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Follow Him emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You follow the wolf until he arrives at a tree. Before your eyes he changes, losing his fur and standing upright. Where once their was a wolf now their is a human. Completely naked of course.


He reaches up and climbs onto a branch. "Come on up here. I would like to show you my home."


"How do I change like that?" you ask.


"Keep your voice down. I can't understand you like this. Image yourself becoming human again."


You follow his instructions and too your surprise you find yourself changing as well. Fur disappearing, upright once again. Of course being female means you chest grows into 3 pairs of breasts which soon change into a single pair.


Of course you are naked as well.


"Ah, yes." he starts "You still want to get up here though. The true wolves might be close and we do not want to be found by them."


What do you do?

Written by catprog on 28 May 2016

Up the tree

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