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<br/>"So everyone else can get to me right?" you ask and when you get the confirmation "Good. I'll be at the rest of the food and they can come to me." Which is exactly what happens; you lounge on the ground, scarfing down meat as and when you feel like it, and oh yes, interviewing deformed humans. <br/> <br/>You don't get any more relevant details from the lesser affected people, however.Just more data points to confirm what you already suspected: There's something in the water these people are pumping up from their wells, and whatever it is, it's changing them into different creatures, ones that are well-adapted to aquatic existence. Could it be a natural phenomenon—okay, as natural as magic ever gets? While that's obviously possible, it also seems unlikely. On the other hand, who would go to the trouble of infecting a major aquifer with this sort of spell? What's their goal? Why are they bothering? Perhaps it could be a spell gone wrong, a mistake—but if so, what kind of magic would produce these kinds of results when it was miscast? At least you have a spell to tell you the flavour of the spell, so if you find something similar you will know if it is the same as this or from a different source. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 21 October 2010

Female Sleep in the village

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