You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
Climb the tree
You climb up the tree and sit on the branch.
The first sign that something is wrong is when your skin becomes itchy. You scratch at it but it feels different. You look and notice the feathers growing on your skin.
When you're completely covered in feathers, the next changes start. This time your mouth and nose stretch out to form a beak. By the time that the beak is finished your head has completely changed into a bird head.
Soon the changes are complete and you are now a bird. You look in amazement at your new sense of vision.
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
You preen yourself experimentally as the sky fades linty grey and cool rain patters through the tree's waxy leaves.
Questions fall as thickly as the droplets of cold water.
Where are you? Where will you go now that you're avian? What exactly just happened here? As far as you can recall, you ate dinner last night, went to sleep, and woke up standing by this bloody tree. You didn't come here by yourself, so you must have been brought. Why bring you here, then? Was someone using you for a pawn, a tool of amusement? ...Or did you know something that someone wanted to keep secret, something someone who knew that animals couldn't talk wanted quiet, someone driven up against a wall, where abduction and subsequent bodily alteration was the only solution?
What did you know that someone didn't want you to know?
The answers are sparse as sunshine. You know your old neighbor goes through your trash sometimes looking for contraband--he's paranoid; maybe he came across some reality-warping item and had you at the top of his "get-rid-of" list. You ratted out some fellow employees for stealing ice cream some years ago, anonymously of course, but what if they found out your name, found someone to hex you, remove you from the workforce? Apart from that, you don't know many secrets at all.
...Or is it that you're being kept from knowing?
One thing's for sure: if you're wanting to get to the bottom of this, it's time to start gathering clues.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 05 January 2007
The Fall
Well, since you are a bird, you might as well try to go on your quest for answers by flight. It's not
like you have anything else to do, don't you?
You spread your wings for a quick test. A gentle breeze passes though your feathers. You feel that
this is a good idea. You breathe in slowly and close your eyes to give yourself courage. It can't be
that hard, can't it? Birds – real birds that is, not humans changed into birds – do this all the time. No
worries, right?
You jump of the branch, your wings spread wide. You fell gravity pull you down and your stomach
climbs into your throat. And before you know it, you are flapping your wings uncontrollably, trying
to start flying… but you can't. Gravity pulls you down.
You crash though a branch that cushions your fall before hitting the ground. You feel a sharp pain
climb up your right wing and cry out in pain. You roll over into the grass and lay on your back,
unable to even move from how much it hurts… but apart from what was once your arm it seems
that you are intact. Great work, Sherlock. Now what
Written by Clayem on 16 March 2016
The Convenient Savior
Wait, screaming? Now? You're not in shape!
You take a moment to slowly breath in. Tears pool in the corner of your bird eye but there is no way
you'll cry. You don't dare looking at your broken limb either, you know it will be slightly bent and
starting to get purple and swollen (and you really don't want to see that).
You can't hold the pain in anymore and you know it. You start screaming incoherently, playing that
someone would come and save you. Do they even speak proper English around here?
Luckily for you, everyone understand pain, for a few moments later someone is standing over you.
They seem human enough… The only thing is that you can't tell if they are male of female. Big
purple eyes stare back at you in a juvenile face that could be the one of a girl, but the chest is flat
and the hips have a gentle curve to them. They stand under a large, bright lila umbrella that also
protects you from the rain and they are wearing an old fashioned robe that isn't without reminding
you of what a magician would be wearing. You stop screaming and ask in a croaking voice:
“Please! Please, help me, I fell and I think I broke my arm!”
Or so is your intention, because you end up babbling the whole things and the tears you have been
fighting back stream down your face and into the grass, drowning your own words in sobs.
The newcomer frown and tuck a strand of black hair behind their ear. “Oh my,” they comment in,
thanks to any divine force that rocks your boat, understandable English. They kneel next to you in
the grass. “Are you okay? That looks like it is hurts.”
No, really? Thanks, captain Obvious.
“Please help,” you reply. Explanations can wait for when don't have a wing that hurts so bad it
makes you cry like some big baby.
Your new savior nods, bends over your wounded limb and blows on it lightly. You suddenly feel
cold and lose all sensation in it. Your head shots to the right and you gape as your wound slowly
disappears, surrounded by a purple light. It completely vanishes after a while and sensation comes
back in your wing, that you lift and shake with no more pain then a light strand.
You already observed a supernatural event – hence the beak and feathers – but real but purple
healing magic is something to behold. You stare up in amazement at the passerby, that laughs.
“Aren't you the adorable one,” they say and you notice a strange sizzling accent. “Why don't you
tell me your name?
Written by Clayem on 17 March 2016
Under the Umbrella
You sit up and open your mouth, but nothing comes to your mind. Oops, seems like you have
forgotten your name. Somehow, that makes you uneasy. If you forgot your name… What else could
you have forgotten? Maybe the precious truth whoever got you here didn't want you to know.
Maybe the way you got here. You make a test.
… Yup, last night, you ate spaghetti and tomato sauce, with a large piece of chocolate as a dessert.
Is it a good sign when you can remember these sort of details but not your name? Does it meant that
it has been deliberately erased from your memories?
The eyes of your savior sparkles in the shade of their large umbrella. Seriously thought, this thing is
like a flying saucer it's so huge. Turn it around and fill it with water and you got your own basin to
raise barracudas.
“Oh, so it's you…” they mysteriously reply. They stand up and lend you a hand. You discover that,
despite the kid's face, they are quite tall and you stand with ease under the umbrella. “I have been
coming to get you. Sorry I was a little late, I forgot it was today… if I would have been on time
none of this would have happened, I’m sorry.”
“What?” Your head shot up. “You were waiting for me?”
“Why of course. Come along, I got a warm bed and a meal waiting for you at home.”
Written by Clayem on 18 March 2016
Of course! A chipmunk!
You smile brightly and nod, which makes them laugh. They turn around and lead the way. You are
careful to follow then closely so that you don't get rained on. It occurs to you that you don't know
their name, and that it may be an indication to their elusive gender. You ask them.
“My name? You can call me Blurred.”
Is that some sort of joke? To be blurred, their gender is definitely blurred. You don't dare ask them
directly what they are, afraid to appear rude towards the person who just mended your broken arm.
It's not like it's that important anyway, is it?
Instead, you ask them if they know why you are here.
They suddenly stopped and faced you, swinging their umbrella over their shoulder so that they stay
protected but you get soaked. You raise your eyes to their face with stupor and find them narrowed,
the purple of them pooling between their thick dark lashes as if they were going to strike you with
an angry lightning bolt any moment. And yet, they still have a smile on their lips.
“Aren't you a curious little chipmunk?” They ask with a tone that says 'be careful what you ask
“I…” you try to reply, but you run out of ideas.
Their eyes become normal again and their smile become wider. “Of course! A chipmunk!”
But before you can ask of even protest, they poked you on the beak and you suddenly shrink.
Feathers change into fur, beak into pink nose, and seconds after, you are the most adorable little
thing sitting on the pavement. You don't think it's fair, but the only sounds of protest you can make
seem to enchant Blurred. They crouch next to you with a huge smile.
“Oh, look at you squeal! Do you know you are the cutest thing in a ten miles radius?” They pick
you up from the skin of the neck and bring you up to their face. From this angle, they look like a
giant that could eat you in one bite.
And let's not glance down quite yet, shall we? Your new paws paddle in the emptiness as the only
thing preventing you from falling and breaking, this time, every single bone in your little body is
the pair of fingers that are pinching rather painfully right above your shoulders. You soon grow still
and hope they will not let you go or even think about it.
“There, so much better. Let us go home now, shall we?” They chuckle at your predicament and get
up. You are now suspended in the air at a distance that it equal, now that you are small, to a seven
store building.
A glance downwards only emphasize how you do not desire to be dropped. Your dismay must be
visible on your face, for he starts laughing.
“Oh, don't worry, I'll take very good care of you...”
He lays you on his shoulder and start walking again. You lock your claws in the fabric of his clothes,
very keen on keeping yourself alive, and close your eyes. Now would be a good moment to start
praying if you have anything to pray too.
Written by Clayem on 19 March 2016
Never had a simple walk been so terrifying in your life, but when Blurred lays you on the table of
his kitchen, the world seems like a brighter and better place to be: you're alive. You're well. You
breathe slowly as the magician – because he obviously is one – walks though the room. He waves
his hand a little which makes pots and tools move around in the room before he sits down at the
table and smile down at you. You can't help but notice there is something of a cat that caught a
mouse in his smug expression. You don't like that one bit.
You scurry through the table in search of a hiding place, hopefully taking Blurred by surprise. As
you reach the far end you hear a chair rattle against the floor as they get up and, in fear, you jump
off the table and on a chair. Luckily you land without damage… but you don't manage to get very
far as two large hands scoot you up and hold you to their face.
“Oh, why the rush?” They offer you a large smile. “I was only going to give you a new name. But
since you seem so keen to run away… How about Skippy?”
That is a ridiculous name. You try to protest, but you only make the most adorable squeals.
“Skippy it is, then! Now stay quiet and I will give you a bigger form.”
They lay you once more on the table and goes back to whatever they had been plotting to make for
dinner. You sit there and wonder what is they are planning to change you into next. Whatever it is,
you hope you will soon be able to ask a few questions.
After a while, he lay two smoking plates on the table, one large one, and one smaller one filled with
bits of meat in front of you. Apparently, they are planning to change you into some sort of small
“You'll see, Skippy, you are going to love it. I planned this appearance just for you.”
He snapped his fingers and purple tendrils surround you for nowhere. You feel yourself being lifted
in the air…
Written by Clayem on 20 March 2016
Dodging Dog
The magic works you and you feel your body grow and stretch. Your legs become longer, your jaws elongate and sharp teeth pops up in brand new gums. It seems as if your muscles melt and reform themselves around brand new bones, but you only feel a distant tugging and no pain, for which you are grateful.
You don’t see yourself and you are about to twist around to take a look at your body and figure out what trick Blurred played on you when you meet their gaze. You had never seen such sparkly eyes in your life and you even back up, slightly wary of his sudden enthusiast.
“Oh my,” they say slowly. “I didn’t imagine that you would be this adorable…”
And before you know it you are picked up and hugged to death. Blurred doesn’t measure their strength quite well but when you try to protest, you yelp. They loosen their hold around you and hold you at the end of their arms.
“Oh my, was that a little too rough? I am sorry, but it seems like I transformed you into a puppy instead of a fully grown dog…”
A puppy? As in, a baby dog? You gasp lightly in surprise. Someone give you a mirror. You must be absolutely adorable, no question asked. You wiggle a little bit in his hold, trying to make him understand that you want to go down and they lay you on the table. They then take a step back.
“I also got you a special power, Skippy! Check this out.” They snap their fingers, and you are suddenly standing a little further on the table, confused at how you got there. Were you pushed there? It was so fast that it almost looks like…
“Teleportation!” Cried Blurred, smiling. “Since last time you had wings didn’t go so well, I thought you would appreciate something else. You can only do on short distances for now but if you train I am sure you can go further.”
For a second, you are stunned by the new perspective. Changing shape? All right you guess. Healing magic? Awesome. But teleportation? Mind blowing. You have all kind of questions to ask him, but you can only bark, cute yelps that makes Blurred laugh.
“Oh, no need to thank me. You are the adorable one here. Now, let’s eat!” They sat and started to feed. Your ears perk up in interest and you waddle towards your own plate. Maybe being a pet isn’t that bad after all, you think as you chew on first choice meat. Maybe you could get used to this.
Written by Clayem on 08 April 2016
The Hunter
It’s been a few days since you had been taken in by Blurred and life is as good as it gets. It seems that, as you had suspected, they are a magician and a powerful one as it is, getting numerous clients orders and jobs.
After having three different persons you had never seen before in your life (one of which had scales on his body and looked like a human lizard) bend over saying aww and petting you, you have walked to the bathroom and had found out that, yes, indeed, you were a bit too fluffy and wide-eyed for even an average puppy. You had never imagined that the power of cuteness was so great, but you glad it had been placed within your tiny paws.
The day where you meet Arch for the first time is a day like the few that had come before. You eat breakfast with Blurred, who ends up rushing out because they are late for their first client and you have to be a little careful because the plated tend to clean themselves without really considering who is in the way. You got smacked the first time and you don’t want to repeat that experience.
When you come out of the kitchen, you hear some voices down below in the workshop and guess that there is someone with your master. It’s not very important. You hop and zap down the stairs at the same time. Your short legs make it a bit hard for you to walk as fast as you used to but you can compensate with teleportation. You got better at it after a little practice, and you are not sure but it seems like you can go slightly further as days pass and you keep this form.
You pause when you arrive in the entrance. There is someone there, someone who is stranding alone in a dark red coat and with a hood over their head, looking out the window. He turns to you when you enter and eyes you suspiciously.
He has a rugged appearance and a scar on his right cheek. His skin is dark, almost black, but his features seem to be western, giving an almost alien effect to him. His eyes are dark too, black to the point where he give the impression of only having some white and a pupil. He strands high above you, not as high as Blurred but still pretty much, and carries what appears to be a long staff on his back that pokes out over his shoulder.
He takes a step towards you and you feel that you aren’t that courageous. You back up and whine a little. You are by no means a coward, but there is an aura around him that is menacing enough to make you flinch, not to mention that he is way bigger and stronger then you. In addition to that, you have the impression that you have already seem him before… even if you can’t place where it was.
Seeing your reaction, he kneels and takes out his hood. Long, sharp ears poke out and you conclude that it must be the first elf you see in your life. His hair is tied back in a short braid that flashes briefly when he turns his head to the side, looking in the direction of Blurred’s workshop.
His eyes are as unreadable as dark pools when he looks back at you. A gloved hand emerges from his large coat and presents itself to you, offering you to get familiar with his scent. You hop closer and take your chances. As expected, you don’t find anything of much interest. Leather, earth, wood and a metallic taste you hope isn’t blood tickle your truffle. Well, at least he doesn’t want to hurt you, if he gives you his hand… Even it is covered.
You look up in his eyes once more and you take a step back. Yup, still not trusting him.
Written by Clayem on 09 April 2016
The Warning
He seems annoyed by your reaction. “Come here mutt,” he mumbles, reaching out and grabbing you behind the jaws to pull you towards him. You yelp in fear and pain, before teleporting out of his hold. All right, you had enough of this: you start galloping towards the source of Blurred’s voice.
The door of his workshop is closed, but you only have to zap though and you are standing in the place where they perform their magic. It is a tall room with round windows and so many plant samples that it gives you the impression that dried out trees are growing along the walls. In the far end are the cabinets where they keep their jars with all kind of magic ingredients. The cupboards are mostly closed and you are glad for that: some things in there are obviously diverse body parts form various animals and you would like to keep your breakfast thank you.
Blurred himself is talking with one of his clients who appears to be a butterfly the size of a foal that talks using antenna sign language, something the magician seems to be fluent it. The latter looks at you as you waddle up to them and a worried expression appears on their face.
“Skippy? What is the matter?” They ask, kneeling to get at your level. You yap a little to show that it is a serious business and you take refuge behind your master. If the way their client’s wings flutter is of any indication, they are quite annoyed to be interrupted.
There is a knock on the door and the elf enters without waiting for a reply. Upon seeing that the room is the magician’s workshop, he pauses in the doorway a moment, his dark eyes scanning the room with a frown, before they land on you.
Blurred takes a step in front of you and the newcomer disappear from your vision. You inch towards the edge of your master’s robe and you peep over the other side. “What is it? Arch? What are you doing here?”
“Hello, Blurred…” he replied. “I need to check on the little one I left you. Where is it?”
The magician glanced over his shoulder to you, then to the giant butterfly. “Not now. Wait outside.”
“Wait outside? You are awfully high-nosed, magician. And I can’t help but notice it is since you got what you wanted from me.” The dark eyes of the elf narrow dangerously and he takes a step forward, his hand reaching up to the stick over his shoulder.
“No need to get angry. We can talk later. Now, I have a client…” Blurred take a step forward. You can’t see their face, but you know, from the sound of their voice, that they are getting dangerously annoyed at the elf.
“Blast your client, there is trouble coming down the road for both of us, and it is coming now. Where is the human?”
Oh, so the whole deal is about you, isn’t it? You hide once more behind your master and see the butterfly flutter away and out one of the open windows. You don’t blame it. The tension in the room is pretty intense and difficult to handle. You too, you wish you were elsewhere – but you are currently trapped behind Blurred’s ample robes.
There is a little moment of silence, as both humanoids seem to be in a deep consideration of their situation. It is the magician that speaks up first. “What do they know?”
“They noticed that there was a human traveling to our world. You know yourself how dangerous they consider the ones that had been banished, even after all this time. They will try everything to send it back and, if they can’t… you know they will try to kill it. And I am not even getting started if they notice anything wrong with
you… They tracked me down, and they know I had a close contact with you recently and you are the only one that would be able to spend enough money to get such a pet. And the only one that is insane enough too.”
“And how much time do we have?” Asked Blurred. There is an edge in his voice and you guess that even the eccentric magician does not appreciate being called crazy.
“I don’t know. Not much.”
You listen intensely to the conversation, since it is obviously about you, but you don’t get much of it. There are too many unknown variables for you to get everything that is implied by the two of them. You are a small, innocent puppy! How could these serious matters be within the reach of your tiny paws?
You don’t really know if you should be excited about the adventure or scared of the eventual consequences. Getting sent back seems like a good thing, getting killed doesn’t. Is it even about your safety here? You sound more like a huge threat rather then the most adorable thing in a ten miles’ radius. But you’re just a normal (albeit temporarily changed into a dog) human!
Blurred suddenly turns around and picks you up to hold you close. “What should we do?”
“That’s the human?” The elf came closer, his face, for the first time since you met him, expressing surprise. “You changed it into that? But I thought…”
“Yes, it sorts of… happened. And then I didn’t have the courage to change them back.”
Arch shook his head. “All this effort, and you are not even using it as you intended. You’re a dork, Blurred, you know that?”
“I know, but I don’t think that you have anything to say about that since I paid you. Mind your own business.”
You start to have enough of all these allusions to things you don’t know about. Just what in the world is going on? You try to wiggle out of your master’s hold, but he doesn’t let you go the least.
Written by Clayem on 10 April 2016
Suddenly Arch whips around and glares at the door. “Dammit. They are here.”
A second after, there is a loud crash outside the room, making Blurred and you jump. They don’t look really
reassured by the last turn of events. You whine a little in fear.
“Attention!” Cries a female voice. “Surrender immediately!”
“She followed me here!” Grumbles Arch. He grabs his staff and brandish it in the direction of the door while
taking a few steps back to shield himself behind a table. “Basted little mutt… always sniffing out more then she
should.” The end of his weapon glows a dark red.
The magician doesn’t look as assured as their companion. Their best option is to look around frantically, searching
for a weapon they can’t find in the workshop. They suddenly turn around, walk to a cabinet and puts yon inside
on one of the shelves. They are about to close it on you when suddenly something yanks them out the way. You
see a blur; you hear a cry of surprise; you yelp and back up.
Through the open door, you spot an intruder in the room. Tall, she his covered in black fur and what seems to be
a blue police uniform. A round muzzle and hanging ears give her specie away: it is an anthro Labrador. She is
brandishing a bow in Arch’s direction with an arrow on it. Blurred is currently struggling with a large dog, a bull
terrier or so it seems.
There must be something you can do!
Written by Clayem on 11 April 2016
Little Life Saver
You are not sure it is a good idea, but before you know it you have zapped down the cabinet and you are charging
the intruder. Dogs are the descendant of wolves after all and they are fierce predators, hunting in the dread of night
and bringing fear in all the creatures that it charges…
Except that you look more like a walking bread loaf then anything menacing. Oh well, you can’t have everything
at the same time in life, can’t you? Especially in the domain of looks.
The dog woman narrows her eyes down at you as you run to her yapping. She even represses a smile at how
ridiculously cute you look…
Until you teleport on her face.
She yelps in surprise and backs up as you try to lock yourself on her jaws and not fall down. You hear the sizzle
of an arrow when she lets it fly by accident. She is suddenly slammed back and you fall, and by miracle you have
the reflex to teleport yourself to the ground and you are intact. Arch suddenly steps over you, his staff raised and
the light at the end crackling furiously. She gets crushed against the wall as she reaches for her throat and gasp for
air, and yet nothing is holding her.
“Call it back!” Growls Arch.
She barks briefly and you hear a response. You turn around and see that the dog that was attacking Blurred has
backed up and his growling in your direction. How rude!
Written by Clayem on 12 April 2016
A Bigger Caliber
You are still under the rush of adrenaline and you growl back as fiercely as you can.
Bad idea. Do not try the patience of a fighting dog, especially if their master is in danger. It rushed to you, barking and baring its large teeth…
“Skippy!” You hear Blurred call as you see your death charging you.
You suddenly feel yourself change. You become larger, longer, your fur suddenly falls off and bright red scales appear on your skin. Small wings sprout from your shoulder blades, your legs become larger and solider as your canines, and a long tail whips behind you.
There was a little strangled cry and you look over your shoulder, to see the poor police woman still being crushed against the wall. She seems in pain and her mouth opens and closes as an invisible force keeps squashing her throat
and holding up way above the earth. Arch’s expression seems neutral at first glance, but you can see a satisfied glint in his eyes. Sadistic trash.
There is a ruffling of clothes and Blurred suddenly stands next to you. “That is quite enough, Arch!” They wave their hand and the Labrador is freed, falling down to the ground and taking in a staggering breath. Her dog comes to her with a small whine, sniffing her carefully. His backside is raw from the flames that have recently danced on it.
No, you don’t really feel sorry. Giving in to the same instinct that made you attack the woman in the first place, you take a step forward and feel a growl erupt in her direction.
With a ruffle of clothes, the magician kneels next to you and hush you by passing an arm in front of your powerful torso. “Don’t worry, Skippy. She can’t hurt us no more, she got the message. Or so I hope for her…” Their voice dipped and twisted into something menacing as they gave her the dark eye. She yipped lightly and curled. She had lost a lot of the intimidating aura she had first possessed.
Arch took a step forward and pressed his staff to her throat. “Is there any others that know about this, mutt?”
“No,” she gasped. She batted the stick away and looked down to the ground, as in shame. “There is no one.”
Arch let out an amused huff and smirked. “You thought that a little puppy like you could finish off a magician and an experienced fighter? Well damn, that’s what I call confident. Or rather, over-confident. Surely this will be the last time you mess with me. Time to meet your end.
The elf’s mouth stretched into a cruel smile as his staff lit up once more. You spot a look of utter terror in the eyes of the Labrador when Blurred simply gets up and looks away, abandoning her to her fate.
Written by Clayem on 13 April 2016
The Rescue
Your decision comes to you in a split second. You jump in front of her, shielding her with your body, and look at Arch straight in the eyes. You can’t talk, not more then when you were a puppy, but the message is clear enough: you will not permit this. You will not permit this at all!
The elf’s dark eyes widen in surprise at your gesture, but his teeth become bare in an almost animal snarl. “Get out of the way. Or do you want me to strangle you too? I swear that you will be the first one of the three of y–”
“Enough, Arch!” Apparently your noble decision made Blurred change their mind and they are currently glaring daggers at him. “We can’t just kill her like that! Don’t you have any heart?”
The elf looks at the magician, at you then at the woman behind her. You can feel that she is holding her breath in eager expectation as her fate is decided. You see in the hunter’s eyes the moment where he lets go of the idea of killing her, right before he harshly turns away. “Fine. You deal with them then. But I don’t want a single word of this affair to leak out of this room or I’ll take care of everything myself – that includes you, Blurred.”
He walks to a random table, pushes a few of the scrolls that was resting on it aside and sit on it with a small hop. He even crosses his arm to show how much he doesn’t approve of the situation but he isn’t about to intervene.
Once the hot-blooded elf is out of the way, you turn to the one that was so intent of getting your master’s skin. She looks at you with big eyes, clearly impressed by the fast that you, of all people – or rather, of all dragon-dogs –stood up for her and saved her. Her companion is laying next to her, his injured side up so he doesn’t have to press on the tender flesh. You are pretty sure that a simple animal would have trouble understanding the situation and yet you find gratefulness in his eyes.
“Well,” awkwardly starts Blurred. “What shall we do with you…” They take a step forward and keels, their robes ruffling around them. She flinches back at the sudden closeness, but they keep staring at her as if trying to find something on her face. He suddenly smiles slowly. “I think I know.”
“Please!” she suddenly cries out. “I promise I won’t talk! Don’t… Don’t do anything to me!”
Blurred shook their head slowly, their midnight hair swooshing as it moved. “It will only hurt a moment.” They snap their fingers, and she tenses. In front of your astonished eyes, she starts shrinking, and if the way she cries lets anything on, it is rather painful. You almost step back in horror as she kept getting smaller and smaller and your sensitive ears catch the noise of her bones rubbing together and her flesh shifting with a wet suction sound, but you seem rooted to the spot.
When a small red squirrel sits in the spot of the police woman, you feel your breath coming out slowly and you close your eyes. That was a stressful situation, even for you. The bull terrier sniffs her curiously and she squeals a little, before climbing on his head and resting between his ears.
“Couldn’t you have just erased her memories or something like that?” Complains Arch from his spot.
“I don’t do memory spells; I am not very gifted in them. I would risk her making her amnesiac and that would definitely be suspicious. Besides, I always know where are the people I enchanted and I can keep an eyes on them… unless they recover their original form.” You note the information. So, changing the appearance is actually a way of controlling someone? You aren’t exactly showered with clear hints about what is happening and even if this information doesn’t seem very important in this version of the story, you never know when you would need
“As you wish. But she is not coming out of here.”
“She can’t,” assured Blurred. He got up and dusted his robes.
“And her dog?”
Blurred snapped his fingers. Suddenly, the dog’s wound closed and his fur grew again. The canine looked at himself, surprise clear in his eyes, before looking up that the magician as if asking why in the world Blurred would help him. The reason, thought, was clear. “He can, but now I will know about it and will be pretty hot on his trail. He better behave if he wants to make it out alive.”
Arch seemed satisfied by that reply, nodded, and got to his feet. “Well, I will be leaving then. That will teach me to never ignore the law so openly.”
You look at both of them with eyes full of questions, but they don’t reply.
Written by Clayem on 14 April 2016
At Bath Time
A few days pass by. At first, the newly transformed squirrel is pretty annoying and her dog is even worse, especially towards Blurred. They soon learn that disturbing a magician during their sleep or tipping their plate over calls for punishment, and not pleasant ones. The squirrel – that Blurred nicknamed Rascal – once got magically suspended by the tail for half an hour to float above the kitchen table. The dog if forced to spins around in circles until it can’t walk straight. After an attempt at escaping, the magician pushed his punishment to such length that the poor canine simply vomited his lunch. You felt dashes of pity for them as you watch them go though all this, but they weren’t behaving better towards you and they only got a correction when your master caught them messing with you.
They calmed down after a while and peace returned. The only difference is that it now seems that you had lost your teleportation power but since you are much larger and you walk faster that you don’t really need it. You new body is a powerful one, built like a bull, and you enjoy the strength, thought you still want to know why you were trapped here. Blurred doesn’t seem like he is in the mood to answer anything and would keep acting as if you are a normal dragon-dog.
One day that you were searching for him through the house, you notice that there was some steam coming out from under the bathroom door. You hesitate a moment before pushing it open – you discovered that since you knew how door worked it was easier then you would have expected to manage the handles, even with your paws – but in the end, curiosity gets the better of you. Since he treats you as any other pet you don’t think he will mind if you see them naked. Time to see if they are a boy or a girl.
At first, you actually don’t actually see much happening: there is just a lot of steam pouring directly into your eyes when you enter. You blink a few times, getting used to the overload of suspended moisture, before spotting a large shape in the even larger bathtub. You feel your scales prickle as they raise slightly and for a second you believe that you have taken a wrong turn and entered the wrong bathtub, which is currently used by one of the magician’s most voluminous guests.
You are wrong.
The shape turns to you and purple eyes narrow. “Skippy?” Call the voice of the magician, except that it isn’t their voice. It is way deeper and scarier… but somehow almost sound the same. You froze in your step, despite the common sense that is telling you that you should leave as fast as possible. Could it be that…
“Don’t be scared, Skippy. It’s me. Close that door, you are letting the cold air in.”
You obey, pushing it with your back leg. You feel reassured that it’s the magician you know and not some huge random stranger, because dragon-dog or not, that would have been awkward. You don’t get closer thought and you try to distinguish what creature they are in truth. You are not sure, but are these… wings?
“Come a bit closer. You were searching for a little petting?”
That wasn’t what you wanted, but you can’t remember what it was. Well, petting sounds nice. You approachthem… or him, since his voice is clearly falling on the rugged masculine side. You are still a bit reluctant, especially when you start to distinguish his features.
He is a dragon, that is for sure. His snout is sort of short but definitely looks like it could munch some iron. His scales are a dark shade of violet, so dark in a certain light you would have sworn they were black. His ears are short and sort of roundish but his horns are massive and curl in the same fashion as a ram. Despite the fact that you smell that he has brushed his teeth recently his breath smells like burned flesh and you feel your nose wrinkle as the foul odor makes your stomach protest. He is large, much larger then in his human form but somehow his body structure makes him look strange, as if he was a mixture between a human and a dragon.
He must have seen the concern and the fear in your eyes, for he sights and raises a massive hand to scratch the top of his skull with a sight. “There is really no need to be afraid. I am not going to hurt you.” His fingers leave his head and find the flesh under your jaw. A little scratch, and you are practically purring in delight. “You saved us back then.”
You blink your eyes in confusion, before realizing that he is talking about the confrontation with the creature now known as Rascal.
“I owe you one, Skippy. Why don’t you sit down? It’s story time.”
You lay on your belly and place your head on your paws. He nods in approval and turns around, resting his back against the side of the tub – that rather looks like a small pool or a large Jacuzzi, as expected for something able to hold him entirely. A sight escapes his lips and he looks up at the ceiling. “Well, it’s a long one. I hope you are comfortable.”
“Once upon a time, there was that rather random guy that fell though the dimensions by accident, only to amuse the caprice of a God. Or rather, that’s what what I assumed, I never understood what had happened and that isn’t really important today. I was very lost for a while… Until I understood that I wasn’t welcome in that place, that Iwas dangerous for what I was. I tell you, it was rather a shock to find out.”
“Anyway, I was pretty lucky, if I can say so. I survived the hostility, and I even managed to trick a magician in making him believe that I wasn’t a human from an other world, but a dragon, and became his apprentice. I was quite good at transforming, and I understood why our type of humans were so feared: it was because we could take, with just a spark of magic, any shape they like without suffering any pain if the spell is used correctly. We had created such fear among the other races and we had possessed such power that we were banished a long time ago, in a world that contained no magic. Can you imagine that, Skippy?”
“I grew older and more experienced, and even opened a magic business of my own… but I felt lonely. I was surrounded by people but none of them came from our world and i felt that no one truly understood me. So… I asked a hunter to go to the human world and to bring me a pet, someone to remedy to my loneliness, despite the fact that it was forbidden by the law. But then again, I never was quite the type to follow the rules.”
You understand a little better what was the deal with Arch and the police woman now. The elf was probably the one that brought you here – and maybe the one that erased your name from your memory.
“I originally didn’t want to use you like this…” He mumbles as he glances over his shoulder at you, and you tilt your head at that remark. You let it be thought. It isn’t as you can ask what he is talking about anyway. “Anyway,” he continues as if he had said nothing, “things changed a little since you threw yourself in the face of danger to save us. It’s isn’t like we couldn’t have handled the whole situation ourselves, but that’s not important. You sort of put your life on the line for us back there. That is why…”
He pauses and looks over his shoulder at you and this time his gaze lingers. You see the wheels turn behind his purple eyes and you wait patiently. Your instinct tells you it’s something big coming your way.
He suddenly raises his hand, flickers his fingers and you feel something unlock in your throat. Surprise, you dart your head up and the magician smiles.
“You can talk now. I have a questions. Would you rather stay here with me, or go on your own? I believe that it isn’t right to keep you here with me against your will… so the choice is yours.”
Written by Clayem on 15 April 2016
An End
“I want to stay here. I don’t mind,” you immediately respond. You like this life; you prefer it to your old one. Blurred can provide everything you want visually forever and you feel comfortable around his house. What is there more in life then material comfort? You still remember your family, but hey, they are not that important now that your think of it, aren’t they? They have already started to fade away… and maybe the magician needs you more. You had felt your heart tighten when he had said the part of his story where he was lonely.
Blurred’s face lit up and the very last bit of regret is promptly crushed. Live in the moment, used to say your mother, and right now you made your master very happy. Your large tail wags, loudly slapping the tiles of the bathroom and a smile comes to your lips.
“I… Oh, Skippy, you don’t know how glad I am to hear that! I swear that I will never hurt you or anything of the sort… I knew that you would understand me!” He turns around and rubs your head and you lean in the touch. Your master. Your home.
You live happily there for five full years. Never has Blurred taken your capacity to talk from you again and he even changes your appearance when you ask him to do so. With him, you experience many shapes, and even if you seldom travel, you are never bored.
The squirrel and the dog keep living with you too until the squirrel goes out in the garden one day and doesn’t come back. Blurred is the one that brings her home as little dead body that got attacked by an unknown creature. He seems a little sad, even if, you know it, he isn’t the most stable person emotionally-wise. You bury her in the garden and raise a rock as a little tombstone.
The dog leaves shortly after, walking out the door and never turning around. Blurred, to your surprise, lets him do, and when you ask him why he responds that the canine wanted to kill himself out of grief and threw himself from a cliff into the sea. Their story is tragic and you wish you could have help them in some way… but you decide to move on and keep living like before.
One day that you have taken the form of a rabbit and that you are hopping around in the garden, you suddenly come face to face with a snake. You freeze, but the small predator is startled and, in a red flash, bites you. You jolt back in pain and surprise, but it is too late. The poison is in you.
You try to run back to the house, but your vision become hazy and your limbs to weak to move halfway through. You can feel your heart slowing down in your chest; it is the most disturbing sensation. You don’t want to die! You don’t want…
You see Blurred appear at the door and he runs to you, his long robs floating in the wind and his purple eyes wide. He kneels next to you and cradles you in his arms. You notice tears pool in his eyes as you get closer to his face. His voice is filled with tears as he speaks.
“Don’t worry… Don’t worry. Don’t be scared. Death is just an other transformation.”
Everything fades.
Written by Clayem on 16 April 2016