Cold And Rejected
You try your best. You even promise that you will work a little tomorrow to repay for your stay, but
she stays firm and you find yourself alone outside in the cold once more. Angry, you kick a rock
that tumbles a little further on the path. All this because of the fact that you look like a dragon! Isn’t
that racist?
You continue on the lonely road. There are other houses around, but you after such a total fail from
the first try you don’t have the courage to test your luck a second time.
Eventually, you decide that you will be fine under a shelter of some sort in case it rains tonight,
laying on the ground. You read once a story where the main character protected himself from the
cold under a bunch of dead leaves. So you leave towards the forest that you can sort of make out in
the darkness. You never gave it a thought before, but you regret the public lighting from your world:
even with your dragon eyes, it is hard to make out what is happening in the night. In addition to that,
the cold seems to be getting to you. Somehow, your moves are slower and you feel drowsy: it looks
like you are as cold-blooded as any other reptiles after all.
As you advance, you suddenly notice a fire burning in a field. You can make out shapes sitting
around it.
Written by Clayem on 28 March 2016