Blurred The Smug
A snap of fingers resonates somewhere and feel yourself being dragged out of the depth of your unconsciousness. With what seems to be an unworldly effort, you manage to crack your swollen eye lids open and look up at the dark shape that is cut out sharply against the sky. You recognized the large horns and the broad shoulders.
“There is a stupid prejudice going among the Murrs: albinos are works of the devil, or whatever evil entity the youngsters seem to follow these days.” He sights, as if he was talking about bad weather. “But… I guess you figured that out by yourself already. It’s not that I consider you as an idiot, it is just that I believe that you are not really not in the shape to hold a proper conversation. So I do it on my own.”
Now that your vision is adjusting to the light, you see that he is giving you that large disturbing smile that you learned to hate quite quickly and effortlessly. You try to groan; it comes as a soft moan of pain. He tilts his head like a cat waiting for his food. If only you were in a state to punch him…
“Don’t blame me. Blame your frequentations. Something like that would have never happened if you would have stayed around me, or would have chosen me over their butts. So, now, what do you want to do? I am going to heal you, but before that, I must inform you that I will not change you back. As sexy as you are in a dragon form, I don’t want to see you running back to your little family to tell them that if they spot any fearless albino in the nearby future, to consider as if it was you. In fact, even if I was to change you into a normal Murr, they would still disapprove. What would they do whit someone who isn’t related to them and that can’t breathe fire? You would soon feel very unwelcome among them…”
You don’t believe him, so you give him the same look then last night when you thought that he was bluffing. He laughs, for some reason that you can’t grasp through the pain that courses in your whole body.
“Do you know why I spent years going around in the same form when I could have just changed my face and be free from all the looks of hate sent in my direction? It was so that you could find me again, of course. I thought that you would have at least a few questions for me. But… turns out you are quite the stubborn one. I am starting to realize that I could have spared myself a lot of trouble by taking another shape and search for you on my own, because you would have never come to me. Just so that you know that next time you see me, it will be under another shape than this one. You might recognize me using my predictable clumsiness thought – after staying some time in a body, it is hard to get used to a new one. But you experimented that yourself, didn’t you?”
He gets up, not expecting a reply, and snaps his fingers at you. You feel a huge relief spreading through your whole body at that and stand up, but by the time you look up again he is gone from the path.
You climb on it, only to discover that there really is no one. You look around in complete disbelief, before realizing that if Blurred is hiding, he must be having a good laugh at your face. So you take a neutral look and think about what to do next.
Written by Clayem on 08 May 2016