Suddenly Arch whips around and glares at the door. “Dammit. They are here.”
A second after, there is a loud crash outside the room, making Blurred and you jump. They don’t look really
reassured by the last turn of events. You whine a little in fear.
“Attention!” Cries a female voice. “Surrender immediately!”
“She followed me here!” Grumbles Arch. He grabs his staff and brandish it in the direction of the door while
taking a few steps back to shield himself behind a table. “Basted little mutt… always sniffing out more then she
should.” The end of his weapon glows a dark red.
The magician doesn’t look as assured as their companion. Their best option is to look around frantically, searching
for a weapon they can’t find in the workshop. They suddenly turn around, walk to a cabinet and puts yon inside
on one of the shelves. They are about to close it on you when suddenly something yanks them out the way. You
see a blur; you hear a cry of surprise; you yelp and back up.
Through the open door, you spot an intruder in the room. Tall, she his covered in black fur and what seems to be
a blue police uniform. A round muzzle and hanging ears give her specie away: it is an anthro Labrador. She is
brandishing a bow in Arch’s direction with an arrow on it. Blurred is currently struggling with a large dog, a bull
terrier or so it seems.
There must be something you can do!
Written by Clayem on 11 April 2016