Throne Room
You find yourself in a large room. The most notable feature being the girl you saved in a queen outfit sitting in a throne.
You feel an overwhelming urge to bow and do so.
The queen nods before saying "Their is no need to bow Miss Sphinx, I should be the one bowing to you. Not only is your race more noble then mine but you personally saved my life when you could of done nothing."
"To thank you I give you access to my library. It should contain enough knowledge to satisfy even a sphinx."
A dialog box pops up
Access to the queen's library granted.
You notice an open doorway behind the throne "Just through here is the entrance. Only those who have proven themselves worth may enter."
You nod and bow again "Thank you Queen?"
"Queen Kimberly" she says.
"Thank you Queen Kimberly" you say.
"May I have the name of the sphinx who rescued me?" she asks.
Written by catprog on 07 June 2016