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Under the lake star star star star emptystar

<br/>Reviewing the spell in the book, you confirm that it forms a bubble of air around you for a couple of hours. It does not replenish the oxygen you breathe, however, so you'll need to return to the surface... every twenty minutes or so, it would seem... so that you don't suffocate rather than drown. <br/> <br/>You cast the spell and stick a paw in the water to see what appears to be a force field around it keeping the water away. Nodding, you take the plunge (literally), and swim through the water you aren't actually touching. Which is rather a neat trick, come to think of it. Why can't the spell be adapted to let you swim through the air? It's an interesting thought—which you put aside to concentrate on the task at hand: Namely, locating that magical assembly line. It can't have been under water for as long as ten years; how hard could it be to find the thing? <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 25 October 2010

Female Very Hard

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