Follow him
Of course, if this is still a game then you definitely don't want to skip the tutorial; not when your life is at stake, after all. You trot forward on all four legs, still impressed at how natural the movement is to you, and catch up to Duncan in no time.
"Ha! Not bad!" He calls, his tail swishing behind himself. "So anyways, as I was saying earlier... I think that the dragons arrived the same date we did."
You blink and almost stumble over your forepaws at the sudden change in pace. "Wait, what?" You ask, a little louder than you'd intended.
"This is just a thought, but... I think that all of us players were sent here on the same date... Only some of us were awakened at different times. The dragons are the oldest race I've encountered, and of course that makes them the most elitist."
"Huh?" You ask, tilting your head to the side as you pad after him.
"Something or other about griefing new players, I suppose? The fact that they haven't found out why we're here bothers me just as much as it does you, you know... But since time seems to flow at an arbitrary state here, I think it's safe to say that our souls are fine."
He chuckles ruefully at his words, and you can't help but ask: "Souls?"
"It's what we call... You know, our selves that we can't talk about here." He grins, patting you on the back. "You'll find out soon."
You look up to him to find him looking dead-ahead. Following his gaze rewards you the sight of the town's walls, a pair of guards opening the gates for you.
"Another looker, huh?" One of the guards, a cow-woman with a hammer, snorts. "She's a
looker; I'll give her that." Her hooved hands clench a little around the leather that binds the weapon as she stands a little taller; no doubt trying to look more impressive for your benefit.
The other guard, a lion with an axe, remains silent. Instead of greeting you with words, he nods his head towards you, and you return the gesture with a nod of your own. It's hardly the oddest thing you've seen today.
"So, Mephy." Duncan begins, calling your attention back to himself. "Where to?"
You blink as you realize he's put the attention on yourself, and you can't help but feel a little awkward. "Um... I mean... I hadn't thought about it?" You ask, shifting on all four of your feet and subbing your furry arms gently. "This is all a little new..."
As expected, his gaze is soft; and he smiles comfortingly. "Well, how about we start with a better question... What do you want to be in this world? Pick a job, any job."
Your mind races at the thought, as you realize that this might be one of the most pivotal decisions of your life. "Um..." You begin, furrowing your brow. You're an omnivore with a nimble body and a pair of daggers... It's not much to go on, but if your starting gear is any indication..
Written by SketchySeraph on 22 May 2016