Rating 3 / 5
We start of with the main character having lost her memory. Then from her reaction we get the idea that she used to be something else.
Then we get an idea about the mental changes when she attacks the handlers. One of the negative parts of the novel happens where she is raped. This also contributes to a destabilization of her mental state.
The first part plot of the story is mostly her trying to find out her what she was like before the change. The second part is finding out what the company is like.
Then she goes on her first mission and her mental state dissolves into a combination of the animal and mind. The other changed with her help bring her back, but also brings back all her memories
Finally we find out exactly what happened to bring her to the company.
Overall I enjoyed most parts of the story and wished it was longer. The main reasons for it being a 3. A Sex scene and it being rather short.
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