The genie’s portal transports you into a dark room. You land on your hands and knees and find that there’s a layer of water on the floor that’s just deep enough to cover up to your bent elbows. You quickly stand up and look around the room. The only source of light dangles right above you, a glowing silver orb on a chain. You reach up and your hand passes through it. You shrug and look about the room. There are small pedestals scattered about the room and on each pedestal are what appears to be costumes. Some of the pedestals are empty too. You also notice there’s no way out, so you figure you have to put on one of the costumes if you want to leave and whatever you put on is what you’re going to end up as.
With this in mind, you splash through the water filled room and glance at what each of the pedestals has to offer. Most of them are anthropomorphic creatures of some sort: various birds, whales, fish, sharks, an eel, and even a crab. Most of them appear to be female too. You are not enticed by any of them, especially since you don’t like the prospect of changing species and sex. Still, what choice do you have?
Written by skiesofsilver on 03 March 2016