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Little Life Saver emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You are not sure it is a good idea, but before you know it you have zapped down the cabinet and you are charging
the intruder. Dogs are the descendant of wolves after all and they are fierce predators, hunting in the dread of night
and bringing fear in all the creatures that it charges…


Except that you look more like a walking bread loaf then anything menacing. Oh well, you can’t have everything
at the same time in life, can’t you? Especially in the domain of looks.


The dog woman narrows her eyes down at you as you run to her yapping. She even represses a smile at how
ridiculously cute you look…


Until you teleport on her face.


She yelps in surprise and backs up as you try to lock yourself on her jaws and not fall down. You hear the sizzle
of an arrow when she lets it fly by accident. She is suddenly slammed back and you fall, and by miracle you have
the reflex to teleport yourself to the ground and you are intact. Arch suddenly steps over you, his staff raised and
the light at the end crackling furiously. She gets crushed against the wall as she reaches for her throat and gasp for
air, and yet nothing is holding her.


“Call it back!” Growls Arch.


She barks briefly and you hear a response. You turn around and see that the dog that was attacking Blurred has
backed up and his growling in your direction. How rude!

Written by Clayem on 12 April 2016

Both Growl back

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