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Help Them emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You quickly make the decision to help them.


Flying out you hover above and allow them to grab onto you.


Their weight pulls you down into the water but you are able to float/swim enough so they calm down and pull them back to shore.


"Thank you" the girl says, "If it was not for you we would of drowned. How can we repay you?"


"You look to the clothes on the beach and then back to them"


"Ah. New player with no clothes right?"


You nod.


She smiles "You would be surprised at how many players would of let us drown for the clothes. It has happened many times?"


You raise your eyebrows in surprise.


She notices and explains "We were setup as a test. Anyway you do not want our old clothes. You want new clothes. Let me get your measurements and I will have some delivered. "


"Are you a tailor or something?" you ask.


"So she can speak" she says laughing "No I just know some people who are. Anyway once you are clothed if you wish to, you can come visit me at my home. The carriage the clothes come in will take you their."

Written by catprog on 04 June 2016

Off to see The Queen

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