be more appropriate.
"No, it's fine!" You say at length, looking back to the male with a smile on your face. "I wasn't surprised by that as much as I was by the fact that you used to be like me; that we both got genderbent!"
You chuckle at this and let your wings fall to your side, only to stiffen again as the male takes a rather large bite out of the dead bear he's been beside.
Um... What!? You look in shock, wondering how you should react to this...
Written by SketchySeraph on 25 June 2016
"What the hell are you doing!" You screech, averting your gaze. Even though you can't see it, you can still hear the wet crunching of beak on meat; of bones breaking as the male continues to sate his appetite.
"Stress eating." He says, the words a little muffled by the carcass he's currently digging into.
"Stress eating? That used to be alive!" You exclaim, trying to cover your ear-holes with your talons to little avail.
"Well, so did McDonald's." He mutters, eating a little more. "And stop judging me! It's perfectly natural for a woman-turned-male-gryphon to stress eat, hasn't yout mother taught you anything?"
His words are oddly funny to you, and your shock begins to give way to laughter.
Thankfully, so does his embarrassment, and he pulls his bloody beak away from the carcass to laugh as well.
You don't know how long the two of you spend in mingled laughter, somewhere between a few minutes and a dozen. Eventually you two manage to calm down, and you look to one another in a new light.
"So, anyways... I'm..." The male gryphon pauses, feathers ruffling. "Well, I can't really use my old name anymore. I guess Talon sounds cool, so I'll go with that."
You like the sound of that, but you also realize that you don't have a name for yourself. What should you choose? Should you even choose it? He seems to have a knack for names...
Written by SketchySeraph on 26 June 2016
Let Him Decide
Well, it probably wouldn't be the worst idea you've had today to let Talon pick a name for you. Given how well that encounter with the genie paid off, you should probably consider letting someone else make a monumental life choice for you.
"I like that. I like it a lot." You say, fluttering your wings anxiously. "In fact, I like it so much... I think I'd like you to choose a name for me, too."
He seems a little surprised by this, though also a little flattered. "What? Well, if you insist..." He flutters his wings, looking back to you with another beaky smile, this one a shy grin. "I think I'll call you... Quill."
You blink in surprise, having thought the male would choose something entirely different, something feminine. Still...
Written by SketchySeraph on 27 June 2016